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Response To That Final Question:
Ignorance is the Bane of Man.
At a distance removed,
Dimly remembered, and
Still not seen distinct,
But yet somehow felt;
What we do sense
Is not reality; is not the Real Thing.
This World is hologram.
Then; for lucid sleep;
For it's just a dream
Within another dream
And we are not awake.
Seven Stars' Song of Revelation
Is possible but through knowledge.
Don't fear nor spurn. Dare to learn:
Assent to and accept this world as it is
Before attempting ascent to any world
Aspired to or wished for. Life's glorious!
That That Is can be known but by few.
Not space, not time, not gravity exists;
But as Extension from Field of Thought.
Be subject to neither church nor crown.
Dread naught. Disdain none: Not One!
Absent That That Is, there's Nothing.
That That Is, IS. That That's Not, IS, too.
That That's Not makes That That Is: IS.
Be subject to neither church nor crown.
Dread naught. Disdain none: Not One!
Absent That That Is, there's Nothing.
That That Is, IS. That That's Not, IS, too.
That That's Not makes That That Is: IS.
That That Is makes That That's Not BE.
By rowing to That That Is, I become "I."
Wind + Water = Wave. As THOUGHT is
Wind + Water = Wave. As THOUGHT is
The Heart and The Nave of The Wheel.
Worlds are created from Thought alone.
That which we will do is because of that
What we are. We'll become who we are.
Charity, courtesy, civility, compassion,
Are cardinal spokes making civilization;
Chivalry forms center, hub's circle core.
IS is! Be not the slave of some other's I.
This, Creed of our Seven Stars Society;
This, The Teaching of the Seven Stars:
No man can be happy if he should choose
To be exile from his own nature and soul.
Precognitive Prescient Prophetic Poetry by WILLIAM O'CONNOR
Monday, July 27, 2009
Back to Work
Writing is an obligation, an honor, a duty and a calling...it's what I do. Looks like I'll have to start work on a fantasy-future-fiction series of novels. I just had a dream concerning the future (it's more of a vision really) that's pre-cognitive, and it would definitely be a far better future if it could be made to come about. So, how best to describe it? Well, the world will be entering into a new Neo-Romantic Age. I think writing a series of novels set in the future might best give birth to this better future that I've screed; rather than to simply make hundreds of predictions, which would be much easier to do. There are even some computer programs that predict the future; though, admittedly, not very well. So you can judge for yourself, if you wish, as to the accuracy and relevance of all or any of my predictions. Hopefully, if I write it well, the future fantasy series should be very entertaining. This entertainment aspect is important to my mission to effect real change; after all I'm a Druid. If it's not fun to read, who would read it then? Anything else you wish me to write about, my e-mail is at: oconnor.rothcroi.william@gmail.com What could be said and where can it be said? One should expect some real consequences from what one says, or there's no point in saying it after all. Everyone has the right to say anything, but none have a right to be heard; so what one says must entertain. But in order to entertain, it has to be said within some medium for entertainment. In my case, in a series of neo-noir fantasy novels that are set in the far future. The first book is set in the America of 2036. The title of the fantasy series is: In Dreams They Are Remembered. Because the series is fun, or it should be, and not work; I'll be writing as many works for the series as can be published on the Amazon KINDLE. Each work will cost one dollar. This I think is a fair price. Enjoy life! Do well to Be well.
Prediction No. 14
As we've stated before, some individual states, starting with the non-contiguous ones; shall be petitioning Congress for secession from the US. But what we didn't state clearly is why this shall happen. It's easy to predict the future when you do have visions. It's less easy to state why the future shall happen as it will. That's a separate ability. Anyone after all can make a prediction. Well, obviously, a state wishes secession because it's necessary for its survival as a state. States want to survive. What single event shall be the cause for such secession then? Well what would trigger the need, and it would have to be a necessity, for petitioning for secession? Health care costs! This is ironic, since normally a state thrives when its populace is healthy. When the US Congress passes its health care bill, America's Affordable Health Choices Act, as it shall do; its costs to the combined states shall exceed an additional quarter-trillion annually. The reason is: enormous expansion of medicaid (the bill mandates that any American not enrolled in another health care plan because he or she cannot afford the cost of premiums shall automatically be eligible for enrollment under Medicaid) to cover all the uninsured indigent and those who are nearly-indigent, whose numbers were greatly increased by the current credit crisis to more than forty million Americans, the same number currently receiving food-stamp assistance (many of whom suffer from chronic obesity-related diseases---again ironic, as they are receiving food-stamps). One-third of all Americans are obese, and amongst them are these uninsured indigent, and two hundred and fifty billion is spent each year on their obesity related chronic conditions. The Federal Government, mainly because of large increases in its military spending to cover its foreign wars, is broke. The USA runs trillion dollar deficits every fiscal year and can't pay for any additional costs for its medicaid programs; so it shall be passing the costs to the individual states, which will bankrupt the states. Of course, the solution is obvious---impose an excise tax of ten percent on all compensation in excess of $250,000. Since three-quarter trillion is already being spent on all health care in United States, each and every year, mainly paid by individuals and by businesses; these additional medicaid costs, to be borne by the states, is far too much to impose on the states' taxpayers (who because they are not indigent---they're taxpayers---won't benefit from expanded medicaid). They'll simply refuse to pay additional taxes. Although a rejection of additional taxation for the benefit of others shall be the nominal reason for taxpayers refusal to pay, the actual reasons for rejection will be religious, will be ethnic and cultural: many medicaid beneficiaries are of Hispanic (a quarter of Latinos in the USA are not insured now and as restrictions upon Latino emigration are lessened, the number of uninsured Latinos eligible for Medicaid enrollment increases) and/or African descent, and some practice Islam. The US Federal Government can't afford to make up for loss revenues to the states, as once the interest due to be paid on the USA's national debt equals or exceeds ten percent of any nation's GDP, interest on government debt becomes very difficult, almost impossible, to pay out to the owners of that debt---and in the US case, it's the Chinese and the Japanese sovereign wealth funds who own the federal US government's debt. It's not Americans. So, any state, if it wishes to survive as a state, hasn't any choice but to petition for secession from the union of all the states in order to remain solvent.
Why do we Write?
Every one who reads this Blog has an interest in improving their physical and psychic abilities, or else why would they be reading this Blog? Now, we do know that one sure way to do both is by engagement in creative activities, and since there are a plethora of such activities, it's actually a pretty easy task to increase abilities...just do it. For me, one of the better ways is by my writing. Aside from improving ability, why do we write (and I believe we should all write)? The reason one's writes is because one loves one's readers. Now, it seems sweet, but it's not nearly as clear cut as it sounds. One's ideal reader is the avatar of one's selfish self. For instance, just so as to illustrate this statement; the reason that one records one's visions as predictions, this Blog being itself a prophecy, is because this selfish avatar that's our ideal reader, is to be shared. And this shared aspect is the magical secret to all writing---even though one may consider oneself unique, there shall always be others who are like you psychically---always. Writing, when it's done well, shall lessen the suffering of this world...always a good and a noble deed. So, once that's accepted (and every creative person instinctively knows this truth---it's really why we're creative); and since the avatar of the writer is always collective (it's shared), this salutary aspect inherent in writing, its amelioration and reduction of world suffering, must also be shared. Suffering for the writer's readers is reduced. Suffering is lessened; always to the good. We know this. That's why this writer writes!
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