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Response To That Final Question:
Ignorance is the Bane of Man.
At a distance removed,
Dimly remembered, and
Still not seen distinct,
But yet somehow felt;
What we do sense
Is not reality; is not the Real Thing.
This World is hologram.
Then; for lucid sleep;
For it's just a dream
Within another dream
And we are not awake.
Seven Stars' Song of Revelation
Is possible but through knowledge.
Don't fear nor spurn. Dare to learn:
Assent to and accept this world as it is
Before attempting ascent to any world
Aspired to or wished for. Life's glorious!
That That Is can be known but by few.
Not space, not time, not gravity exists;
But as Extension from Field of Thought.
Be subject to neither church nor crown.
Dread naught. Disdain none: Not One!
Absent That That Is, there's Nothing.
That That Is, IS. That That's Not, IS, too.
That That's Not makes That That Is: IS.
Be subject to neither church nor crown.
Dread naught. Disdain none: Not One!
Absent That That Is, there's Nothing.
That That Is, IS. That That's Not, IS, too.
That That's Not makes That That Is: IS.
That That Is makes That That's Not BE.
By rowing to That That Is, I become "I."
Wind + Water = Wave. As THOUGHT is
Wind + Water = Wave. As THOUGHT is
The Heart and The Nave of The Wheel.
Worlds are created from Thought alone.
That which we will do is because of that
What we are. We'll become who we are.
Charity, courtesy, civility, compassion,
Are cardinal spokes making civilization;
Chivalry forms center, hub's circle core.
IS is! Be not the slave of some other's I.
This, Creed of our Seven Stars Society;
This, The Teaching of the Seven Stars:
No man can be happy if he should choose
To be exile from his own nature and soul.
Precognitive Prescient Prophetic Poetry by WILLIAM O'CONNOR
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Consilience: Verse 21
What makes us men is refusal. We are not pack animals. We follow our own conscience and we trust in it. We know better; far better than they who would force us to obey; we've said "no" we're brand apart.
Blue Sun Series: Consilience: Verse 20
Our bodies, our brains were designed for survival: to live and to let us thrive. Senses show but pauper's poor representation of reality; a hologram simulacrum. What exists is energy, not what's seen or heard.
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Consilience: Verse 19
Desire is death. Any deity created by any people is real reflection on that true conscience of that people. Mean gods were made by mean peoples to deceive their depravities. Make then, for you: The Good God.
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Consilience: Verse 18
To wrought radical transmutation, to make a fierce transformation, to birth a new beginning, is zealotry for change; stemming from driven obsession with creation, and for destruction of whatever was before.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Consilience: Verse 17
You can ignore it. You can delay it. You can fight it. It's always there striving to be born. When you're old. When you're broke. When you've lost your loves to death; you can look back and say: I done that.
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Consilience: Verse 16
It's always been about making more beautiful questions; those riddles which have no answer. Solutions are easy. It's questions that are hard. Imperious laws are subverted by showing conundrums of Nature.
Monday, December 7, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Consilience: Verse 15
In its broader cello statement, there's a wiser prediction; there's an older acknowledgement, with each drawing of its bow: last century has seen such horror and the new century has start in this same strain.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Consilience: Verse 14
Like cogs in a stop watch, the islands of worlds relate; universes are entangled. They'll stop and they'll start together vomiting new worlds; spewing new universes. Time goes backwards-forwards, in tempo.
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Blue sun Series: Consilience: Verse 13
The Felt that is needed before the Logic can be revealed, can be explained, can be known; is the Spark. Emotion precedes Reason. Touch is the better cognition. We are our feelings; our thoughts come later.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Consilience: Verse 12
Warming fusion of a false Spring, buds prick on twigs of trees in desire to leaf while awaiting a call from destiny to flower but it's November still as many months await yet hope of Shape fore Number, awakes.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Consilience: Verse 11
Long highways, a helmet for my pillow and a poncho for my bed and stars are over head; just my rifle to hug and my dreams the only help to keep me warm, I'll be humping out tomorrow way before the dawn.
