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Response To That Final Question:
Ignorance is the Bane of Man.
At a distance removed,
Dimly remembered, and
Still not seen distinct,
But yet somehow felt;
What we do sense
Is not reality; is not the Real Thing.
This World is hologram.
Then; for lucid sleep;
For it's just a dream
Within another dream
And we are not awake.
Seven Stars' Song of Revelation
Is possible but through knowledge.
Don't fear nor spurn. Dare to learn:
Assent to and accept this world as it is
Before attempting ascent to any world
Aspired to or wished for. Life's glorious!
That That Is can be known but by few.
Not space, not time, not gravity exists;
But as Extension from Field of Thought.
Be subject to neither church nor crown.
Dread naught. Disdain none: Not One!
Absent That That Is, there's Nothing.
That That Is, IS. That That's Not, IS, too.
That That's Not makes That That Is: IS.
Be subject to neither church nor crown.
Dread naught. Disdain none: Not One!
Absent That That Is, there's Nothing.
That That Is, IS. That That's Not, IS, too.
That That's Not makes That That Is: IS.
That That Is makes That That's Not BE.
By rowing to That That Is, I become "I."
Wind + Water = Wave. As THOUGHT is
Wind + Water = Wave. As THOUGHT is
The Heart and The Nave of The Wheel.
Worlds are created from Thought alone.
That which we will do is because of that
What we are. We'll become who we are.
Charity, courtesy, civility, compassion,
Are cardinal spokes making civilization;
Chivalry forms center, hub's circle core.
IS is! Be not the slave of some other's I.
This, Creed of our Seven Stars Society;
This, The Teaching of the Seven Stars:
No man can be happy if he should choose
To be exile from his own nature and soul.
Precognitive Prescient Prophetic Poetry by WILLIAM O'CONNOR
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Memory Training and Levels of Martial Art
With regard to the question asked at the Saturday morning class in Pleasantville as to what's the highest level of martial art attainable: my answer would be any art whose techniques emphasize using an enemy's limbs as weapons against himself. This skill is an unusual ability, requiring usage of psychic energy; and it's therefore, never learn-able by someone without this energy. As well, it requires long, extensive physical training over many years. Such techniques, for instance, involve squeezing an enemy's heart at a distance, without any physical contact, to kill him. This uses mental intent, but achieving that intent requires disciplining the body. Few people in the world know these techniques, and there are no schools at all that teach them, as it's entirely a one-on-one mentoring and tutoring process of passing-on this knowledge from person to person. That's the highest level I've ever saw. It's an extremely rare skill, and it's kept secret. Unfortunately I don't know anyone who still teaches at that highest level, but I would imagine there isn't as much demand for those kind of skills today. Although what can be used to hurt could also be used to heal, just as well. So it's well worth learning if one can locate such a teacher. All higher level martial systems employ evasion as the principal means for dodging the enemy's attack, as all physical effort has to be conserved in combat since there shall usually be multiple enemies in any confrontation. Fights are seldom single contests against one opponent. Fighting is not dueling. Nor is it a mixed-martial-arts contest. Submit and you're dead. There is no quarter given and no terms in defeat. For myself, I don't teach these combat skills; neither the killing nor the healing---I will write great poetry and great stories instead. That's my sole skill. I'm one of those very lucky people---I can do something as well as anyone could ever do; so, that I shall do---I'll leave the fighting for others who are far better suited to it. I study with Ren Guang-yi as his Ren Taijiquan is important for developing implicit motor learning (while writing develops explicit factual learning---one learns because one writes, and never because one reads). Both types of memory training are necessary. That's good enough for me. There is also a third type of memory training besides implicit motor learning and explicit factual learning, and that's psychic precognitive learning. It's the ability to predict the future. For training this, some activity like playing chess is best as it conditions your ability to anticipate opponents' response. To capitulate: to train in all three kinds of memory, implicit motor, explicit factual and the psychic precognitive; practice Ren Taijiquan, write daily, play chess. All three are necessary.
