As every boxer knows the legs go first.
Who skips roadwork only kids himself.
Pound pavement every day is the way
To do it hitting daily upon those trails.
And so it is too for every skill and art.
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Response To That Final Question:
Ignorance is the Bane of Man.
At a distance removed,
Dimly remembered, and
Still not seen distinct,
But yet somehow felt;
What we do sense
Is not reality; is not the Real Thing.
This World is hologram.
Then; for lucid sleep;
For it's just a dream
Within another dream
And we are not awake.
Seven Stars' Song of Revelation
Is possible but through knowledge.
Don't fear nor spurn. Dare to learn:
Assent to and accept this world as it is
Before attempting ascent to any world
Aspired to or wished for. Life's glorious!
That That Is can be known but by few.
Not space, not time, not gravity exists;
But as Extension from Field of Thought.
Be subject to neither church nor crown.
Dread naught. Disdain none: Not One!
Absent That That Is, there's Nothing.
That That Is, IS. That That's Not, IS, too.
That That's Not makes That That Is: IS.
Be subject to neither church nor crown.
Dread naught. Disdain none: Not One!
Absent That That Is, there's Nothing.
That That Is, IS. That That's Not, IS, too.
That That's Not makes That That Is: IS.
That That Is makes That That's Not BE.
By rowing to That That Is, I become "I."
Wind + Water = Wave. As THOUGHT is
Wind + Water = Wave. As THOUGHT is
The Heart and The Nave of The Wheel.
Worlds are created from Thought alone.
That which we will do is because of that
What we are. We'll become who we are.
Charity, courtesy, civility, compassion,
Are cardinal spokes making civilization;
Chivalry forms center, hub's circle core.
IS is! Be not the slave of some other's I.
This, Creed of our Seven Stars Society;
This, The Teaching of the Seven Stars:
No man can be happy if he should choose
To be exile from his own nature and soul.
Precognitive Prescient Prophetic Poetry by WILLIAM O'CONNOR
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 139
Speak not of the sanctity
Of labor. Grind from toil
Weakens, when not done
For a purpose of spirit; to
Add and to make and create;
But solely, for remunerations
Of the purse; for thick wallets.
What we do for work shapes
Who it is we are now; gives
Prediction of what it is we
Can become and aspire to.
Of labor. Grind from toil
Weakens, when not done
For a purpose of spirit; to
Add and to make and create;
But solely, for remunerations
Of the purse; for thick wallets.
What we do for work shapes
Who it is we are now; gives
Prediction of what it is we
Can become and aspire to.
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 138
Those days of delight
When our innocence
Ruled us are over. Blood
Of teeth; blood of the
Claw, is sovereign again
In the land. Ignorance is
The blister on civilization.
It's scabbed sore infects.
It's diseased our World.
Presidents of the nations
Deliver to us the plagues
Of War.
When our innocence
Ruled us are over. Blood
Of teeth; blood of the
Claw, is sovereign again
In the land. Ignorance is
The blister on civilization.
It's scabbed sore infects.
It's diseased our World.
Presidents of the nations
Deliver to us the plagues
Of War.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 137
Take no side in wars
Between dogs and cats.
Nor the battles between
Slaves of foreign faiths;
Between zealot disciples
Of psychotic ideologies;
Nor between practitioners
Of strange abhorrent ritual.
These have nothing to do
With us. Their wars are
Waged between lesser
Species then are we.
Between dogs and cats.
Nor the battles between
Slaves of foreign faiths;
Between zealot disciples
Of psychotic ideologies;
Nor between practitioners
Of strange abhorrent ritual.
These have nothing to do
With us. Their wars are
Waged between lesser
Species then are we.
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 136
Get angry.
No god vets for you a paradise.
Listen instead to the real deity
That resides inside your head.
Society shall seek to shackle
You in its chains of anxieties;
Seek to prison you by its laws
Of iron conformity. Those links
Can be broken, could be burst
Apart, separated, by cold rage.
No god vets for you a paradise.
Listen instead to the real deity
That resides inside your head.
Society shall seek to shackle
You in its chains of anxieties;
Seek to prison you by its laws
Of iron conformity. Those links
Can be broken, could be burst
Apart, separated, by cold rage.
Friday, October 28, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 135
Poetry is best in its omission.
It's in all those spaces that
Makes for splits, for jumps;
Empty spaces in every line that
Mirrors arcane symbols of maths
Underlying existence.
It's what not's there
That makes what's here;
What makes for the Real
For the True; for enduring.
It's in all those spaces that
Makes for splits, for jumps;
Empty spaces in every line that
Mirrors arcane symbols of maths
Underlying existence.
It's what not's there
That makes what's here;
What makes for the Real
For the True; for enduring.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 134
The skies judge us with its grays,
Its blues, its violets, and with
Its sometimes reds; they sentence us
To crimson salmons for the pollutions
Of our lives, which all together make
For such grand and glorious sunsets:
Purity is often overrated.
Its blues, its violets, and with
Its sometimes reds; they sentence us
To crimson salmons for the pollutions
Of our lives, which all together make
For such grand and glorious sunsets:
Purity is often overrated.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 133
Brave speech, if bravely spoken,
Is what expression is all about;
Words composed in a rhythm
That'll cause a sunshine squint
In the eyes of its audiences.
