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Response To That Final Question:
Ignorance is the Bane of Man.
At a distance removed,
Dimly remembered, and
Still not seen distinct,
But yet somehow felt;
What we do sense
Is not reality; is not the Real Thing.
This World is hologram.
Then; for lucid sleep;
For it's just a dream
Within another dream
And we are not awake.
Seven Stars' Song of Revelation
Is possible but through knowledge.
Don't fear nor spurn. Dare to learn:
Assent to and accept this world as it is
Before attempting ascent to any world
Aspired to or wished for. Life's glorious!
That That Is can be known but by few.
Not space, not time, not gravity exists;
But as Extension from Field of Thought.
Be subject to neither church nor crown.
Dread naught. Disdain none: Not One!
Absent That That Is, there's Nothing.
That That Is, IS. That That's Not, IS, too.
That That's Not makes That That Is: IS.
Be subject to neither church nor crown.
Dread naught. Disdain none: Not One!
Absent That That Is, there's Nothing.
That That Is, IS. That That's Not, IS, too.
That That's Not makes That That Is: IS.
That That Is makes That That's Not BE.
By rowing to That That Is, I become "I."
Wind + Water = Wave. As THOUGHT is
Wind + Water = Wave. As THOUGHT is
The Heart and The Nave of The Wheel.
Worlds are created from Thought alone.
That which we will do is because of that
What we are. We'll become who we are.
Charity, courtesy, civility, compassion,
Are cardinal spokes making civilization;
Chivalry forms center, hub's circle core.
IS is! Be not the slave of some other's I.
This, Creed of our Seven Stars Society;
This, The Teaching of the Seven Stars:
No man can be happy if he should choose
To be exile from his own nature and soul.
Precognitive Prescient Prophetic Poetry by WILLIAM O'CONNOR
Friday, July 31, 2009
Signs and Visions
One problem that one finds in writing is the inability of some (not all, by any means) to take full responsibility for what was written and to be held accountable for what was said. Writing, when done well, does have consequences. It should and does. As long as what one says is factual, is the truth, there's never any problem. The truth is always the best defense against any criticism. It is only when one states an opinion as being factual that one deserves criticism. An opinion is just that; it's just an opinion, it's not a fact and yes, any opinion can be stated and asserted, however fanciful and far-fetched the opinion might well be, provided it is not being stated as being a fact. When I'm writing my novels, I'm writing fantasy and since I'm writing about the far-future, the novels are speculative in the vein of neo-romanticism. Fantasy isn't factual; it's made-up stuff. But when I make my predictions, I'm recording visions of the future that I've seen---they are not opinions---but they are interpretations of the future. They are revelations, something that is inherently wholly different from opinions. All predictions are revelations---one is acting in the capacity of a prophet when one states them, and not in the capacity of a critic as in the case of an opinion---it's an important difference. Visions are never wrong, but the interpretations of those visions certainly can be wrong, even mine since they could be misinterpreted. One's perceptions are never unprejudiced. What one screes is distorted by one's experiences. Visions are not clear. Although it is true America's days are numbered (like men, nations die too); mine are not as yet!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Prediction No. 15
Municipalities with unemployment rates above twenty-five percent shall be filing for Chapter 9 protection under the Bankruptcy Code. The problem such municipalities face is indebtedness on municipal bonds against which future tax receipts were pledged. Those receipts shall not be paid as most municipalities rely upon its property taxes for daily operational revenue. Property taxes are based upon assessments of value for structures. Any municipality that has experienced high unemployment has also experienced a corresponding decline in the valuations of property. In a municipality experiencing twenty-five percent unemployment, decline in its property values has been far more than fifty percent. It means a municipality can't pay non-discretionary expenses, such as the pensions and medial insurance premiums for its retirees, in addition to those interest payments due upon its debt obligations. Municipalities shall therefore begin filing for protection under the bankruptcy code, beginning with those cities and towns situated in Michigan (Detroit). Those cities and towns which had depended upon manufacturing and construction and mining as sources of income for residents shall eventually follow Detroit's example by filing for bankruptcy. For every position that is lost in manufacturing, or in construction, or in mining; there are seven positions lost in service related occupations. The US has over fifty thousand municipalities which issue obligations secured by future tax revenue from property tax receipts, totaling almost three trillion in municipal bonds. Most of the bonds are held in public pension plans for retiree benefits. When the municipalities fail so do the bonds of the municipalities and pensions holding the bonds.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Back to Work
Writing is an obligation, an honor, a duty and a calling...it's what I do. Looks like I'll have to start work on a fantasy-future-fiction series of novels. I just had a dream concerning the future (it's more of a vision really) that's pre-cognitive, and it would definitely be a far better future if it could be made to come about. So, how best to describe it? Well, the world will be entering into a new Neo-Romantic Age. I think writing a series of novels set in the future might best give birth to this better future that I've screed; rather than to simply make hundreds of predictions, which would be much easier to do. There are even some computer programs that predict the future; though, admittedly, not very well. So you can judge for yourself, if you wish, as to the accuracy and relevance of all or any of my predictions. Hopefully, if I write it well, the future fantasy series should be very entertaining. This entertainment aspect is important to my mission to effect real change; after all I'm a Druid. If it's not fun to read, who would read it then? Anything else you wish me to write about, my e-mail is at: oconnor.rothcroi.william@gmail.com What could be said and where can it be said? One should expect some real consequences from what one says, or there's no point in saying it after all. Everyone has the right to say anything, but none have a right to be heard; so what one says must entertain. But in order to entertain, it has to be said within some medium for entertainment. In my case, in a series of neo-noir fantasy novels that are set in the far future. The first book is set in the America of 2036. The title of the fantasy series is: In Dreams They Are Remembered. Because the series is fun, or it should be, and not work; I'll be writing as many works for the series as can be published on the Amazon KINDLE. Each work will cost one dollar. This I think is a fair price. Enjoy life! Do well to Be well.