Friday, November 27, 2009
The Faith of Old Europe and The State of Mind of America
All religions are inventions. Not all inventions are good---some are bad; some are stupid and bad. Stupidity ought never ever to be respected. Bad beliefs can confine the mind in chains. The three main Middle-Eastern Abrahan branch religions: Christianity, Judaism, Islam are delusional and despicable. These religions are the products of malformed minds. They're evil. They share the same common, basic, insane, schizophrenic faith system. This is fine for their adherents, but not so fine for non-adherents as these religions tend to be intrusive on the affairs of non-believers as witness the wars in the Middle East. Hatred spreads. So, if one finds these religions to be ridiculous (as one would, while still being mindful that subscribers to aberrant beliefs have developmental disorders, over which they are unable to exercise emotional control---Abrahan adherents have severe abnormal under-development in the orbital cortex hypo-frontality, anterior temporal lobe, anterior cingulate gyrus and anterior capsule of the brain---since these three particular beliefs amount to obsessive-compulsive disorders), one tends to dismiss the real harms that these religions have caused and are now currently causing, and to simply try to ignore them; so that one is not caught up in their violence. The Abrahan emphasis on sin, sacrifice, suppression and submission is totally wrong and is downright deceitful. These religions present an intentionally false picture of humanity. This is intended specifically to thwart creative thinking. Those people born with well-formed, whole, healthy brains are born innately good, compassionate and caring; even though they are oftentimes selfish. Those born with damaged brains, with anterior areas underdeveloped, the main problem found in the brains of premature infants, are far more likely to encounter serious social problems that need to be addressed by society. The problem with the false belief picture is that one lives in a world where many nations have foolishly chosen to take sides in these religions' insane conflicts, and one is considered to be a member of one side or the other if one lives in a country such as the United States, which seems to be under the mad delusion that its mission is to police the universe; a delusion that has cost countless lives in many lands. If one is sane, one simply seeks to step aside from all this religion nonsense; as, frankly, America is crazy too. America is an angry nation and has been so since its early colonial days, mainly because of religion: America is mad! One example of this madness is American policy towards the Afghanistan insurgents. From 1980 to 1989, America spent over a trillion dollars supplying Afghan Muslim fighters with ample materiel in weaponry, including Stinger missiles, small arms, RPGs, rockets, mortars and mines. Afghan Muslims had rebelled against the Soviets because the Soviet regime had abolished the dowry system for purchasing multiple brides and had instituted a formal educational system for women. These advances are deemed socially unacceptable by religious Muslims. The United States backed the Muslims against the Soviets. Now, these very same insurgents are fighting the United States, using the same weapons America's CIA had purchased for them! One of the reasons that the United States is giving for continuing its war in Afghanistan is the liberation of Afghan women. This is truly insane. More than insane; it's incredible! Life is meant to be lived, whether it be easy or hard. How it's lived is up to the discretion of each person. Life isn't meant to be lived according to dictates in some poorly written book, whether that book be Bible, Torah or Koran. Or, for that matter, this Blog! People shall believe whatever their genetic and cultural heritage inclines them to believe, and they have every right to do so (I, myself, follow The Faith of Old Europe, humanity's oldest civilization and its first world religion); however, beliefs can become a virus and infect others not of the same genetic and of the same cultural heritage. That's when they're harmful, as these seditious beliefs can act as cancers of the soul to others who possess a whole mind. The truth? The purpose of Spirit? Let your mind follow the teachings of your heart.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Myth and Dream
Myth is the well from which the dream of reality is drawn, and make no mistake, reality is a dream. Reality is the dream of existence: that things really are as they seem to be. They are not; nor could they ever be so. But myth is necessary for sentience to exist, and because we are sentient, we shall always have myths and we shall always be making up new myths. That's the fun of it all: to always be making all these new myths. That's why we keep on going...just because we can. Myths are made by ethnic-linguistic groups to preserve their groups and no myths have universal appeal to every group, but the better myths have affect on groups outside of the originating myth-making creating group and have affect across multi-cultural lines---such myths as democracy, equality and capitalism, for instance. All societies have elites, and people cannot possibly be equal to each other because of their genetic inherited differences, and no markets are ever truly free---they can't be and still remain real markets. But because these myths are so strong, societies can survive under the guise that these myths have actual validity and substance, even though they don't. And societies can even persuade some of their members to fight and to die for these myths, believe it or not: That's the great power such myths have. Although the better myths may well survive and might become immortal, the followers and adherents of myths are mortal as they tend to become martyrs for their myths. Myths sacrifice myth believers, this being especially true with regard to the religious myths, whether Eastern or Western; such as atonement, sin, redemption, reincarnation and repentance, which are all really acts of revenge against the Self. These are very damaging to the Psyche and are the direct cause of many wars and much suffering. Over a million adults take their own lives each and every year in the United States because of despondency and desperation in attempting the reconciliation of accepted myths with actual reality: America needs far better myths!