Music of Verse burrows in brains;
Digs inside, way before they'll know
They've been invaded by Poetry.
Is what expression is all about;
Words composed in a rhythm
That'll cause a sunshine squint
In the eyes of its audiences.
Music of Verse burrows in brains;
Digs inside, way before they'll know
They've been invaded by Poetry.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 132
Sit. Be still. Stifle your indignation.
Scolds of the day can be carried,
With a pause, with an easy slight
Shrug of shoulders, or by a silent
Recognition; by the inclination of
The head; by bows to a mediocrity.
Stop to consider these critics lead
Metered lives; lives, ticketed for a
Boredom; for existences parked in
Zombie formations. In frozen time.
Scolds of the day can be carried,
With a pause, with an easy slight
Shrug of shoulders, or by a silent
Recognition; by the inclination of
The head; by bows to a mediocrity.
Stop to consider these critics lead
Metered lives; lives, ticketed for a
Boredom; for existences parked in
Zombie formations. In frozen time.
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 131
Cold blue steel sky.
Unchanging weather.
No clouds. Just that big
Blind cataract Sun,
Glaring down at the city.
Don't see us. Don't care for us.
Don't even know we're here.
One-eyed blind stare.
War is coming soon.
Unchanging weather.
No clouds. Just that big
Blind cataract Sun,
Glaring down at the city.
Don't see us. Don't care for us.
Don't even know we're here.
One-eyed blind stare.
War is coming soon.
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 130
In that same worrisome way
We always have in thinking
Of all our troubles to come
Trampling on the morrow;
Yet with all of that anxiety,
With all that foreboding fear;
Still, still, we had our yesterdays,
And I have your smile. Still.
We always have in thinking
Of all our troubles to come
Trampling on the morrow;
Yet with all of that anxiety,
With all that foreboding fear;
Still, still, we had our yesterdays,
And I have your smile. Still.
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 129:
It looked inevitable,
It seemed almost fated,
When viewed from the
Precipice of the present.
How could such actions happen;
Such belief in some moral superiority,
Again, resulting in the tragedy of war?
How then will our own fate be judged
When at mercy in courts of the future.
It seemed almost fated,
When viewed from the
Precipice of the present.
How could such actions happen;
Such belief in some moral superiority,
Again, resulting in the tragedy of war?
How then will our own fate be judged
When at mercy in courts of the future.
Friday, October 14, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 128
That suitcase we carry with us
Containing clothes of our past
Weighs to stoop our shoulders,
As it bows to bend the spine;
Making each step into the future,
The sliding drag of the infirmed
And the heavy halt of the old.
Drop it. Leave it behind.
Containing clothes of our past
Weighs to stoop our shoulders,
As it bows to bend the spine;
Making each step into the future,
The sliding drag of the infirmed
And the heavy halt of the old.
Drop it. Leave it behind.
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 127
The clay pot of skull
That holds the mind
Is soon shattered by
The stupidity of politics.
These sad politicians, in
Seeking a salvation, by
Acquisition of powers
Over others; if we ever
Were to take seriously,
Will break our brains.
That holds the mind
Is soon shattered by
The stupidity of politics.
These sad politicians, in
Seeking a salvation, by
Acquisition of powers
Over others; if we ever
Were to take seriously,
Will break our brains.
Saturday, October 8, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 126
All grows to dim in a winter twilight.
A slate-black glow from sinking Sun
Serves to illuminate deserted walks,
Emptied by dusk; street-lamps ignite:
Sulfur fires giving to a city's asphalt
Pavements a violet and violent hue.
A slate-black glow from sinking Sun
Serves to illuminate deserted walks,
Emptied by dusk; street-lamps ignite:
Sulfur fires giving to a city's asphalt
Pavements a violet and violent hue.
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Blue Sun Series:Confluence: Verse 125
Pewter waves rolling into shore,
Spliced by white plumes of spray
Singeing the air with smell of salt.
A fine November day, clean, crisp,
With a tang-snap of cold to come.
It shall prove to be a long Winter.
Spliced by white plumes of spray
Singeing the air with smell of salt.
A fine November day, clean, crisp,
With a tang-snap of cold to come.
It shall prove to be a long Winter.
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 124
Serrated city, sliced by violence,
Sits frozen in fear of tomorrow,
Of what comes silent, stalking
Upon its streets. Winds push,
Lean against thin buildings; to
Prison those who've peered out
Behind their cracked blinds,
On gray, on crackling clouds,
Laced with lightning strikes;
Peering down on the stark,
Deserted, empty avenues,
Sits frozen in fear of tomorrow,
Of what comes silent, stalking
Upon its streets. Winds push,
Lean against thin buildings; to
Prison those who've peered out
Behind their cracked blinds,
On gray, on crackling clouds,
Laced with lightning strikes;
Peering down on the stark,
Deserted, empty avenues,
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 123
Aluminum sky merges with sea
In the gray-blue annealing light
Of the dawn. Neither sky nor sea,
Yet distinct; mist rolling forwards
In white wave, obscures the view.