Prediction No. 14
As we've stated before, some individual states, starting with the non-contiguous ones; shall be petitioning Congress for secession from the US. But what we didn't state clearly is why this shall happen. It's easy to predict the future when you do have visions. It's less easy to state why the future shall happen as it will. That's a separate ability. Anyone after all can make a prediction. Well, obviously, a state wishes secession because it's necessary for its survival as a state. States want to survive. What single event shall be the cause for such secession then? Well what would trigger the need, and it would have to be a necessity, for petitioning for secession? Health care costs! This is ironic, since normally a state thrives when its populace is healthy. When the US Congress passes its health care bill, America's Affordable Health Choices Act, as it shall do; its costs to the combined states shall exceed an additional quarter-trillion annually. The reason is: enormous expansion of medicaid (the bill mandates that any American not enrolled in another health care plan because he or she cannot afford the cost of premiums shall automatically be eligible for enrollment under Medicaid) to cover all the uninsured indigent and those who are nearly-indigent, whose numbers were greatly increased by the current credit crisis to more than forty million Americans, the same number currently receiving food-stamp assistance (many of whom suffer from chronic obesity-related diseases---again ironic, as they are receiving food-stamps). One-third of all Americans are obese, and amongst them are these uninsured indigent, and two hundred and fifty billion is spent each year on their obesity related chronic conditions. The Federal Government, mainly because of large increases in its military spending to cover its foreign wars, is broke. The USA runs trillion dollar deficits every fiscal year and can't pay for any additional costs for its medicaid programs; so it shall be passing the costs to the individual states, which will bankrupt the states. Of course, the solution is obvious---impose an excise tax of ten percent on all compensation in excess of $250,000. Since three-quarter trillion is already being spent on all health care in United States, each and every year, mainly paid by individuals and by businesses; these additional medicaid costs, to be borne by the states, is far too much to impose on the states' taxpayers (who because they are not indigent---they're taxpayers---won't benefit from expanded medicaid). They'll simply refuse to pay additional taxes. Although a rejection of additional taxation for the benefit of others shall be the nominal reason for taxpayers refusal to pay, the actual reasons for rejection will be religious, will be ethnic and cultural: many medicaid beneficiaries are of Hispanic (a quarter of Latinos in the USA are not insured now and as restrictions upon Latino emigration are lessened, the number of uninsured Latinos eligible for Medicaid enrollment increases) and/or African descent, and some practice Islam. The US Federal Government can't afford to make up for loss revenues to the states, as once the interest due to be paid on the USA's national debt equals or exceeds ten percent of any nation's GDP, interest on government debt becomes very difficult, almost impossible, to pay out to the owners of that debt---and in the US case, it's the Chinese and the Japanese sovereign wealth funds who own the federal US government's debt. It's not Americans. So, any state, if it wishes to survive as a state, hasn't any choice but to petition for secession from the union of all the states in order to remain solvent.
Why do we Write?