Friday, November 20, 2009
The Divided Self
In order to produce any worthwhile creative work, the aspiring creator has to divide himself or herself from the times in which he or she may live. No matter how independent one may think one is, one is still the child of society and all societies stifle creativity as they perceive it to be a threat to their continued existence. It is. So the creative person needs to fight against the conservative portion of them-self that seeks to preserve what-is in order to deliver on the creative work of what-is-yet-to-be. That takes courage.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Ren Taijiquan
To be good at anything, one has to be persistent, has to persevere and has to have patience. There is an enormous difference between being merely talented and greatly creative, and that difference is very apparent. Talent requires constant and continuous performance. Ability must used; it has to be exercised, in order for creativity to occur. So, patience is necessary. But, above all, one has to remain alive. One is not going to remain alive unless one exercises daily---that's every single day. Although it's true that daily exercise is necessary to maintain health, the fact is that the majority of exercises are actually damaging to the joints, tendons and ligaments. Aside from the Celtic Golden Eagle Set, the best form of exercise I've found is that of the Ren Taijiquan. Ren has developed two forms so far: the Compact Cannon Fist Form from "The Fountain" film and the Twenty-One "Black Jack" Form. The principal problem with all the other forms from all the other systems of Tai Chi is they are simply far too slow to convey any aerobic benefits whatsoever as they are insufficiently dynamic. Also, they are lacking in combat effectiveness. That's a serious defect, as any form of exercise has to have a martial intent and a strong aerobic component in order to be of some benefit to one's body. If you want to remain both alert and active, I highly recommend the Ren Tai Chi. It works!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Experience and Intelligence
Experience is worthless without the intelligence to interpret it. Everyone has had experiences; but very few have intelligence. It's why so many American administrations persist in performing exactly the same errors over and over. Instead of realizing that a particular methodology or approach to a problem doesn't work; and that something far different ought to be tried instead, the government's response to any failed strategy is to add money and head count and then to try the same approach again. This is the way of the U.S. military---to still spend yet more lives and yet more money: Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan...and Iran?. Stupidity is performing the same action in expectation of a different outcome...idiocy is paying for it.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Freedom and Belief
Freedom of expression is just fine provided persons who possess this freedom have something worthwhile to express, and the political, patriotic and religious belief systems are specifically designed to curtail the ability to have something, anything at all, new to express. Belief systems were made to retard expression. What can be expressed under such systems is the banal and mundane; the dulling repetition of the commonly accepted belief. Belief is not liberty, but tyranny: Belief is a tyranny forcing its adherent to reign as tyrant over his own expression.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
How We Are
To the less able, mediocrity may seem like genius. For those of us who know what real genius is, mediocrity seems more like retardation. It should be noted that for most people, their limitations arrive early. They accelerate quickly; reach a plateau, and then remain there until decrepitude sets in. It's not a fault; it's simply how they are. For us, it's very different. We start slowly and build momentum and that momentum lasts our entire lives. We get smarter and stronger as we get older. We live on a different trajectory.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Movement and Health.