Everything slows down; and even
The Sun seems dimmed, far away:
In the gray-blue annealing light
Of the dawn. Neither sky nor sea,
Yet distinct; mist rolling forwards
In white wave, obscures the view.
Everything slows down; and even
The Sun seems dimmed, far away:
Saturday, October 1, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 122
Those great brave words
That so thrilled the soul,
That activated the spirit,
Are scarce spoken now;
Instead, one hears gibes
From the petty politicians
Who desecrate the past;
Who've made a mockery
Of the nobility of the dead.
That so thrilled the soul,
That activated the spirit,
Are scarce spoken now;
Instead, one hears gibes
From the petty politicians
Who desecrate the past;
Who've made a mockery
Of the nobility of the dead.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 121
Leaning there, the keel and spine of you
Bending; always close against the wind.
Not yielding, not swaying; just tacking,
Staying on course. As to what, to where:
Who knows. Who cares. It's your sailing
That matters.
Bending; always close against the wind.
Not yielding, not swaying; just tacking,
Staying on course. As to what, to where:
Who knows. Who cares. It's your sailing
That matters.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 120
Running rivers and wild woods
Grant to spirit far more solace;
Far greater salvation to psyche,
Than does all of philosophy; than
Can all of religion. Protect them.
Savor them. They hold real hope
For deliverance.
Grant to spirit far more solace;
Far greater salvation to psyche,
Than does all of philosophy; than
Can all of religion. Protect them.
Savor them. They hold real hope
For deliverance.
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 119
Declare an armistice with yourself,
A temporary cease-fire, and in the
Truce and in that pause, maybe,
Hope to find yourself; wounded,
Yes but still alive; disabled, but
Still able to carry forward, into
What, into when, none, know.
A temporary cease-fire, and in the
Truce and in that pause, maybe,
Hope to find yourself; wounded,
Yes but still alive; disabled, but
Still able to carry forward, into
What, into when, none, know.
Friday, September 16, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 118
My country is not some state
Outside of me. Some gaudy
Flag waving on a long pole.
I swear allegiance to no party,
To no cause or to no country;
But solely to my own creation.
My nation is myself and I carry
My nation in my own mind; in
My own heart, and in my own
Outside of me. Some gaudy
Flag waving on a long pole.
I swear allegiance to no party,
To no cause or to no country;
But solely to my own creation.
My nation is myself and I carry
My nation in my own mind; in
My own heart, and in my own
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 117
As do all of those drone heliotropic plants,
Who're designed to follow travels of the Sun,
The majority of Men seek for some Savior.
We seem to lean in a far different direction.
We tend though to bend towards the Moon;
We're the moon's flowers and not the sun's.
We're the solitary walkers of the nights.
We're the shadows among you.
Who're designed to follow travels of the Sun,
The majority of Men seek for some Savior.
We seem to lean in a far different direction.
We tend though to bend towards the Moon;
We're the moon's flowers and not the sun's.
We're the solitary walkers of the nights.
We're the shadows among you.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 116
Our salvation comes from our creation.
Those deities in our heads ought to be
Listened to; ought to be argued with.
Best criticism comes from the inside.
Every voice we'll hear is different. Its
Distinct. Schizophrenia has advantages.
Those deities in our heads ought to be
Listened to; ought to be argued with.
Best criticism comes from the inside.
Every voice we'll hear is different. Its
Distinct. Schizophrenia has advantages.
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 115
Full moon tonight.
Night-walking in the cold.
Streets filled with amber
Glowing from street lamps,
Challenge the pale yellow
Shining, streaming, from
The moon; casting a double
Shadow on wet pavements;
Streets turquoise, of violet.
Night-walking in the cold.
Streets filled with amber
Glowing from street lamps,
Challenge the pale yellow
Shining, streaming, from
The moon; casting a double
Shadow on wet pavements;
Streets turquoise, of violet.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 114
Dumb all the way; silent;
Inarticulate in expression,
Of that you really wanted to say,
That now, you're unable to say;
For your education has made
You tongue-tied. Has censored you.
Has prevented you from speaking.
That rage within you is a great rage,
And it shall be expressed someday.
Inarticulate in expression,
Of that you really wanted to say,
That now, you're unable to say;
For your education has made
You tongue-tied. Has censored you.
Has prevented you from speaking.
That rage within you is a great rage,
And it shall be expressed someday.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 113
Be a light sleeper.
If you want to challenge authority.
If you wish to change the world.
They're coming for you. They know
Who you are. They won't be giving you
Advance warning. So. You better learn
To sleep with your boots on.
If you want to challenge authority.
If you wish to change the world.
They're coming for you. They know
Who you are. They won't be giving you
Advance warning. So. You better learn
To sleep with your boots on.
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 112
Surviving is the hardest occupation;
Maybe the sole one of any relevance:
The real work of life is remaining
In existence. Society tries to kill
Who you are. Culture tries to kill
Who you are. School tries to kill
Who you are. Stay in the fight.
Maybe the sole one of any relevance:
The real work of life is remaining
In existence. Society tries to kill
Who you are. Culture tries to kill
Who you are. School tries to kill
Who you are. Stay in the fight.