Every one who reads this Blog has an interest in improving their physical and psychic abilities, or else why would they be reading this Blog? Now, we do know that one sure way to do both is by engagement in creative activities, and since there are a plethora of such activities, it's actually a pretty easy task to increase abilities...just do it. For me, one of the better ways is by my writing. Aside from improving ability, why do we write (and I believe we should all write)? The reason one's writes is because one loves one's readers. Now, it seems sweet, but it's not nearly as clear cut as it sounds. One's ideal reader is the avatar of one's selfish self. For instance, just so as to illustrate this statement; the reason that one records one's visions as predictions, this Blog being itself a prophecy, is because this selfish avatar that's our ideal reader, is to be shared. And this shared aspect is the magical secret to all writing---even though one may consider oneself unique, there shall always be others who are like you psychically---always. Writing, when it's done well, shall lessen the suffering of this world...always a good and a noble deed. So, once that's accepted (and every creative person instinctively knows this truth---it's really why we're creative); and since the avatar of the writer is always collective (it's shared), this salutary aspect inherent in writing, its amelioration and reduction of world suffering, must also be shared. Suffering for the writer's readers is reduced. Suffering is lessened; always to the good. We know this. That's why this writer writes!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
A Matter of Leadership
There is no such thing as a just war, although there can be necessary wars. Wars are waste, and waste can never be justified. The cause of war is a false sense of patriotism and mistaken loyalty to some leader who becomes the personification of the state. Such loyalty is unjustified, because a good leader attempts always to avoid war, and patriotism deals with a state's preservation and never with destruction of another state. The fact that any state finds itself involved in a conflict means the leaders of that state have failed in their duty to preserve the welfare of the citizenry and those foolish leaders, who've engaged the state in war, ought to be replaced with wiser ones.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Be your own Pundit
Ignorance shouts while wisdom whispers. There is no better verification of this ancient saying than listening to and reading the so-called "pundits" on economics and investing. The majority have no idea what they are talking about, but they'll be shouting their lack of knowledge loudly. It's important to know how and why markets work and to have had experience in their working before investing a single dollar on anything or in anything. If you can't read financial statements and don't know how and why financial statements are generated, you have no business being in the market. It's not for you. Accounting is the language of business, just as mathematics is the language of science. If you are unfamiliar with the language used, you can't understand what is being said or what is happening or why it's happening (the why is just as important as the how). So, the best advice that can be given is this: If you would invest (and you should if you have the disposable income), learn the language of business first: study accountancy. Then, once that is done, learn how to analyze statements. If you would be prosperous, learn to be an auditor of life.
Solutions for Stupidity
One of the problems, and it really is a problem, is the costly effort expended by governments to solve problems that have previously been solved, because some solution isn't acceptable to their political elite. A good example of this waste is in energy dispersion and transportation. Abundant energy and efficient transportation services are necessary for the existence of any civilization. Of course, there are those who state that civilization isn't necessary; but the people who've stated this have never been to those places where civilization doesn't exist, and I can assure you that unfortunately many such places still do exist today and there are many more of them every day. Natural gas is an abundant resource, and there are more than enough natural gas fields available to meet global energy needs for the next two hundred years or so (after that, fusion energy shall be readily available). Natural gas is also cheap and the distribution infrastructure for natural gas already exists and it is continually growing larger. Natural gas is easily converted into hydrogen for fuel cells, and the combination of fuel cells plus lithium-ion electric batteries has already been tested (Toyota Highlander FCHV), and it works quite well; so, that transportation problem has been solved. Thermal solar plants, those "power-towers," can be sited at natural gas conversion and distribution plants; so the energy problem has also been solved. Of course, more and greater efficiencies could be achieved, and soon shall be, from these existing technologies: Of natural gas conversion, hydrogen fuel cells, solar thermal, and of lithium-ion batteries (Nissan Leaf). Energy and transportation solutions are known; are now available and they should be implemented now!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Bankruptcy and the Military
When the only firm that's hiring happens to be the Army, the country is in big trouble. That is exactly what is happening in America today. Why? Even since the second world war, the USA has continuously invaded and interfered militarily in the domestic affairs of foreign countries in the mistaken belief that it has some exceptional providential right to do so. It does not. The US spends over a half trillion every year on its military, a sum that is more than the total combined defense spending of every other nation; every year US does this and wonders why it's bankrupt!
The Necessity for Change
Transformation, changing from one psychic state to another, is actually a physical process much like drinking and eating. It's instinctive. Just as some foods and drinks are wanted and needed as nourishment, the body has to be nourished physically by some process of change in order to transform into another psychic state. So, all transformation requires changes of some sort, and those changes are real physical ones---changing jobs, changing spouses, changing houses---as the very action of any physical change, whatever that change might be, triggers a corresponding change in one's psychic state. The need for change is genetic, and it's built into every cell of the body. We have to change to survive. Any belief system that restricts the ability to change is therefore evil, since all restriction must murder the soul. Beware then of any belief that comes in company with some matching set of commandments; such religion kills consciousness.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Druid Religion
Well now that those two books on the Druid religion and on Celtic culture were published on both MobiPocket.com and on Amazon KINDLE, I believe it should answer all of the queries that were posed. H-J Chang and Lou Reed had asked if I would put this all in writing; as it's never been explained properly before, and all that has been written about it previously was done so by those outsiders unfamiliar with Druid religion. And if you have read this blog and the books, you'll see there were many misconceptions, and that's why this blog and the books were written---to clear up those misconceptions. Hope so anyway, but if anybody still has questions, just ask! The e-mail address for HEART-HEALING Chariot Way blog is: oconnor.rothcroi.william@gmail.com
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Prediction No. 13
States, which are artificial entities, survive as long as they serve their function of conserving the privileges of the elites which created them. Usually the state's elite consists of a single ethnic or cultural group which shares a common set of values, customs and beliefs. When the interests of the founding elite is no longer served by the state, or when another state more strongly serves the interests of the founding elite, the original purpose of the state has failed, and without that founding purpose, the state will also fail. If a new elite shall rise to replace the old, a new state arises with that new elite. It may well claim to be a continuance of the original state and might even use the same name; but, in reality, a new state has been formed to service the interests of a new oligarchy that has managed to replace the old. Such is the fate of all states and of all elites.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Druid Meditation Methodology
Meditation methods are used to excite the pre-frontal cortices of the brain. Druid meditational methods differ in that they focus on the process of change. If one imagines that there is a traffic light in front of one that's been changing from blue to green and back again, within a continuous pattern, one can get a good idea of how Druid meditation works. The same can be done with tones, with scents, with tastes, with touches---the idea being that there are two separate and distinct things that can change and may morph, one into another; so that this changing process creates new third things. Druid meditation teaches that the mind can create from two separate somethings, both distinct and separate, a third thing; just by using the power already innate in one's mind alone. The second step in this process of meditation is the mixture of the senses---a sound, for instance, can be changed into a hue, and so on; so that we have, as its product: a color tone. The third step in the meditation process is the creation of a new sense from nothingness: a new sense is to be created, rather than a combination of existing senses, expanding still further the entire repertoire of the senses; there's no limitation upon the process, just its daily exercise.