Monday, November 2, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Consilience: Verse 10
An entropy of color follows upon our deaths, a silent and still cooling down into a nothingness radiating in memory, spreading out, spearing out, in puddles of energy; then, a slow turning acceptance of black.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Consilience: Verse 9
So essential to our sanity are myths, are impossible religions, fantasies that give to life its meaning and purpose; that absent them, the length of days would be as bland, as boring, as lectures of the scientists.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Consilience: Verse 8
There for you forever; a shrug of the shoulders and a silent surrender and there it is. It's nothing at all what you thought it would be. There it is still. There is nothing you can do about it. It's funny that way.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Consilience: Verse 7
Fettered to fate, Being and Time and Matter and Energy, form one single entity; they all form one unity. Thin slender lines bind them by loops of relativity, one is becoming another to remain in one continuity.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Consilience: Verse 6
Autumn brings an eloquent disorder, speaking in tongues of cognac and cocaine, stating its verbiage in colors of crimson and cyan; arguing summer's conclusion in calculated combination of sharp confusion.
Blue Sun Series: Consilience: Verse 5
Savor this day,
There might not come another.
The contaminations caused by an
Insidious influenza of the brain from
The virus of the prejudiced opinions
From the mouths of pundits of the media,
Infect more harm, affect more diseases
Of the mind; more damages to health,
Then that's been done by plagues before.
There might not come another.
The contaminations caused by an
Insidious influenza of the brain from
The virus of the prejudiced opinions
From the mouths of pundits of the media,
Infect more harm, affect more diseases
Of the mind; more damages to health,
Then that's been done by plagues before.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Consilience: Verse 4
Walk among the green mansions of the woods, when trees are still in their brightest foliage of Fall, and still voice will whisper: This is the right country for me. This is the world in which I belong. Here. Now!
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Consilience: Verse 3
On a cold-some night like this, with wet wind of rain reeking its damp in the rafters and little patters of drops splattering on an window pane, keep you from slumber; stay you far from the cotton fall of sleep.
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Consilience: Verse 2
A little mad goes to genius great long way. Encumbered upon everyone is the need to make one's own religion, one's own philosophy, one's own mythology; so, to live uncensored in country of one's mind.
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Consilience: Verse 1
The work outlives its age only when prejudiced against the consensus of its time. All great work shall cause an agitation; a hesitation in what was considered then to be the common sense of the majority.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 40
Summer dusk is almost done, still bronze, still hot and in the sky reside thin strings of clouds and a pale moon and a dust of tiny distant stars on a warm September night; keep your shades up for such a sight.
Monday, September 7, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 39
A silence descends upon it, a drawn curtain has dropped down covering the stage. Now that the drama is ended, act finished, it's time to move on, to let others perform; and hope to find a better part to play.
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 38
The objective has always been the same: To lead a holy life, whatever that might mean to you; to listen to the divine which resides in your skull and to direct your every action towards making that Voice real.
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 37
It was a better time, it was a better country, it was a better people and even the gangsters were better dressed. The rubric of delight was written in more simple, in more common things; a smile was enough.
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 36
Pornographers posing as patriots are these politicians demanding your sacrifice. They who would make you bend the knee to flags, cut the soul inside, devour and spit it out; cannibals of feelings of the heart.
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 35
Standing straight in separate narrow rows, the green formation of poplars athwart a road spill purple shaded silhouettes; shadows thrown from a tired sun in late afternoon, when heat has turned to hue.
Friday, September 4, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 34
For others we'll leave the greater questions. The clock of time has wound down for us. The pages of the calendar of life are flipped over, are folded, are smudged creased and marked; mourning for yesterdays.
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 33
Give to each syllable tone and hue as statement for emotion. Give to each line equation for a symmetry. Give to each stanza a coherence for an argument. Give to it all a rhythm and a rhetoric. Result is Poetry.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 32
The darkened blinds, pulled down in a paralysis, that hide the dead window behind, smooth and flat, look on nothing but another tenement window across an air shaft; equally as blind, equally as black.
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 31
Graveyards of veterans throughout the world stand silent, abandoned, by visitation, to serve as sermon in stone to waste of war. That cause and that duty that cursed to confine them here were coffin to folly.
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 30
Reaching for the moon but capturing the stars is no small accomplishment. Often desire is detoured onto a higher way; to a more noble road. Absent initial aspiration, nothing can be done or achieved.
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 29
Wrong-way driver up a one way street, spin your wheel and turn around. Step on the gas. Get out of here. Life is a canvass of signs and sounds, none of which give meaning or direction; just a warning.