Friday, August 26, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 111
The vitriol and course vituperation
Of politic election, abandons those
Wanting for a possible country that
Argues with the sanities of reason,
Rather than by rudeness of politics.
Shouts of politicians, screaming ever
More loudly, in dumb vindictiveness,
Leaves us evicted from our country,
Wanting for a smarter nation; more
Better State.
Of politic election, abandons those
Wanting for a possible country that
Argues with the sanities of reason,
Rather than by rudeness of politics.
Shouts of politicians, screaming ever
More loudly, in dumb vindictiveness,
Leaves us evicted from our country,
Wanting for a smarter nation; more
Better State.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 110
Clever is as clever does.
Though men try to hide
What they are, their deeds,
Always, shall betray them.
What they've done is best
Witness to who it is they are.
Listen to acts; not to words.
Most shall claim some ability
They lack to magnify themselves.
They cheat. Watch what they do.
Though men try to hide
What they are, their deeds,
Always, shall betray them.
What they've done is best
Witness to who it is they are.
Listen to acts; not to words.
Most shall claim some ability
They lack to magnify themselves.
They cheat. Watch what they do.
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 109
Once you had realized
You were wrong about
It all. You were tricked,
That it wasn't that way,
At all; what you thought
Had happened, never took
Place; then what you do is
Sit and to think; well that's
All over now. Guess: Now,
Time then to go move on.
You were wrong about
It all. You were tricked,
That it wasn't that way,
At all; what you thought
Had happened, never took
Place; then what you do is
Sit and to think; well that's
All over now. Guess: Now,
Time then to go move on.
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 108
Slave to other are we
When we can't fend
For our self or think
For our self. Skill is
Needed to know how
To support oneself or
Family; knowledge is
Needed of how world
Works. Both are need
To become free men.
When we can't fend
For our self or think
For our self. Skill is
Needed to know how
To support oneself or
Family; knowledge is
Needed of how world
Works. Both are need
To become free men.
Monday, August 15, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 107
Politicians are performance artists.
Some got better material than others.
Some are better performers than others.
Some got better material and are better Performers too. And some are visionaries.
It's them visionaries you got to watch out for.
Still, we're waiting for someone with all three.
Some got better material than others.
Some are better performers than others.
Some got better material and are better Performers too. And some are visionaries.
It's them visionaries you got to watch out for.
Still, we're waiting for someone with all three.
Sunday, August 7, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 106
Nations come and go.
States come and go.
Faiths come and go.
We too come and go.
What's really important
Is in that recognition
Of this ever-changing
Impermanence, in the
Shifting, swaying deck,
On the vessel of our own
Sailed existence; in that
mutability, that change:
The assured and certain
Knowledge; that, yes,
We will come and go
And there it is.
States come and go.
Faiths come and go.
We too come and go.
What's really important
Is in that recognition
Of this ever-changing
Impermanence, in the
Shifting, swaying deck,
On the vessel of our own
Sailed existence; in that
mutability, that change:
The assured and certain
Knowledge; that, yes,
We will come and go
And there it is.
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 105
We leave behind the shells
Of ourselves; detritus of our
Existence. Spent cartridges.
Some few might hope to be
Remembered and respected.
But the rest of us, perhaps;
Are best forgotten.
Of ourselves; detritus of our
Existence. Spent cartridges.
Some few might hope to be
Remembered and respected.
But the rest of us, perhaps;
Are best forgotten.
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 104
To do anything well,
You got to know a lot
About everything; how
Everything hangs in a
Relationship to every
Other thing and how
It is connected to every
Thing else. It's the links
That make it work; that
Make for the full life.
You got to know a lot
About everything; how
Everything hangs in a
Relationship to every
Other thing and how
It is connected to every
Thing else. It's the links
That make it work; that
Make for the full life.
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 103
Move your mind outside.
Go into the far distances.
Then look upon yourself;
As you were; as you are;
As you will be. What do
You see? Do you change
In Time or do you still
Stay the same? Is this
Where you ought to be?
Go into the far distances.
Then look upon yourself;
As you were; as you are;
As you will be. What do
You see? Do you change
In Time or do you still
Stay the same? Is this
Where you ought to be?
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 102
Say a guitar and a rifle
Is all you need for life,
To create your art and
To protect your creation.
All the rest is extra. You
May want for them. You
May be attached to them.
You might pine for them;
But you don't need them.
All you really need is you.
Is all you need for life,
To create your art and
To protect your creation.
All the rest is extra. You
May want for them. You
May be attached to them.
You might pine for them;
But you don't need them.
All you really need is you.
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 101
Myths of men make men.
Myths of states make states.
Beliefs cause compulsions.
Compulsions cause actions.
Action cause birth of states.
There is a war between facts
And myths, and those myths
Always win; because men die
For sake of myth; never facts.
Myths of states make states.
Beliefs cause compulsions.
Compulsions cause actions.
Action cause birth of states.
There is a war between facts
And myths, and those myths
Always win; because men die
For sake of myth; never facts.
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 100
We might well be wearing
These drab civilian clothes,
That proclaims to society
Our conformity. Hidden
Underneath them though,
There's a sacred uniform
That's kept from outward
Show and whichever colors
This might have, one must
Still remain to be true to it.