Prediction No. 12
Humanity happens to be a very boring species, and boring species may survive and might thrive for a while; but eventually they'll become extinct. Extinction is the fate for humanity, as it must be for all species. No species is immortal, although some might continue for a very long time. As we've pointed out, humanity is now splitting into two separate species: one, which lives a very short lifespan, but remains quite fertile, the majority of men; and one, which has a quite long lifespan, but is not as fertile, the minority of men. Now both of these groups do exist presently, but not as separate species (not yet anyway); yet the time is coming within the next twenty-five years when they shall split off from each other. What happens then? Those who are long-lived (having a life span in excess of a hundred, without any sign of either physical or psychological impairment or decrepitude) have very different attitudes and outlooks than those others, those who are short-lived. The concerns of the short-lived seem absolutely absurd and even frivolous to any who are long-lived. This is why the long-lived tend to abstain from the pursuits of those that don't live as long as they: they'll frankly find those pursuits, not only silly; but also boring.
Bare-Knuckle-Boxing: The Three Tines
The Celtic Fist in the Conn Style or in Wes tie Wall-Fighting (as it's known in New York City) is formed and made by bringing the ball of the thumb over to cover the nail of the ring finger, the finger that's next to the small finger, the pinkie finger. By pressing down upon the nail of the ring finger, the knuckles of the second joints of the middle finger, the ring finger, and of the index finger, will, all three knuckles of them, be pressed forward. This fist configuration of the three knuckles is called: three tines. This name comes from the shape of a spade that's used for the cutting of the peat-turf. And this is exactly what these three knuckles are used for: cutting and splitting---exactly then as my family's fish-head sword is so used, and it's very different from other styles of the bare-knuckle-boxing. The strikes are utilized against the opponent's body as if one were loudly rapping or knocking upon a door (that door being the torso of the opponent). By the way, the word is Wes-tie and not Westy. The reason is: one ties up an enemy by the combination of blows; clinching is a very clever methodology for locking with one's fists.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
The Celtic Sword of Conn: The Fish-Head
There are many different styles of Celtic bare-knuckle-boxing. The one I know is from the Clan of Conn from Ballydavid Head. In New York City, this style is called Wes tie Wall-Fighting, and it's been modified from our old Conn Style (the main difference between our family style and the styles of other families, is that our style is a sloping system---it was developed to fight on the slopes of the hills and mountains of West Cork and Kerry against invaders) for the alleys and the air-shaft passageways of the City's tenements. It employs lots of difficult footwork, like leaps and hops and jumps. The actual techniques in the Conn style come from the usages of the sword. The swords that were used by my family are not the ones that are normally depicted as being Celtic. Those swords are fine weapons, but they are not the ones that my family used; usually those weapons are various modifications on Norse or Norman swords, which was a Viking weapon, or on various Teutonic and Germanic swords. The sword that my family used is called the fish-head or salmon-sword, and like its name, it is shaped like a fish swimming. It looks very much like the Iberian Falcata, except the hilt on the sword is not open. The hilt is entirely enclosed, so that the sword is gripped much like the lever on a lever-action Winchester rifle, four fingers on the inside with the backs of those fingers making contact, with the thumb on the outside. The reason for this particular grip is so that the sword can be shook when it makes any cut, rather than having to make a big swing with one's entire arm to achieve that same cutting action. This shaking action causes the sword to make a stabbing, as well as a cutting movement, with just a very small downward inclination of the elbow, rather than using the entire shoulder. The sword will literally leap forward, as an extension of the arm. This action is the whole basis for our style of bare-knuckle: three knuckles leap forward by a shaking of an elbow to knock on the enermy.
