We might well be wearing
These drab civilian clothes,
That proclaims to society
Our conformity. Hidden
Underneath them though,
There's a sacred uniform
That's kept from outward
Show and whichever colors
This might have, one must
Still remain to be true to it.
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Response To That Final Question:
Ignorance is the Bane of Man.
At a distance removed,
Dimly remembered, and
Still not seen distinct,
But yet somehow felt;
What we do sense
Is not reality; is not the Real Thing.
This World is hologram.
Then; for lucid sleep;
For it's just a dream
Within another dream
And we are not awake.
Seven Stars' Song of Revelation
Is possible but through knowledge.
Don't fear nor spurn. Dare to learn:
Assent to and accept this world as it is
Before attempting ascent to any world
Aspired to or wished for. Life's glorious!
That That Is can be known but by few.
Not space, not time, not gravity exists;
But as Extension from Field of Thought.
Be subject to neither church nor crown.
Dread naught. Disdain none: Not One!
Absent That That Is, there's Nothing.
That That Is, IS. That That's Not, IS, too.
That That's Not makes That That Is: IS.
Be subject to neither church nor crown.
Dread naught. Disdain none: Not One!
Absent That That Is, there's Nothing.
That That Is, IS. That That's Not, IS, too.
That That's Not makes That That Is: IS.
That That Is makes That That's Not BE.
By rowing to That That Is, I become "I."
Wind + Water = Wave. As THOUGHT is
Wind + Water = Wave. As THOUGHT is
The Heart and The Nave of The Wheel.
Worlds are created from Thought alone.
That which we will do is because of that
What we are. We'll become who we are.
Charity, courtesy, civility, compassion,
Are cardinal spokes making civilization;
Chivalry forms center, hub's circle core.
IS is! Be not the slave of some other's I.
This, Creed of our Seven Stars Society;
This, The Teaching of the Seven Stars:
No man can be happy if he should choose
To be exile from his own nature and soul.
Precognitive Prescient Prophetic Poetry by WILLIAM O'CONNOR
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 99
The fencing of the masters
Is predicated upon softest,
Lightest, touching of blades.
Just small deflection in a parry
And then the fast thrust home.
In politics of rhetoric, in the wit
Of repartee, that stab into breast
Exposes heart. Says who you are.
Is predicated upon softest,
Lightest, touching of blades.
Just small deflection in a parry
And then the fast thrust home.
In politics of rhetoric, in the wit
Of repartee, that stab into breast
Exposes heart. Says who you are.
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 98
There be dumb crooks.
There be smart crooks.
Dumb crooks are in jail
Because they're caught
In breaking laws. Smart
Crooks are politicians in
Congress, because they
Created the law. Genius
Crooks are Presidents.
There be smart crooks.
Dumb crooks are in jail
Because they're caught
In breaking laws. Smart
Crooks are politicians in
Congress, because they
Created the law. Genius
Crooks are Presidents.
Monday, July 25, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 97
They who created you;
Your parents, and they
Whom you created, are
Always worth fighting for,
As well as all of your other
Creations. They made you
And you made them. But;
All else is to be considered;
All else is a hesitation; is a
Doubt: Is it worth the price
Of your life and your limbs?
Whether it has those aspects
Of that holiness, and of that
Sacredness you hold so dear?
Little does.
Your parents, and they
Whom you created, are
Always worth fighting for,
As well as all of your other
Creations. They made you
And you made them. But;
All else is to be considered;
All else is a hesitation; is a
Doubt: Is it worth the price
Of your life and your limbs?
Whether it has those aspects
Of that holiness, and of that
Sacredness you hold so dear?
Little does.
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 96
We're all born way too late.
We're all born way too soon.
We are all born in the wrong
State or in the wrong society;
In a wrong place at the wrong
Time. Best you can expect is:
They'll leave you alone. A fat
Chance of that.
We're all born way too soon.
We are all born in the wrong
State or in the wrong society;
In a wrong place at the wrong
Time. Best you can expect is:
They'll leave you alone. A fat
Chance of that.