These drab civilian clothes,
That proclaims to society
Our conformity. Hidden
Underneath them though,
There's a sacred uniform
That's kept from outward
Show and whichever colors
This might have, one must
Still remain to be true to it.
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 99
The fencing of the masters
Is predicated upon softest,
Lightest, touching of blades.
Just small deflection in a parry
And then the fast thrust home.
In politics of rhetoric, in the wit
Of repartee, that stab into breast
Exposes heart. Says who you are.
Is predicated upon softest,
Lightest, touching of blades.
Just small deflection in a parry
And then the fast thrust home.
In politics of rhetoric, in the wit
Of repartee, that stab into breast
Exposes heart. Says who you are.
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 98
There be dumb crooks.
There be smart crooks.
Dumb crooks are in jail
Because they're caught
In breaking laws. Smart
Crooks are politicians in
Congress, because they
Created the law. Genius
Crooks are Presidents.
There be smart crooks.
Dumb crooks are in jail
Because they're caught
In breaking laws. Smart
Crooks are politicians in
Congress, because they
Created the law. Genius
Crooks are Presidents.
Monday, July 25, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 97
They who created you;
Your parents, and they
Whom you created, are
Always worth fighting for,
As well as all of your other
Creations. They made you
And you made them. But;
All else is to be considered;
All else is a hesitation; is a
Doubt: Is it worth the price
Of your life and your limbs?
Whether it has those aspects
Of that holiness, and of that
Sacredness you hold so dear?
Little does.
Your parents, and they
Whom you created, are
Always worth fighting for,
As well as all of your other
Creations. They made you
And you made them. But;
All else is to be considered;
All else is a hesitation; is a
Doubt: Is it worth the price
Of your life and your limbs?
Whether it has those aspects
Of that holiness, and of that
Sacredness you hold so dear?
Little does.
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 96
We're all born way too late.
We're all born way too soon.
We are all born in the wrong
State or in the wrong society;
In a wrong place at the wrong
Time. Best you can expect is:
They'll leave you alone. A fat
Chance of that.
We're all born way too soon.
We are all born in the wrong
State or in the wrong society;
In a wrong place at the wrong
Time. Best you can expect is:
They'll leave you alone. A fat
Chance of that.
Friday, July 22, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 95
To err
On the side of love is no error at all.
Fools we are for we were made for it.
Too much of reason hinders inclination.
We lean always to the side of passion.
This slant has made for us survivors
For the future.
On the side of love is no error at all.
Fools we are for we were made for it.
Too much of reason hinders inclination.
We lean always to the side of passion.
This slant has made for us survivors
For the future.
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 94
Best wine to go with food
Is the wit of clever people,
Saying unexpected things
In their surprising ways.
Together, we are sitting
At the same round table,
With none at the head,
And none at the foot,
And all conversing in a
Feast of Wit.
Is the wit of clever people,
Saying unexpected things
In their surprising ways.
Together, we are sitting
At the same round table,
With none at the head,
And none at the foot,
And all conversing in a
Feast of Wit.
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 93
Beware all them proclaiming
As professorial pundits; all
Them, claiming of clerical
Status. Above all, beware
Devious politicians, who
Say they'll speak for you;
They, who lay claim to be
The Voice of the People;
Them, when speaking on
Your behalf; really, are
Solely for themselves.
Be your own Voice.
As professorial pundits; all
Them, claiming of clerical
Status. Above all, beware
Devious politicians, who
Say they'll speak for you;
They, who lay claim to be
The Voice of the People;
Them, when speaking on
Your behalf; really, are
Solely for themselves.
Be your own Voice.
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 92
We know who it is we are.
We can speak for ourselves
About what it is we're now.
Those words we'll speak to
Ourselves; shape ourselves,
For we are judging ourselves.
We come to resemble our words.
The better we will come to be,
The nobler were those words.
We can speak for ourselves
About what it is we're now.
Those words we'll speak to
Ourselves; shape ourselves,
For we are judging ourselves.
We come to resemble our words.
The better we will come to be,
The nobler were those words.
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 91
A lot in little is the task
For all poetry. Maybe,
Too, for life. Sly words.
Trench-coat and fedora;
Long-slide of forty-five,
Of film noir. What's said
In black and white, in a
subtle foreshadowing is
What sticks in the Mind.
For all poetry. Maybe,
Too, for life. Sly words.
Trench-coat and fedora;
Long-slide of forty-five,
Of film noir. What's said
In black and white, in a
subtle foreshadowing is
What sticks in the Mind.
Friday, July 15, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 90
There's darkness here
In this seditious city;
Hiding away in shadow
From a suspicious light
Of inquiry. Fear and the
Hatred that accompanies it,
Is breeding in its corners.
Soon, it'll be jumping out.
At us.
In this seditious city;
Hiding away in shadow
From a suspicious light
Of inquiry. Fear and the
Hatred that accompanies it,
Is breeding in its corners.
Soon, it'll be jumping out.
At us.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 89
This is a faux generation,
Imitating, simulating, the
Real thing. It's ascended;
And now it's succeeded us.