Prediction No. 11
The United States spends over a half-trillion each fiscal year upon its military, despite having an annual trillion dollar deficit; regardless of which political party happens to be currently in power. Because of this vast difference in what the US spends on its military (a half-trillion), compared to the discretionary funds available to be spent (nothing), the primary mission of the armed forces of United States has been drastically shifted from its original purpose of protecting the domestic US citizenry from foreign attack and encroachment to one of serving and catering to the needs and ambitions of the principal creditors of America; in effect, making its military into a foreign mercenary legionary force.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Prediction No, 10
Some of the programs that governments run to meet their citizens' health needs are already now bankrupt. For instance, in the United States, the medicare and medicaid funds have no monies because monies allotted to those funds have already been fully expended to meet the interest payments due on treasury obligations. Payments from these funds go to meet long-term chronic care needs of the elderly, disabled and the indigent. Payments are especially high for those who are in their final year of life due to some terminal illness. Because there are no longer any funds to expend, society shall attempt to shorten the final period of terminal illness of dying patients through fostering assisted suicide for the terminally ill: no patient---no payment. Gradually the impetus towards voluntary assisted suicide, which exists now, shall be shifting from a voluntary decision initiated by the patient to states mandating compulsory suicide for all those deemed terminally ill. For those who have long-term chronic debilitating diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, state pressure to terminate life through suicide will be immense as the state shall have no monies available to pay for the extended care of those who are afflicted with these conditions.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Prediction No. 9
Because of the coming vast demographic changes, migration from the south to the north, the primary language spoken in the United States will have switched from American English to Mexican Spanish within twenty-five years. Many English speakers shall have already moved northward into Canada; so that Canadian English, with all of its spelling and pronunciation differences, will be the primary language for those Americans who do continue to speak English. Since, for all intents and purposes, the Chinese government will have ownership of America and of American assets (China is America's principal creditor and America will have defaulted on its treasury obligations), Mandarin will be taught in all public schools as a necessary part of the business curriculum. Naturally, in time, all three languages shall become synthesized; with a combination of Mandarin, Spanish and English becoming the common language for commerce.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Prediction No. 8
Once any nation's yearly fiscal deficit exceeds 120% of its yearly GDP, which would result in the interest to be paid on that government's total debt obligations exceeding twenty percent of its yearly GDP, that nation technically shall go into default. This is so because the interest on the nation's total debt can no longer be paid timely to all of the known owners of the nation's debt. And if this condition continues for several fiscal years, the country itself will have to go bankrupt, declaring its insolvency to all its debt owners, because the nation could never be able to pay off the entire principal on its obligations when they shall become due, and none would be willing to purchase any more of that nation's future debt obligations. This bankruptcy situation shall be happening in the US within the next twenty-five years. But because the owners of the US debt obligations won't be citizens of the United States (they'll be the sovereign funds controlled by other nations), the owners of US debt in default will effectively own the US and shall have an unobstructed access to all of the US A's national assets. USA assets will be auctioned off to pay these foreign creditors.
Prediction No. 7
People are fearful of liberty; they do desire immortality; however, fear of liberty and desire for immortality are directly contradictory. This contradiction will cause a divide amongst humanity; between those who desire security and those who desire immortality. The reason that some people, a very few, are not afraid of freedom is that they can see the future and this ability for foresight gives to them the opportunity to shape their own destiny, although they might choose not to exercise it for some reason (this is why religions and spiritual systems relying upon the will of a creator deity are inherently evil--there is no creator deity and the will that they are following is actually that of the clerics of this non-existent deity). It is also one reason why all socialistic systems of government are inherently evil. Even though a socialist state actually can exist (unlike the creator deity), total reliance upon any state for one's survival causes a loss to the individual immune response (literally, as the individual has not had an opportunity to protect himself or herself from destructive ideas, those consensus ideas of the socialist state. Since ideas do affect the brain and can cause lessening of immune responses, this loss can affect the body's ability to withstand future invasions by harmful virions and bacteria). Those who wish to live long then will migrate to states that give an individual greater liberty. This means a mass migration from some states, the socialist ones, to those of a more libertarian government. The result then is health administrating costs in socialistic states drastically rise, because more members of these states have poor immune systems. Costs skyrocket up, as most healthy members have already left, leaving the more vulnerable members remaining; resulting in state bankruptcy. Liberty is the necessary companion to life; they form a marriage: If you would live long; seek those states which are most free.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Prediction No. 6
Mixed martial arts, a misnomer as it doesn't contain all of the numerous weapons' techniques which had originally caused the origination of martial arts (boxing and wrestling having come from the usages of spear, staff and sword), will dominate world sports in the future. Families will be encouraged and subsidized to have children specifically bred and trained, so as to have ample numbers of participants willing to compete and to die within these simple contests, which shall become more and more dangerous to the lives and limbs of the contestants. Mixed martial arts contests shall become increasingly brutal, with many deaths occurring, because of government sanctioned public legal betting upon the outcomes of the contests, with a portion of that gambling revenue accruing and going to the state.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Prediction No. 5
Long term unemployment, people out of work five months or more, shall continue to rise in the United States; although it will level off in those other industrial nations whose primary language happens to be English. This rise in long term unemployment means that those with employable skills shall be seeking employment in countries other than the United States. The population of the United States shall continue to rise, particularly amongst those residents of America who are unable to converse in standard English and who are also unemployable. So, there shall be both a net migration leaving the United States of those employable and English speaking, and also a net immigration into the United States of those who're unemployable and are non-English speaking. In twenty-five years, a majority of those persons actually living in America shall be unemployed non-English speakers.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Prediction No.4
In a quarter century, most of the smarter people will have moved out from United States and up into Canada. This shall cause a drastic diminution in the mean score for intellectual ability in the United States (the average American will be dumber) and shall further accelerate the USA's economic decline, while simultaneously raising the status of Canada amongst the nations of the world. Because of its shale-nat-gas reserves, Canada will be the major exporter of natural gas in the world; not the middle eastern countries, as they are now. Natural gas is easily converted to hydrogen gas for further conversion for usage in transportation fuel cells, and Canada will be the main source for most natural gas. Alaska will have become an independent country in 25 years.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Prediction No. 3
In twenty-five years, most energy distribution will be accomplished through hybrid technology. There never was any energy shortage problem, but there was an energy distribution problem. The specific technology that will be employed is "thermal solar nat gas." Dynegy (DYN) and FPL Group (FPL) shall be the main wholesalers of this hybrid energy source in what will remain of the former America (states shall begin petitioning Congress to separate themselves off from the late United States). Both DYN and FPL are very good buys for all those interested in investing.