Friday, July 22, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 95
To err
On the side of love is no error at all.
Fools we are for we were made for it.
Too much of reason hinders inclination.
We lean always to the side of passion.
This slant has made for us survivors
For the future.
On the side of love is no error at all.
Fools we are for we were made for it.
Too much of reason hinders inclination.
We lean always to the side of passion.
This slant has made for us survivors
For the future.
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 94
Best wine to go with food
Is the wit of clever people,
Saying unexpected things
In their surprising ways.
Together, we are sitting
At the same round table,
With none at the head,
And none at the foot,
And all conversing in a
Feast of Wit.
Is the wit of clever people,
Saying unexpected things
In their surprising ways.
Together, we are sitting
At the same round table,
With none at the head,
And none at the foot,
And all conversing in a
Feast of Wit.
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 93
Beware all them proclaiming
As professorial pundits; all
Them, claiming of clerical
Status. Above all, beware
Devious politicians, who
Say they'll speak for you;
They, who lay claim to be
The Voice of the People;
Them, when speaking on
Your behalf; really, are
Solely for themselves.
Be your own Voice.
As professorial pundits; all
Them, claiming of clerical
Status. Above all, beware
Devious politicians, who
Say they'll speak for you;
They, who lay claim to be
The Voice of the People;
Them, when speaking on
Your behalf; really, are
Solely for themselves.
Be your own Voice.
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 92
We know who it is we are.
We can speak for ourselves
About what it is we're now.
Those words we'll speak to
Ourselves; shape ourselves,
For we are judging ourselves.
We come to resemble our words.
The better we will come to be,
The nobler were those words.
We can speak for ourselves
About what it is we're now.
Those words we'll speak to
Ourselves; shape ourselves,
For we are judging ourselves.
We come to resemble our words.
The better we will come to be,
The nobler were those words.
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 91
A lot in little is the task
For all poetry. Maybe,
Too, for life. Sly words.
Trench-coat and fedora;
Long-slide of forty-five,
Of film noir. What's said
In black and white, in a
subtle foreshadowing is
What sticks in the Mind.
For all poetry. Maybe,
Too, for life. Sly words.
Trench-coat and fedora;
Long-slide of forty-five,
Of film noir. What's said
In black and white, in a
subtle foreshadowing is
What sticks in the Mind.
Friday, July 15, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 90
There's darkness here
In this seditious city;
Hiding away in shadow
From a suspicious light
Of inquiry. Fear and the
Hatred that accompanies it,
Is breeding in its corners.
Soon, it'll be jumping out.
At us.
In this seditious city;
Hiding away in shadow
From a suspicious light
Of inquiry. Fear and the
Hatred that accompanies it,
Is breeding in its corners.
Soon, it'll be jumping out.
At us.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 89
This is a faux generation,
Imitating, simulating, the
Real thing. It's ascended;
And now it's succeeded us.
They lack for everything;
For our authentic fire, but
Merely emulate; but merely
Imitate; trying to camouflage,
To cover over, what has gone
Imitating, simulating, the
Real thing. It's ascended;
And now it's succeeded us.
They lack for everything;
For our authentic fire, but
Merely emulate; but merely
Imitate; trying to camouflage,
To cover over, what has gone
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 88
The issue is not:
Why others believe as they do.
Issue is:
Why it is they think how they do;
Why it is they will act as they do.
How they act is rooted in how they think.
How they think is rooted in the mutable
Laws of evolution.
Why others believe as they do.
Issue is:
Why it is they think how they do;
Why it is they will act as they do.
How they act is rooted in how they think.
How they think is rooted in the mutable
Laws of evolution.
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 87
There's no glory in it.
There is no honor.
War is blood, shit, piss;
Nothing else. There's no
Reason for it, nor a logic.
It kills the bravest, to let
Cowards rule in Congress;
In the nations' presidencies
As prime ministers of States.
There is no honor.
War is blood, shit, piss;
Nothing else. There's no
Reason for it, nor a logic.