They lack for everything;
For our authentic fire, but
Merely emulate; but merely
Imitate; trying to camouflage,
To cover over, what has gone
Imitating, simulating, the
Real thing. It's ascended;
And now it's succeeded us.
They lack for everything;
For our authentic fire, but
Merely emulate; but merely
Imitate; trying to camouflage,
To cover over, what has gone
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 88
The issue is not:
Why others believe as they do.
Issue is:
Why it is they think how they do;
Why it is they will act as they do.
How they act is rooted in how they think.
How they think is rooted in the mutable
Laws of evolution.
Why others believe as they do.
Issue is:
Why it is they think how they do;
Why it is they will act as they do.
How they act is rooted in how they think.
How they think is rooted in the mutable
Laws of evolution.
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 87
There's no glory in it.
There is no honor.
War is blood, shit, piss;
Nothing else. There's no
Reason for it, nor a logic.
It kills the bravest, to let
Cowards rule in Congress;
In the nations' presidencies
As prime ministers of States.
There is no honor.
War is blood, shit, piss;
Nothing else. There's no
Reason for it, nor a logic.
It kills the bravest, to let
Cowards rule in Congress;
In the nations' presidencies
As prime ministers of States.
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 86
As in fighting;
So in philosophy,
Always take the
Flanking paths.
Feint and weave.
Indirection gives
Solution for win.
Not "What is Being?"
But "Describe Nothingness."
Not "What can we Know?"
But "How could we not Learn."
So in philosophy,
Always take the
Flanking paths.
Feint and weave.
Indirection gives
Solution for win.
Not "What is Being?"
But "Describe Nothingness."
Not "What can we Know?"
But "How could we not Learn."
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 85
The slow learners have it best.
What comes easy, goes away;
As just as easy, it disappears.
Long life helps; it's necessary
For knowledge. Everything
You thought true in youth;
Now you know, in your age,
Proved false in retrospection.
What comes easy, goes away;
As just as easy, it disappears.
Long life helps; it's necessary
For knowledge. Everything
You thought true in youth;
Now you know, in your age,
Proved false in retrospection.
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 84
Blood and whiskey go
To forge the steel of will,
Tempered with restraint.
Hardness works in action;
Works, when pausing too.
Nothing's done well absent
Foundation of meditation.
The discipline of thought
Keeps us free of violence.
To forge the steel of will,
Tempered with restraint.
Hardness works in action;
Works, when pausing too.
Nothing's done well absent
Foundation of meditation.
The discipline of thought
Keeps us free of violence.
Friday, July 8, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 83:
Trite and tired
Are formula expressions
Of a pledged adherence to state and faith Contained in the posts by the politicians, who Pronounce and broadcast each and every day
To sitting soft audiences of the social media.
Do they know what it is they're speaking of?
Such speech of arrogance is the cause of wars.
Are formula expressions
Of a pledged adherence to state and faith Contained in the posts by the politicians, who Pronounce and broadcast each and every day
To sitting soft audiences of the social media.
Do they know what it is they're speaking of?
Such speech of arrogance is the cause of wars.
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 82
Push far away from you
The plate of patriotism.
Remove it from your table
Of Beliefs. This is no nation
For poets and philosophers,
For artists and for scientists;
But one for oligarchs, one for
Plutocrats; for the politicians
Who slave and service them.
I'll not eat from that dish.
The plate of patriotism.
Remove it from your table
Of Beliefs. This is no nation
For poets and philosophers,
For artists and for scientists;
But one for oligarchs, one for
Plutocrats; for the politicians
Who slave and service them.
I'll not eat from that dish.
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 81
Who we shall eventually come to be;
As assumption, provided we survive,
Long enough to achieve our destiny,
Is the question; nothing else matters.
Not faith. Not state. Not our society.
What matters is to become who it is
We are.
As assumption, provided we survive,
Long enough to achieve our destiny,
Is the question; nothing else matters.
Not faith. Not state. Not our society.
What matters is to become who it is
We are.
Friday, July 1, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 80
Blue Hour.
Space between the sinking of Sun and rising of a Moon,
Gives a respite, gives pause, suspending cares of the day;
Fears about realities for the future. Though we may die;
Though we ceased to exist, our task is: haunt they alive!
"Remember Me!"
Space between the sinking of Sun and rising of a Moon,
Gives a respite, gives pause, suspending cares of the day;
Fears about realities for the future. Though we may die;
Though we ceased to exist, our task is: haunt they alive!
"Remember Me!"
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 79
Never able was I able to master it;
That skill, needed for creating the
Palimpsests for visions, for voices,
Those which can provide instruct;
Those that urge you for a change.
Yet, what you write, what you say,
You know in your heart, what you
Choose to do in life, is holier than
Scripture. It's a living testament
To Thought.
That skill, needed for creating the
Palimpsests for visions, for voices,
Those which can provide instruct;
Those that urge you for a change.
Yet, what you write, what you say,
You know in your heart, what you
Choose to do in life, is holier than
Scripture. It's a living testament
To Thought.
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 78
Voice in the head;
But fear in the throat,
And then nothing gets said.