Prediction No. 2
In twenty-five years, a very small percentage of humanity (one percent of one percent) will have attained the age of 115 and above, and still be vigorous physically with all their mental faculties still intact. This will be due to tremendous advances in immunology. They will be acquiring the organs of others and shall be able to do so because of their affluence. In effect, they'll be in charge. They will be able to run for political office despite their advanced ages. The only advantage of age is experience, which gives one the ability to recognize recurring patterns; but because mental faculties decline so rapidly with age, experience is never any guarantee for wisdom. Now it can be.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Prediction No. 1
The world will look entirely different in twenty-five years. There will be many more wars over religion and over ethnicity. The United States will lose those states that are not continguous and a few that are. Canada will emerge as a dominant nation. United States will become increasingly poorer and far less influential. States will be petitioning for separation from the USA. Poverty shall be the norm there.
Official GMail Account Address for this BLOG
Now that The Chariot Way The Dream of Crom has finally been published on KINDLE, as an Q&A addendum to HEART-HEALING The Chariot Way, I believe I've finally answered all of the questions that were asked. Now is the time to allow others to also give their comments and their criticisms to either the topics raised in those two books or to all the topics raised in this BLOG itself. If you might wish to comment directly on the BLOG, let me know and I'll add your account so you can do so. I don't mind criticism. In fact, I kind of like conflict and controversy very much, as should be pretty obvious if you've read either of the two books (hopefully both), or have read the BLOG itself, which is also available on KINDLE and on Apple's iPhone. I could also add as many more topics as people might wish. HEART-HEALING The Chariot Way blog's GMail account address is as follows: oconnor.rothcroi.william@gmail.com So, please write to me there. I'll keep that email address just for this BLOG. Be well to do well. Thanks. Bill O'Connor
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Rights and Responsibilities
One of the more common questions one gets, when people find out what one's religion really is, is an obvious one regarding ethics: what are the rights and responsibilities men have to each other, how well to treat one another; in short, how best to get along in an increasingly diverse, complex society. So, let's be clear here: no one has the right to be ignorant. I don't. You don't. Yes, many are indeed ignorant, and we are all of us ignorant about many things; but none have any rights to ignorance. No one has an inalienable right to be dumb. Liberty does not encompass stupidity. If someone expresses an ignorant opinion or vehemently adheres to an ignorant belief (usually it's the same person), that opinion and that belief shouldn't be respected. Ever! Because the person expressing the belief is human and therefore quite vulnerable; one ought to be civil and polite to the person, but most certainly that person's opinion and belief don't deserve this same courtesy. People should always be tolerated, yes, even the dumb ones, but stupidity is stupidity after all; so their dumb expressions need never be; and frankly, they ought not to be. The golden rule of treating others as we would wish to be treated ourselves is indeed a good one, but it applies only to persons; and not to those persons' opinions. Be discrete, yes, but do disagree. No one need ever have to put up with nonsense, nor should ever be forced to be polite whenever within its presence. Silence fosters the spread of stupidity. Speak up!
Beware the Zombies!
Beware the Zombies! Hopefully, all these posts (and there's a hundred of them) have helped someone somewhere at sometime. None of these posts are there for you to agree with them. They are all there to make you think about certain topics. You should be forming your own opinions and arriving at your own solutions. These posts are intended as spurs to thought. Remember: Without your own, independently wrought, thought-out opinions; you'll be just another zombie...so don't be one. Make your own.
The Duty of the Druid
Humanity, which is now but a single species, is splitting into two. This split is both profound and psychic and shall result in much future conflict. Roughly speaking, it will result in two separate sub-species of humanity: the creative and those who can't be creative. Creativity employs a strong psychic element. One has to be able to step outside of space and time. One can do this easily because space and time are constructs. They are illusions. Men made them up. But most people are unable to recognize the fact of the illusion since they've trapped themselves inside it. We who can step outside do have a duty to the others who have an latent ability to step outside. To the rest of humanity, to that vast remainder of humanity, we have no such obligation. The Druid future shall stay with the creative. All those others have their own clerics to assist and to protect them. They lack even the knowledge of our existence. Druids should remain the clerics and counselors for the creative. That's our duty; we serve genius and we serve ourselves alone.