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 28
The pen is fire in the hand and makes a cursive blaze, kindled by desire, flared into emotion. Statement and protest against the darkness of ignorance; lighted in night, shouting: Here I am. Here I shall stand!
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 27
Flesh of the blade, we all soldiers are, in our realization, in our acceptance, that there is no away from this, no escape; we are here and now and to danger we are exposed just by our presence in this world.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 26
No politician ever lost any election by under estimating the intelligence of the people. The horror that was can come again. A benevolent despot is still a despot. No compassion can reside within a slavery.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 25
A dour faith that has no smile in it is no religion at all. It is a simulacrum of belief, a painted statuette of truth and not the real thing at all. These somber men all dressed in black know nothing of the joy of life.
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 24
Taken in exception, in the unexpected, from the shadow of thought to the light of conviction; revelation occurs: This now is it. It's what it's all about. Everything that went before was but prequel to this story.
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 23
For reason to persuade, it must be clothed in a multi-colored mood habit of emotion. Nude logic moves none. The poignancy expressed in a penetrating accuracy of argumentation ought to both wound and to heal in a final agreement; in a resolution of a salve of harmony.
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 22
To be religious, avoid churches and temples. To be learned, avoid schools and universities. To be courageous, avoid armies and navies. Churches, temples, schools, universities, armies, navies; none has the fires of creation. Each serves the state and no state is ever You.
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 21
A radiance bleeding into air, a blending of light there, suffused in crimson and azure, bent into a relativity, moves on, slows to an acceptance of gravity pushed by hidden dimensions; then, an acceptance of heaviness, of mass; then: miracle, a universe is born.
Monday, August 3, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 20
Provocations and palpitations that stop the heart in presence of beauty arrest daily blindness in writing the diary of temporality. We are enclosed within the book of boring schedule of need, of work. Awe is a stepping aside, a pause; followed by a shrug then a turning back.
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 19
Being is that which frees the becoming of things from the stasis of the prison of nothingness into existence. Being is not what is; but instead, Being is that which is causing what is; the chosen habit of creation. Nothingness is natural. Nothingness gives birth to Being.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 18
Patriotism is mad parasite of propaganda making for farness from the family of Man. To make farness vanish, the body must become text for the brain, not a separation from society, not slave to a State; absorbed, eaten and subsumed into it: but subject to no nation.
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 17
Written as signature upon the world is compassion and to stand bereft of any empathy is to distance oneself from the literature of love. When broken, the teacup of time can't be repaired or replaced; its remnant remains as is, unable to hold the cup of life to go on, forever.
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 16
Necessity constitutes the essence and the core of existence. All that is certain is chance and change. The beats of Time are not slurred; are separate and distinct but are so close so short, they seem continuous of a single flow: Existence comes to Being from Nothingness.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 15
Religion, art and science are simply different instruments performing in the same symphony and, at certain intervals in performance, one or another is given more prominence, is given a solo; but then the whole orchestra responds, so that the composition moves on.
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 14
Gray fogs slumber in the mists, echoes of damp clouds, snoring, sleeping, in the dawn of science; that swamp of ignorance. The greater is the recognition of the absurdity of things, greater is the knowledge of real true natures of things. There is no logic here; just What Is.
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 13
Fear is the most necessary of emotions; the fear of the paradox of separation, brought to nought by fear I have become separated from myself. I am divided by the realization I could no longer recognize myself in the mirror of my soul: I am not that I thought myself to be.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 12
Politicians are like dogs on leashes; they shall always look back to see where it is their owners, that is their donors and their sponsors, are directing them and telling them to go, as themselves have no will of their own: They are automatons; robots to the wants of others.
Monday, July 6, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 11
They would make us care, make us admire clowns of politicians that have no agenda but their own desire for fame, for wealth, for prominence in status; but none possess the most necessary attribute of statesmanship, recognizing fate as the destiny of nations.
Saturday, July 4, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 10
How countless are the states and the nations gone, all those ancient empires; that once, did encompass and circle the globe. Mean religion of patriotism gave purpose and design; faded flags, ripped rags, disintegrating, dissolving; not remembered nor respected.
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Blu Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 9
The true priests of our age are its poet-philosophers and I'm blest to be among them. Revelation and reason form one single unity, not an opposition nor dichotomy. We're who we are because we are; need no justification, need no proof for us, as it's sufficient just To Be.