Words are dictated to oneself
By oneself. If the words are true,
They born seed in verse to flower
Into poetry. If words are common,
They'll fall into prose, a meaner art.
But fear in the throat,
And then nothing gets said.
Words are dictated to oneself
By oneself. If the words are true,
They born seed in verse to flower
Into poetry. If words are common,
They'll fall into prose, a meaner art.
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 77
We have become a split people
Of a difference. A divide between
Us has occurred. Maybe an evolution;
Maybe a devolution, and maybe both.
Half of us belong and cling to the past.
Half pursue and aspire to the future.
But. None now belong to the present.
Of a difference. A divide between
Us has occurred. Maybe an evolution;
Maybe a devolution, and maybe both.
Half of us belong and cling to the past.
Half pursue and aspire to the future.
But. None now belong to the present.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 76
Amoeba, that's eating away at the Will
Of the Nation is avarice; is the fat slug
Of the grub for greed, is the tapeworm
Of ambition for immediate possession;
For the here and now, that diminishes;
That makes small; that starves venture
For further, ever further for the farther
Far Frontiers.
Of the Nation is avarice; is the fat slug
Of the grub for greed, is the tapeworm
Of ambition for immediate possession;
For the here and now, that diminishes;
That makes small; that starves venture
For further, ever further for the farther
Far Frontiers.
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 75
The significance is everything.
Though what we do appears
Without purpose, looks absent
From all reason, devoid of logic;
What is in us gradually shall
Advance to the fore; then,
A revelation happens as
We become who we are.
Though what we do appears
Without purpose, looks absent
From all reason, devoid of logic;
What is in us gradually shall
Advance to the fore; then,
A revelation happens as
We become who we are.
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 74
Lust and greed, avarice of desire,
Drive the politics of the nation.
Politicians will speak of change
While voters sleep unawares.
Arguments among the parties
Engaged in politics are skewed
To determine which castes will
Rule to control the peoples.
Drive the politics of the nation.
Politicians will speak of change
While voters sleep unawares.
Arguments among the parties
Engaged in politics are skewed
To determine which castes will
Rule to control the peoples.
Monday, June 20, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 73
Strawberry moon, berry red,
Shining in the short night of
Solstice colors the river in
Winter, smears it in blood;
As slow cascades of silent
Black waves slash on its
Snow-filled white shores,
Sounding a warning crash
To no one there in the dark.
Shining in the short night of
Solstice colors the river in
Winter, smears it in blood;
As slow cascades of silent
Black waves slash on its
Snow-filled white shores,
Sounding a warning crash
To no one there in the dark.
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 72
It burns you. It consumes you.
Visions of works you still got to do.
The songs. The poems. Those films
There still there hiding in the head.
Growing larger. Crowding together.
Pushing forward waiting to be born.
Visions of works you still got to do.
The songs. The poems. Those films
There still there hiding in the head.
Growing larger. Crowding together.
Pushing forward waiting to be born.
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 71
Purpose of life is:
To bend Time; to
Fold it, to sustain
Chords from Past
Into a far Future.
If what we did in
Life has relevance
To generations to
Come; has impact,
Life wasn't wasted.
To bend Time; to
Fold it, to sustain
Chords from Past
Into a far Future.
If what we did in
Life has relevance
To generations to
Come; has impact,
Life wasn't wasted.
Friday, June 17, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 70
In a strange place
In a strange time,
Pale light from a gold
Moon, shines in slivers;
In cold silver, chaining,
Night to sleep; locking in,
Far distant suns of vision;
Tangling in ropes of doubt:
What are we, but dreams?
In a strange time,
Pale light from a gold
Moon, shines in slivers;
In cold silver, chaining,
Night to sleep; locking in,
Far distant suns of vision;
Tangling in ropes of doubt:
What are we, but dreams?
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 69
Deserted woods,
Silent of voice of birds;
A Land of Death.
Nothing moves here.
Nothing stirs here.
Desert of desiccation;
Dry trees droop
In limbs bare of leaf;
Broken branches.
We started as Hope;
We have ended up
As being Despair.
Silent of voice of birds;
A Land of Death.
Nothing moves here.
Nothing stirs here.
Desert of desiccation;
Dry trees droop
In limbs bare of leaf;
Broken branches.
We started as Hope;
We have ended up
As being Despair.
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 68
Light-stepping man,
Gravity of care eludes
You now. It will all change.
Burden of responsibility shall
Weigh you down. You'll soon
Shall see your father in your
Mirror whenever you'll shave.
You've become your own ghost.
Gravity of care eludes
You now. It will all change.
Burden of responsibility shall
Weigh you down. You'll soon
Shall see your father in your
Mirror whenever you'll shave.
You've become your own ghost.
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 67
Education is an erasure of everything;
Of those tools that could set us free.
Taught to have our faith in a State
That never has cared for us; except
As vessels for exploitation, to use,
To serve for its imperial needs.
We've forgotten of our own;
To be WE.
Of those tools that could set us free.
Taught to have our faith in a State
That never has cared for us; except
As vessels for exploitation, to use,
To serve for its imperial needs.
We've forgotten of our own;
To be WE.