Monday, July 6, 2009
The Future and Our Place in IT
As has often been pointed out, most people manage to waste their lives. Since their life is really all they can truly own, life's lost for them. They have stole it from themselves. Far better to spend one's life doing something one loves; as, at least in this way, even if one remains permanently impoverished, one can be happy and have a real chance to do something that's well worthwhile. So, what do we Druids do in today's world, where the clan system is no longer a factor in deciding one's position in life? One can no longer be counselor for the clan. Well, one can. But one has to create the clan one counsels, which means one has to identify those people with whom one shares common interests and then be of some service in some way to this elite group. Well, how to do this then? What common interests do we share with others? Well, there is one: Through our creativity obviously. Creative people shall always identify with other creative people. We Druids, by definition, are creative people. We'll identify with other creative people (whether they'll be fellow Druids or not). This then shall be our new mission: To serve as counselors for the creative for they now constitute our clan.
Dismissing false Experts
One of the problems one has in life is dealing with people who know nothing whatsoever about the subject they are most aggressive in discussing; in particular, those people who supposedly occupy positions of authority and have academic credentials in their fields of alleged expertise. The others one can safely ignore, but "experts" usually have to be responded to in some polite manner. People who have true knowledge have wide knowledge. This is because they are all naturally curious, and also have an ability to associate many diverse ideas and facts into a coherent structure. As we say, in martial arts terminology: they have "strong foundation" (in the arts, the saying is that a boxer's legs go first, meaning that they are no longer able to step, slip and slide, side to side, quickly in the ring); so, for any scholar, the same truth shall apply---knowledge is based, literally, on deep, strong roots that have multiple sources of nourishment. The trick then in dealing with these false, faux scholars is to divert them onto another detour to see if their knowledge is broadly based: talk to a carpenter about plumbing and a writer about mathematics, or a physicist about biology. If they lack knowledge in another field somewhat related to their own field; they shall then lack a deep knowledge in their own field. It's an easy and non-threatening way to deal with "experts." One then can safely dismiss their false opinion.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
One of the questions asked in the recent survey taken of readers is: Why do you people spend so much time studying martial arts? Well, the short answer is: It's fun. The long answer is that we each feel we are morally obligated to protect our own persons and those persons whom we're responsible for, emotionally; and, also, martial training is necessary for character development. Which martial system one studies is dependent upon one's age, gender, physique and skill level; as just as not every religion is right for everyone else (and for some, no religion is right), martial systems are all designed as they are, in order to meet expressed needs of very specific groups. One has to find what is the right one for oneself. But there is an even broader question and that is: What impels us to study any martial art? Self-survival is the straightforward answer. We believe that the inclination to violence is a genetic trait. Note that the word is "inclination" and it means the inclination could be controlled within some beneficial environment. However, in the United States, for instance; a million and a half children, at an early adolescent age, have one or more parents currently incarcerated and are now being brought up by close relatives, usually a grandmother. These children have exhibited very violent and destructive behaviors. The fact that a parent is in prison for violent behavior is an indicator that the parent's children will exhibit similar traits. These adolescents have already left the public school systems prior to the end of the ninth grade, usually by their fourteenth birthdays. By any standard, these are unemployable persons who won't be able to learn a trade or a skill. So, their only means of earning a living is by illegitimate methods; mainly by aggravated assaults upon others. It is because of these persons we should feel a moral obligation to study and to learn martial art systems: We want to survive.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Companions on the Road
Reality has many paths. It doesn't run in a straight line from event to event in a linear sequence. It detours and it turns back onto itself. Some detours run to dead ends. It might seem that the path is heading in the right direction; but it turns out to end abruptly, without warning. The problem isn't so much in avoiding taking detours; everyone takes some during life, but to be able to recognize that one is upon a detour and not the true path early...before the path has run out. One sure way to know one is on a dead-end detour is by noticing who else is on that same path. If people taking the path are people one dislikes and doesn't admire, the path is a dead-ended detour. Companions upon any pathway are sure giveaways as to whether the path is one that is heading in the right direction. If people on any path are ones not deserving of respect; get off the path immediately; turn around; take another way. Choice of companions is the same as the choice for a path; the better take the better paths and the worse take the worse. Take the best.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Energy and Existence
Energy is a big topic. There's a misunderstanding that energy has something to do with strength and it doesn't. This is not to put down strength. It's just that energy is different. Energy comes out of Nothingness, an absolute Void. How to describe this then? Existence is energy: just to be. So when we talk of energy, we are speaking about being; an ability to be in existence. This is an ability, but not a right. No thing has the right to existence but every thing has an ability to exist. What makes a thing, a thing; is this ability, this potential, for existence. Now, one would say: is there not some neutrality; a thing exists simply because it exists? Yes, that's true. A thing does exist because it exists; but it exists because it is contained within a potential for its existence. If it lacked the potential for existence, it wouldn't exist. What gives it this potential? Energy. We can describe energy then as a potential for existence and the ability to continue with its potential so that it doesn't disappear from existence. So, energy has two parts: a potential for existence, and an ability to continue in existence. There's a third part: an ability to cause its own potential. It's this third part that we shall be discussing in future posts: how does one create this potential?