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 8
Only Being exists and Being is Number. Poetry is revelation and philosophy is reason and they both need to be mastered to know Being: Naming of a Thing is recognition of the Thing and the better is that naming, and the best is by poetry, the better can it be brought To Be.
Friday, June 19, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 7
Blue shadow shades of twilight falling into the rose-red of sun-down, dropping behind lavender hills across the turquoise river, lighting sky in brief serenade's honeyed tarrying; final slow splash of golden light before sleep to be born again in sudden tomorrow new dawn.
Monday, June 15, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 6
Mean and clean, rapture makes for a chain surround, makes for a slavery of love; forges a circle of obsession, composed of the captured links of attachment and of surrender, of a willed complicity in a loss of liberty. Hard times makes for a hard people and gives us a clarity.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 5
That which is ineffable in words is knowable in the symbols and signs of the secret language of numbers, via detour taken into duration of change; then to ride back again in a round-about of translation to convert the numbers to words, for they are the very same in sense.
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 4
Like gods upon your head, equations are incantations, calling forth inspiration to follow the right paths of understanding, the ways of reason and of logic; which arms us to fight the darkness of ignorance, of superstition, of fear of exploration: for to know is to be free.
Friday, May 22, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 3
Opening flower of reality springs forth petals of dimensions. Men may train dogs, but women train men. It is not important to be good nor to be true, as that is merely manners. What is important is to be you.
Monday, May 18, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 2
The leaning gesture of the stem of the electric rose, encased in the vase of clear water, a green stick bent and stripped clean of sharper thorn; signals out its presence in red defiance of its death when plucked from slanted prism of slim glass: remember me as I once was.
Monday, May 11, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Convergence: Verse 1
Buds hidden in the hedgerow burst to bloom in May; stark flowering bright seen even in gray morning. Glorious is gaiety of Spring as far dispersion of pollen is an affirmation is yes to the dominance of life.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 50
Whether or not you can think, if they believe you can think or even have capacity to think, they'll hate you, shall strive to destroy you, will seek you out to ridicule you; if failing in that will try to harm you.
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 49
Control a language and they who think in it are controlled too; what academies of education do; what accepted pundits of publishing do, when broadcasting propaganda. They who own the media own us.
Monday, May 4, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 48
Duty eats at the heart. None ought be respected who themselves had not undergone a tribulation with honor; few can do so. Most live lives of safety and know nothing of courage. Duty then is to one's Self.
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 47
Words are jewels, the precious gems for speaking, fractal mirrors of reality; each one is a hologram, a world within a word. Imminent in its pronunciation is universe coming into being, as word made flesh.
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 46
Script of blood is in sky above. Talk the speech of gods to write poetry. Descent for inspiration comes from myriad sources, comes from thousands of deities; signs of revelation formed in particular brains.
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 45
The tithing taxes of pundits' harassment, of those scholars who an ignorant public respects and quotes, of those who criticized and demeaned opinions not in accord to narrow views; are burdens on humanity.
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 44
They've no knowledge of long slow shallow tide exposing the hidden pilings of the psyche, of emotions flowing in and out about revealed, of ancient hatred old prejudice; the driving currents of every action.
Friday, May 1, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 43
The language of the universe is fixed for throws for a sentience, for cheating for the combo by whom it can be known; the dice of chance is loaded for consciousness, shaved for a preference for compassion.
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 42
The rust of social ritual of this world swallows everything and prevents the action necessary to survive. Slavery resulting by having to respect the opinions of others keeps us chained to their static moralities.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 41
The black lightning that courses through our brain like a cancer metathesizing forcing us to question and confront what everyone else says and professes keeps us healthy; learn, but doubt the learning.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 40
Taunt of neon splash of color in puddled night's rain, golds and reds and blues smeared and stretched and rippled by wind into ribbons of quivering hues of satins made of water; of silks in moving silence.
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 39
Thunder of the heart, expression of emotion, is what makes us men, not machines. What can't show its soul upon its face is not alive and is faking an ersatz existence, one not worth the trouble of even being.
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 38
Ghosts at our own seances we hear others' voices floating in the air speaking of us and now we realized finally, but too late, they knew nothing of us; what they thought we were, we weren't nor wished to be.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 37
To survive never to thrive, requires rejection of identity, hiding one's true name; as the naming of Self is seen as threat. Solution is assert oneself; be consumed or to make separate state in which to reside.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 36
The small deaths from struggles of every day and the dim confusions encountered in each waking life, are settled down in the night, in sleep, in slumber, in dream of better days and of better lives to come.