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 66
Scales upon our eyes
Are cataracts of faiths
Blinding, depriving us
Of vision. What seems
So obvious to believers;
To zealots of the faiths;
Appears to us distorted,
As astigmatic to reality.
To other observers; to
Outsiders, to outcasts
From belief: Step back.
Stop. Pause. Consider.
We live in dangerous times.
Are cataracts of faiths
Blinding, depriving us
Of vision. What seems
So obvious to believers;
To zealots of the faiths;
Appears to us distorted,
As astigmatic to reality.
To other observers; to
Outsiders, to outcasts
From belief: Step back.
Stop. Pause. Consider.
We live in dangerous times.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 65
The cavity of doubt
Is drilled by experience;
Is abscessed, impacted,
By any promising a truth
Not provable by reason.
Non-verified statement
Eats away at the enamel
Of logic; tries to crumble it,
Seeks to destroy it; till all
That is left of life is Fear.
Is drilled by experience;
Is abscessed, impacted,
By any promising a truth
Not provable by reason.
Non-verified statement
Eats away at the enamel
Of logic; tries to crumble it,
Seeks to destroy it; till all
That is left of life is Fear.
Monday, June 13, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 64
Revelation spawns new civilizations,
By giving birth to hope for humanity;
For that which has been made known
To ourselves by and from ourselves;
Bypassing the strictures of societies,
Is that what makes for the future.
By giving birth to hope for humanity;
For that which has been made known
To ourselves by and from ourselves;
Bypassing the strictures of societies,
Is that what makes for the future.
Friday, June 10, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 63
To the dead we owe deliverance;
To those who've gone before us,
Bearing their pains of existence,
Enduring it, without complaints,
As to how cruel unfair all of it is.
They did it for us, our ancestors;
They, who were our forebears.
To those who've gone before us,
Bearing their pains of existence,
Enduring it, without complaints,
As to how cruel unfair all of it is.
They did it for us, our ancestors;
They, who were our forebears.
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 62
Spell tomorrow
By the magic of our yesterdays.
The relay race of civilization is run,
By passing the baton of experience
To our successors; in handing it over.
Our day is done and they shall carry
It forward. What was will always be
If the pace is still kept.
By the magic of our yesterdays.
The relay race of civilization is run,
By passing the baton of experience
To our successors; in handing it over.
Our day is done and they shall carry
It forward. What was will always be
If the pace is still kept.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 61
Groan for this Nation of the Night.
It's been given over to dark walkers.
It needs no Moon for them to see by;
For, in their silent trudging, head bent
Forward and down, deafness stepping;
Not knowing each other, ignoring each
Other; they glide through life by a thin
Light from off their beaming cell phone.
It's been given over to dark walkers.
It needs no Moon for them to see by;
For, in their silent trudging, head bent
Forward and down, deafness stepping;
Not knowing each other, ignoring each
Other; they glide through life by a thin
Light from off their beaming cell phone.
Monday, June 6, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 60
Sculpture your verse to make it be
Electric in memory. Poetry should
Look good as well as sound good.
The more senses it engages and
Elicits, the more powerful it is.
Words should smell and taste.
Words ought move and dance.
Meaning is last.
Electric in memory. Poetry should
Look good as well as sound good.
The more senses it engages and
Elicits, the more powerful it is.
Words should smell and taste.
Words ought move and dance.
Meaning is last.
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 59
To have a validity;
To have good logic in your opinion,
Facts must be sought, must be known;
Must be stated in a format, promoting
Fostering perception of the argument.
The obscure is an excuse for meaningless;
So say it always in the common tongue.
Not like this.
To have good logic in your opinion,
Facts must be sought, must be known;
Must be stated in a format, promoting
Fostering perception of the argument.
The obscure is an excuse for meaningless;
So say it always in the common tongue.
Not like this.
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 58
Word may make for Flesh,
Because absent words,
There is no humanity.
But beneath both Word and Flesh
Is the very same Number
And beneath that Number
Is the Void, from which The Three:
Word and Flesh and Number, spring.
Beneath Void, there is The Nothingness;
The No-Thing. It is that which makes the rest.
Because absent words,
There is no humanity.
But beneath both Word and Flesh
Is the very same Number
And beneath that Number
Is the Void, from which The Three:
Word and Flesh and Number, spring.
Beneath Void, there is The Nothingness;
The No-Thing. It is that which makes the rest.
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 57
We're all of us
Born too soon;
Way before our time.
If only we'd been born later;
Then, maybe, just maybe,
We would perhaps, have been recognized; Maybe lauded for what we truly were. But. Maybe not.
Born too soon;
Way before our time.
If only we'd been born later;
Then, maybe, just maybe,
We would perhaps, have been recognized; Maybe lauded for what we truly were. But. Maybe not.
Friday, June 3, 2016
Blue Sun Series: Confluence: Verse 56
There are prime people.
There are sub-prime people.
There are they who can and do;
Have great credit, are creative.
There are they who said they could;
Who said they would; got bad credit,
And those are the real Americans;
Like us.
There are sub-prime people.
There are they who can and do;
Have great credit, are creative.
There are they who said they could;
Who said they would; got bad credit,
And those are the real Americans;
Like us.
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