Stationary, static-type exercises designed for meditation and concentration, such as one sees in Yoga and Zen, are extremely harmful for the body and for the mind. These disciplines are dumb. Such exercises were developed in overcrowded sedentary environments that restricted movement, and it is precisely movement that is so very necessary for spiritual development as well as for one's psychological health. Anything that's static is bad. Move.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Beliefs, Behaviors and Genomes
People really are very different and new sub-species of humanity are already in the process of evolving. What's beneficial for some is harmful for others. Every physician knows this, and that's why prescriptions for different medications work well for some ethnic groups and have no affect upon others. Beliefs are similar to drugs as they affect different individuals differently. For instance, the patristic Abraham belief of the Middle East, which is centered around the Akedah sacrifice as evidence of one's submission to divine will, the prof-erring dedication of the first-born male by its father, would certainly be and clearly is absolutely abhorrent to someone from and of a basically matristic culture of reverence for "The She," such as is in the Druid belief of Old Europe. Why is this? The explanation is genomic. Just as musical taste has a very strong genetic component, so does adherence to a particular faith and abhorrence of another. The Middle Eastern systems of belief were invented by individuals, all of them males from a common pool of Y-chromosome bialelic haplotypes (DNA proof for common male descent); while all the Old Europe Atlantic belief systems were founded by females. It makes a huge difference as to which faith system and ethical practice is more congenial and having a greater salient benefit to oneself, depending upon whose descendant one might be. Genomes influence beliefs and beliefs influence cultures. Cultures influence behaviors and behaviors cause individual actions.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Intellect and Creativity
One of the problems that all creative people face is the absence of intellect on the part of teachers and professors. Creativity works by association. The creative person relates facts and experiences and forms syntheses in the manner of higher-order matrical reationships from accumulated facts and experiences. These matrices are beyond the capacity of teachers and professors, as they lack understanding as to how creative people arrive at invention. They are used to sequential processing of information, one fact leading to another along a linear progression, and no creative person ever thinks in any linear fashion; as it's far too slow and stupid. Creative people relate in order to create, and the further afield the relation is, the easier it is to create. We think differently: We learn in-spite-of school, not because of it. The best way for a creative person to learn is by having as his tutors other creative people, so that a mentoring process can happen and begin.
Fact and Fiction
Nothing can be accepted as fact unless it's tested and validated, but who the tester is determines the accuracy of the validation. What is taught as science is mostly mainly opinion unless it's been validated and it usually isn't...it's still in some state awaiting validation. Scientists are just as prone to opinion as is anyone else, although sometimes their opinions are better informed than the opinions of non-scientists, but not always. Often, they are autistic in that they fail to recognize the many obvious links and relationships between their own discipline and the impact on it of new finds in others...they are shortsighted; their imaginations poorly employed.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Fate and Destiny
There is no escaping fate. Nor is there any way to avoid destiny. What one is, one eventually becomes; no matter what society says or does. The problem is not fate nor destiny; problem is society, and the psychological and physical conflicts that come from society's attempt to prevent us from achieving our individual fate and destiny. Our fate and destiny is built into our genetic code and so it's very different for all. The best advice is simply to train so as to adroitly avoid any obstacles that society places in our way for achieving destiny; for if it's not achieved, you've wasted your life. Live your life; not the life others would want you to live: they don't have your dreams and desires. They have their own and ought to be pursuing theirs; not finding fault with yours.
Monday, November 2, 2009
The Future of Markets
Questions arose as to what the future will be in regard to who it shall be who has the power? Well, we know the answer already and it has been the same for many thousands of years: those who have the ability to control buying and selling have the power. Those who control markets have power. Those who don't have none. What has changed in those thousands of years are the nature of what is bought and sold, from commodities to services. What will be sold in the future? That answer is obvious also: promises of physical immortality. Those persons and firms who shall have control of the markets for the buying and the selling of the promises of physical immortality shall have great power in the future. Non-mortality is the prime future market.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Exercise Routines and Mental Function
Having been dead many times myself, death is not the problem as it's simply nothingness. The problem was never death itself but decrepitude, dependency and degeneration of the senses. That's something to fear and avoid. Whatever measures that can be taken to avoid degeneration ought to be taken. That's why one has to exercise daily. The choice of exercise is all important as some are harmful and some are helpful. The best exercises stimulate psychic abilities (if one has them). The better exercises stimulate brain function into neuro-genesis, into making new neurons and the dendrite axial connections between neurons. There is a lot of research available on the internet comparing the mental benefits of various types of exercise anyone can google and seek out for themself. If the exercise is not enjoyable for the participant, it won't be continued no matter how beneficial it might be. Some exercises are so esoteric and restricted, they can't be practiced unless one has access to an instructor in the community in which one lives. Some exercises are just plain bad, so they ought not to be practiced at all; for instance, any exercise that goes against one's nature. Some are simply plainly stupid and would actually damage mental function...professional football players and boxers suffer very high rates of Alzheimer and Parkinson disease. Research, choose, decide; then daily practice what works best for you, as what works well for another won't work the same way for you. Any exercise routine ought to show immediate benefits that are discernible and measurable in a short period of time. If real mental and physical benefits are not shown readily available, choose another exercise. It shouldn't take more than a month after beginning an exercise, any exercise, for benefit to become apparent.
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