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 35
Chrome sun shining, burnished in white yellow plating, seems to be smudged in the April sky, seems to be not real, seems to be a standin for how it might look in May, when a broad smile appears in heaven.
Friday, April 24, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 34
A frown of clouds creases the brow of sky and warns with its worried look a foreboding wind, as a slap slam of thunder resounds fatigue in the air caused by the long gone past now ghost of a summer's day.
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 33
Becoming smooth, the tide recedes exposing a tree still living though submerged for most its trunk, just bare bark living beneath wave and brine; how it does so is mystery, as without leaf it gives us no name.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 32
Daffodils precede daisies in their spring season flowering, brighter fair coming before the common dark. Unequal in beauty and in flame of blooming, the weed predominates; the worse have the most children.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 31
Fire made us and fire may destroy us. Our extinct cousins never freed fire's full uses. They didn't think to port it and now they are no more. But we have learned to carry it to rain it down upon our own kind.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 30
To that false Spring that had us by its fair green deception while it lasted, so fooled; say a fond goodbye a sad farewell. Short is our summer season; long our winter. It is not over yet and still it keeps its frost.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 29
A confusion among magnolia trees to bring forth buds to begin to flower follows on long Winters; it's to trust a Spring that appears like Summer, or it's better to wait to hope it's really true cold is finally over.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 28
Dark clouds coming in close, a spike of lightning spiralling down as the drum of thunder slaps in time to rain summer thunderstorm; blue-back gray whale rolls in the sky, birds shelter and scatter. So ought I.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 27
Ghostly computers track the world; they trace you, they trace me, they inform on you, they inform on me and there is left for us no privacy. Our lives monitored by a cold indifferent god has come to pass.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 26
This embrace of seasons, Spring and Summer, as the snow crocus and cherry tree blossom together; janitors, collects, the pinkness of the new into unity of experience of hope when Winter is forgotten.
Monday, April 13, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 25
In Spring, feel the strange in the cherry tree's blossoming, in the pushing green of bud to a white and pink feathering of limbs; sign and significance of transformation: butterfly change of crysalis to flight.
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 24
How can we know what we know and how can we ever know Being? First question stays the second. Our only answer is to create a language of Being but first to make a people who create the language.
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 23
Sunk past its rose-gold gleam in the purple hills across the blue river, the sun disappears into a violet twilight, to glare behind the eyes; something still seen subsequent to fall, memory of brightness past.
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 22
Maybe I shouldn't care but I do anyway. There's rules to the game. Fate holds all the cards but we're one-eyed jacks. Destiny doesn't know other side. Don't know what it is myself; yet, it's always there.
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 21
Latent in existence is this lateness: what denotes a present is a past cause, something which has gone before; because preceded it's making the present. This is false. What Is exists regardless of What Was.
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 20
Language contains boundary of thought. The high privilege of poets and philosophers, best of them are both, is being in forward observation position for exploring talk so to contact, to convey, new realities.
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 19
Evil in all men exists and some few men are all evil while none are all good, nor could they be and still be human. This makes drama. It's conflict that makes for good life. Angels are dull and have no story.
Friday, April 10, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 18
Though the World knows not you and state and society don't want to know your name; Nature loves, needs you, is happy you're here in place in position recognized by What Is: essence causes existence.
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 17
The island of knowledge is surrounded by a limitless ocean of imagination, of dreaming, of a deep myth; without them there would be no knowing, no learning, no education as no thing can from nothing come.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 16
Those tides on which we float, both high and low, morning and evening plus that afternoon dalliance between these two in a stable equilibrium, neither rising nor falling, are the three states of our lives.
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 15
Necessity drives the daily slavery of repetition. The mortgage of days is always the same, makes a long boring drama, a farce from a habit of debt; obsession with meeting obligation to pay each rent on time.
Monday, April 6, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 14
Spring bladed grass shoots up in the early April to cut the soil in earth swoon carpets of color, spotted by the polka dots of daisies; their yellow ovals spilled out on the green blaze in bright hazard of hues.