It kills the bravest, to let
Cowards rule in Congress;
In the nations' presidencies
As prime ministers of States.
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 86
As in fighting;
So in philosophy,
Always take the
Flanking paths.
Feint and weave.
Indirection gives
Solution for win.
Not "What is Being?"
But "Describe Nothingness."
Not "What can we Know?"
But "How could we not Learn."
So in philosophy,
Always take the
Flanking paths.
Feint and weave.
Indirection gives
Solution for win.
Not "What is Being?"
But "Describe Nothingness."
Not "What can we Know?"
But "How could we not Learn."
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 85
The slow learners have it best.
What comes easy, goes away;
As just as easy, it disappears.
Long life helps; it's necessary
For knowledge. Everything
You thought true in youth;
Now you know, in your age,
Proved false in retrospection.
What comes easy, goes away;
As just as easy, it disappears.
Long life helps; it's necessary
For knowledge. Everything
You thought true in youth;
Now you know, in your age,
Proved false in retrospection.
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 84
Blood and whiskey go
To forge the steel of will,
Tempered with restraint.
Hardness works in action;
Works, when pausing too.
Nothing's done well absent
Foundation of meditation.
The discipline of thought
Keeps us free of violence.
To forge the steel of will,
Tempered with restraint.
Hardness works in action;
Works, when pausing too.
Nothing's done well absent
Foundation of meditation.
The discipline of thought
Keeps us free of violence.
Friday, July 8, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 83:
Trite and tired
Are formula expressions
Of a pledged adherence to state and faith Contained in the posts by the politicians, who Pronounce and broadcast each and every day
To sitting soft audiences of the social media.
Do they know what it is they're speaking of?
Such speech of arrogance is the cause of wars.
Are formula expressions
Of a pledged adherence to state and faith Contained in the posts by the politicians, who Pronounce and broadcast each and every day
To sitting soft audiences of the social media.
Do they know what it is they're speaking of?
Such speech of arrogance is the cause of wars.
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 82
Push far away from you
The plate of patriotism.
Remove it from your table
Of Beliefs. This is no nation
For poets and philosophers,
For artists and for scientists;
But one for oligarchs, one for
Plutocrats; for the politicians
Who slave and service them.
I'll not eat from that dish.
The plate of patriotism.
Remove it from your table
Of Beliefs. This is no nation
For poets and philosophers,
For artists and for scientists;
But one for oligarchs, one for
Plutocrats; for the politicians
Who slave and service them.
I'll not eat from that dish.
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 81
Who we shall eventually come to be;
As assumption, provided we survive,
Long enough to achieve our destiny,
Is the question; nothing else matters.
Not faith. Not state. Not our society.
What matters is to become who it is
We are.
As assumption, provided we survive,
Long enough to achieve our destiny,
Is the question; nothing else matters.
Not faith. Not state. Not our society.
What matters is to become who it is
We are.
Friday, July 1, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 80
Blue Hour.
Space between the sinking of Sun and rising of a Moon,
Gives a respite, gives pause, suspending cares of the day;
Fears about realities for the future. Though we may die;
Though we ceased to exist, our task is: haunt they alive!
"Remember Me!"
Space between the sinking of Sun and rising of a Moon,
Gives a respite, gives pause, suspending cares of the day;
Fears about realities for the future. Though we may die;
Though we ceased to exist, our task is: haunt they alive!
"Remember Me!"
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 79
Never able was I able to master it;
That skill, needed for creating the
Palimpsests for visions, for voices,
Those which can provide instruct;
Those that urge you for a change.
Yet, what you write, what you say,
You know in your heart, what you
Choose to do in life, is holier than
Scripture. It's a living testament
To Thought.
That skill, needed for creating the
Palimpsests for visions, for voices,
Those which can provide instruct;
Those that urge you for a change.
Yet, what you write, what you say,
You know in your heart, what you
Choose to do in life, is holier than
Scripture. It's a living testament
To Thought.
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