Morphology and State Survivability
Luckily the survival of the state has nothing whatsoever to do with the survival of the person; or else, we would all be in big trouble. The United States has twenty-five years left to exist. What one sees in the state of California now (issuance of IOU warrants as the state lacks currency to pay its debts) will be happening to US nation in a quarter century. It means failure of America. Many commentators have spoken on this; mainly to the point that once the fiscal deficit exceeds the GDP of any state, the interest payments on the debt of the state cannot be satisfied, even if all the income in the state were to be taxed at an exorbitant hundred percent rate. This is true because taxes are always a burden upon commerce so when one's in a global economy, successful companies simply move all of their operations over to any nation that has a lower tax burden. It is certainly a good reason for failure. However, although it's certainly accurate; this is not at all the real reason for America's coming failure. The reason is far more obvious, though most wish to hide it. The real reason is this: in USA, the worse people have the most offspring, and it's as simple as that. Look around you. Instead of the tall, the thin, the strong, having offspring; who now is having children? Yes, it's the short, the squat, the fat; and their children resemble their parents. These children are the next US generation and their offspring will be predominant in America in the next quarter century. The USA won't be able to survive because of its citizens.
Hollyhocks and Holiness
In the Levant, on the Eastern Mediterranean, it was a tradition amongst the Neanderthals (those who were called ''others" by Atlantic Celts) to bury the most prominent people with hollyhocks and ochre, with flowers and with the same color as those flowers. Few realize today that when they'll attend funerals, they are actually observing a Neanderthal ritual, far older than humanity. But only the prominent were so buried. One of the more pernicious myths that humanity has are the false concepts of equality and democracy. By nature, men are naturally aristocratic, continuing in a very long hominid tradition. Better men have always been treated in better ways, even in and by their burials. The problem is: what constitutes the better? Hominid tradition (humans are only a couple of hundred thousand years old after all) is that; what constitutes the better is holiness. That's it. The idea that men are equal is absurd. They are not. They never have been. They never shall be. The idea that men are created is absurd. They are not. They are born of their mothers who were impregnated by their fathers, even if it's a test tube that's their womb. Now men do create their character, and it's how men are honored and it's how men ought to be honored; that is, by their character alone: such is real equality and democracy.
Zombie Nation
One of the problems that one constantly encounters is false knowledge and the claimants to false knowledge. Knowing is very important just in itself. If one doesn't know, it's very easy to be fooled and one then is forever at the mercy of fools. That's never a good place to be. Many people lack knowledge of anything that is outside of the small expertise they might have in the field in which they are making their immediate living. Some even lack that. A lot lack that. Some people have wide knowledge in many fields. If one isn't curious, one is a zombie. Beware of zombies. America is a zombie nation. Almost any problem can be solved if one has sufficient knowledge of all the facts, but many facts that are necessary to the solution are not the obvious ones. They usually aren't. That's why it is so necessary to have a very wide range of expertise and knowledge. All knowledge, no matter how arcane, is going to be useful; as some fact, that's seemingly irrelevant, can be brought in from far afield in order to solve some problem. That's what facts are for: to solve problems. Don't be a zombie. Learn.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
State Survivability vs. Personal Survival
One of the questions that everyone must face eventually is whether or not personal survivability is dependent upon a state's survivability. It's not. If one looks at any old map of the world, one can see the nations of the world have changed dramatically over the last century, yet people who inhabited and were citizens of those long-gone, vanished nations have survived and thrived. It's in any state's interest to convince the habitants of the state that their survival depends upon the state surviving. We know that it doesn't nor shall it ever. All states are controlled by plutocratic oligarchies and those oligarchies wish to keep their affluence and position (which maintains their affluence). This is understandable. But if one is not a member of the state's oligarchy (and most can't be, that is why it's an oligarchy); the fate of any state has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the fate of an individual: they're completely separate and not dependent upon the other.
The Origin of Sin
The two main psychic diseases are schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder and both are immune response diseases triggered by the hormonal environmental changes taking place in adolescence. Both diseases are chemical ones caused by genetic triggers responding to the person's internal environment. Both of the diseases are directly related and both fall on the same spectrum of cognitive malfunction. All the founders of religions suffered from these diseases to some extant, and in the case of the Abrahamic religions; they suffered profoundly. These psychic diseases cause an inability to differentiate between the external and the internal. External events that are not even remotely connected with the perceiver of the events, are attributable to actions either taken or not taken, by the perceiver of the events. This then is the origin of the concept of sin: false attribution between internal and external caused by a genetic chemical imbalance that results in the profound psychic malfunction of perception...sin doesn't exist but bad people do. The actions of any person, whether they be good or bad, stem from the person's character and every person is solely responsible for creating their own character.
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