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 13
Love is a pistol shot at the heart that possesses right placement and deep penetration enough sufficient to satisfy the kill of loneliness and end the selfishness of pointless existence, absent hope or of change.
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 12
Crocus and lilacs, Spring is falling into Summer fast after a late Winter, making for a lavender season, an amalgam of softest violet, not quite one nor yet the other; with promise and laziness: Wait for Fall.
Friday, April 3, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 11
When, beneath a blood moon, you take your allotted place in ranks of the dead, in what formation shall you stand; with whom faithfully followed others' order or the courageous few who were insubordinate?
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 10
Best education comes from experience, not from the schools, and the long-lived are the better learners. College teaches what society desires the young to be but the old know that is not what one ought to be.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 9
First, to build a bridge across the sea of stars, a new caisson must be built, a strong foundation, which rejects ancient beliefs and false faiths; to make a far firmer myth poured to advance the future of Man.
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 8
A kiss before dying, an embrace before night must fall; the old cliches yet suffice to summons nostalgia of times past when such speech was new when it was considered summation of an attitude of defiance.
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 7
Entailed to death, mortgaged to mortality, in certain knowledge of our extinction, soon to be forgotten; the sole option left is to kiss life, to embrace it, regardless of the sure immanence of an inevitable end.
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 6
They who would have us play to their order the game of life by their rules or by their laws know nothing of us, of honor, or of life. No statute or commandment could be proposed that can contain our destinies.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 5
Conscience is the constant gardener of the soul, as the weeds of complaisance needed to be rooted out; pulled from the psyche to be replaced with finer flowers of confluence of compassionate consciousness.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 4
More than this, more than we'll ever know, in the soft time before nightfall, the violet hour of twilight, spell of a quiet acceptance sinks in, fills the mind with calm and there's no need more to fear the dark.
Friday, March 27, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 3
The long cold pause that makes winter a retreat and makes a hibernation from reality a helpful sleep, is over, is now done; and we must wake to a world neither wished for nor ever thought would come to be.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 2
Emergence begins with extinction, an ending of what has been before. In every beginning resides its end. Sweet sorrow precedes every joy; to end is to start again, a death is needed for there to be a life.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Blue Sun Series: Emergence: Verse 1
The tomorrows have finally arrived. Having the same law for the wolf and the stag never made much sense. That's changed. What we are is what we make of ourselves. We make our own rules to live by.
Monday, March 16, 2015
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 40
There's democracy in death, an egalitarianism, that can't exist in life. None are equal, all are different when alive; in death all share common end in dissolution, in extinction: high and low share the grave.
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 39
Fog steam of a sinuous lustrous gray lays upon the streets of the city in the early morning; squats down in sedate soggy on wet pavements, waiting to be lifted up, to be raised up by the warm arms of the sun.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 38
Our lives are a spit in the eye of Fate and that's what we are all about. We never intended to play the game or to abide by rules. We know it's a miracle we're still here and we plan to take full advantage!
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 37
Destitute of ambition, bereft of hope, the world acts upon us, batters us; more often it ignores us, and we must carry on regardless of any reward or praise for what we do every day. Which is what exactly?
Friday, March 13, 2015
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 36
Biology determines their belief but men could determine their biology. That which we would so wish to be we can become if our Will is strong. Will is made by yielding to overcome and by bowing to conquer.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 35
Any State that cannibalizes its citizens to use them up as fodder in foreign wars to impose its political will, is as bad, is as evil, as any faith, which, by force, proselytizes, to convert, to submit, to its belief.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 34
Confronted with the coercion and the compulsion of conscription a fled desertion is the moral option. There're plenty of them who would hurt others. Those who heal and preserve remain in short supply.
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 33
The several factions split on every issue, form a symmetry of stupidity. None is right. All are wrong. The statement each provides is frivolous and fractious; not solution to the real problem what's a nation for?
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 32
Confusion and conflict drown spirits in this nation; serving to submerge the state beneath dementia of depression: no harmony, no rapport, no attempt at a comity. One half speaks, other half shouts down.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 31
The fecal stench of religion pervades our times. Old men preaching to young men of perverse hatreds; of resentments for dull stilted lives; of insipid beliefs and faiths, results in a fictitious aberrant reality.
Friday, March 6, 2015
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 30
In this world of all that changes in meaningless necessity and in a constant cacophony of noise, choose to study what is still; what stays silent. Follow the serene not-moving One. Love and worship Her alone.
Monday, March 2, 2015
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 29
A republic no more, nor ever was a democracy, we live at the whim of a few oligarchs and do so barely; a people dependent on next paycheck for our survival. Worse of all, they'll expect us be thankful for it.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 28
Made tender by the inner solace of a night's fantasies, we manufacture our own myths of who we were and how we came to be who we are; as it's in story we'll survive not in the actual transcript of our past.
Monday, February 16, 2015
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 27
Every thing they think they know proves false. Lame mediocrity exalts, forces and praises itself. All may have talent, but few have real genius. Absent this nothing great could come. In silence lies our solution.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 26
Love is a sweet misery. It pursues you and it follows you and comes upon you always least unexpected, always a surprise; but there it is, real and true, and there is nothing you can do about it ever. It just is.
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 25
We bow before beauty and we should. Science and religion, professors and priests, all share same hypocrisy as to what is right, what is good; truth is nothing they know, or acknowledge, or praise.
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 24
In this republic no longer, the rich are honest in their graft, for the dumb break laws and the smart make laws; how it was and is and will be in future. Money speaks to law; they who make law listen.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 23
Seeing things as they are not how others wish us to see is key to liberty. Society exorcises to prune perception; confines, jails and prisons it, in censure of senses that blinds the reality existing inside.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 22
Sallow and salmon splash to color on rooftops of the City by moonlight, as silent and stately, beauty walks in night sky shining on them. In tenements below, sleepers know not majesty parades above.
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 21
The heart knows what the head will never understand. Intelligence discriminates and makes divisions neatly classified; separates into a dissolution, severs in a disunity of heart and head: the Plight of Man.
Friday, January 30, 2015
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 20
Conscience makes howls in our heads that bound on our hearing as hounds that pounce on frightened hares; calling and crying: "Belief is behavior and behavior is belief. Change. Change. Change. Or die."
Monday, January 26, 2015
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 19
Daubed by dun dirty grey yellow clouds, by sunlight splintered by snow fall, skies loom close in capes of cold covering ground squishing to snag feet; ready to trip, ready to bring down to a glass surface of ice.
Friday, January 23, 2015
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 18
Those who possess powers, seething in them to create, had best avoid hearings of stupidity of they lacking in such gifts. Fools' goals and aspirations tend dumb, insipid; so aren't worthy of the listen.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 17
Skies, salmon and crimson, gold and red hued; heavens make their own statements in late afternoon in refutation to cold theology of purpose and cause. They are. They're what they are and they're beautiful.
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 16
Sedition and blasphemy both stem from same expressions; against orthodoxies of faiths and of states; against submission to a philosophy of obeisance to a political clerisy; against tyranny of governments.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 15
Neither body nor brain ought be sedentary in stasis. Both are born for movement, for contemplation of action; never for stillness, nor ever for inaction. What works is what changes: Nature abhors the same.
Monday, January 19, 2015
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 14
Dark isn't the absence of light; it's its twin, as one without the other wouldn't be for each do serve the function to fill other with existence: light sits as a cup in saucer of the dark and both are needed to Be.
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 13
To know you dream when you dream and to know what you dream is the dream of the world is to know what is divine in you. But to know every time you awake; yet another new world is born, is to be divine.
Friday, January 16, 2015
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 12
The greatest crime against civilization is ignorance: It's refusal to learn from history; deaf to the past. It's rejection of recognition of mistake; blind to error. In sum; it's a failure to change future behavior.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 11
War is origin for religion; in attempt to make comity among fighting tribes, faiths are invented, beliefs promulgated, codes of conduct imposed to be forced upon peoples in the vain desire to secure a peace.
Monday, January 12, 2015
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 10
Thoughts of the small beer men; that who we are shall predict who we shall be and who we are is what we will always be, confounds Nature. They refuse to learn from Her. Nature needs to change. So do we.
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 9
Stupidity gets you dead. There's nothing honorable in dying for stupidity. It's a waste of life. How one thinks shows how one lives. Change assumptions to survive. Learn from errors of others and yourself.
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Turnstiles to Eternity: Verse 8
There is no such thing as a peaceful religion or a just war. Drunk with love, to depths of heart and soul; while wearing smile which hides the tears of the world concealed, is what is worthy and what endures.
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