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Response To That Final Question:
Ignorance is the Bane of Man.
At a distance removed,
Dimly remembered, and
Still not seen distinct,
But yet somehow felt;
What we do sense
Is not reality; is not the Real Thing.
This World is hologram.
Then; for lucid sleep;
For it's just a dream
Within another dream
And we are not awake.
Seven Stars' Song of Revelation
Is possible but through knowledge.
Don't fear nor spurn. Dare to learn:
Assent to and accept this world as it is
Before attempting ascent to any world
Aspired to or wished for. Life's glorious!
That That Is can be known but by few.
Not space, not time, not gravity exists;
But as Extension from Field of Thought.
Be subject to neither church nor crown.
Dread naught. Disdain none: Not One!
Absent That That Is, there's Nothing.
That That Is, IS. That That's Not, IS, too.
That That's Not makes That That Is: IS.
Be subject to neither church nor crown.
Dread naught. Disdain none: Not One!
Absent That That Is, there's Nothing.
That That Is, IS. That That's Not, IS, too.
That That's Not makes That That Is: IS.
That That Is makes That That's Not BE.
By rowing to That That Is, I become "I."
Wind + Water = Wave. As THOUGHT is
Wind + Water = Wave. As THOUGHT is
The Heart and The Nave of The Wheel.
Worlds are created from Thought alone.
That which we will do is because of that
What we are. We'll become who we are.
Charity, courtesy, civility, compassion,
Are cardinal spokes making civilization;
Chivalry forms center, hub's circle core.
IS is! Be not the slave of some other's I.
This, Creed of our Seven Stars Society;
This, The Teaching of the Seven Stars:
No man can be happy if he should choose
To be exile from his own nature and soul.
Precognitive Prescient Prophetic Poetry by WILLIAM O'CONNOR
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Hour of the Wolf: Verse 13
Travel is an education. The greater boundary of the mind expands outwards by every new experience. A window of noise whispers through the blinds of the passing train; look around you, look around you.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Hour of the Wolf: Verse 12
Sail on brave mariners: The sky is our country, an empire of stars steadily expanding and unfinished, a sea not mapped and infinite in shores. We'll be the fishermen there. We'll sweep its oceans of thought.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Hour of the Wolf: Verse 11
Under the covers in the midnight hour, going off sides in the small vacation of sliding into a sleep, such dreams come that cast shadows on our lives; still staying savage, long in my memory, you remain alive.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Hour of the Wolf: Verse 10
This generation has studied well the grammar of violence, in a martial school that exists in them that graduates a schism that makes for greater separation and divide, in a war that is internal and inside.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Hour of the Wolf: Verse 9
In those days of black drapery of mind, when the world may market exuberant despair, smooth, sand away the scuffed hours of care; strike away the minutes of anxiety with long walks in deserted woods.
Hour of the Wolf: Verse 8
In its sentimental sanctioning of dusk, sunset sinks down in clarinet peal of rose bright red to dream a painted sky of melted blue in evening sleep; sudden twill of stars breaks out, woven in velvet tapestry.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Hour of the Wolf: Verse 7
Hostage to wind, the color of rain is null, nothing containing a whole of heaven's blank opinion of wet; splashing drop by steady drop a deaf tune from a dead tuning of a tenor guitar upon a deserted street.
Hour of the Wolf: Verse 6
The ash and the alder who know the silver-grey of moon-light, disguise themselves in far darker cloaks to brood when the heart of the deepest night descends in fainter somber reflection of brown and blood.
Hour of the Wolf: Verse 5
Stars sail swiftly within their settled courses, indifferent to the opinions of radio-astronomers; whom, while in their habit-staring at their many books refuse to look at the beauty which moves above them.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Hour of the Wolf: Verse 4
Cities, smothered in snow, trapped in gangrene winter, smooth white encasing woe, become hungry in the stillness of solitude, feral in loneliness; yet still shall thrive our life despite blizzard and cruel storm.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Hour of the Wolf: Verse 3
The geometry of shadows rests in change. We are such shadows ourselves; lengthening, diminishing in life, in hued coloring from blue to gray, in losing firm identities beneath overhead light of noonday Sun.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Hour of the Wolf: Verse 2
The harp of love is plucked by the finger of lust and these twinned tyrannies of each addiction are the same; the blood and iron of temperament decide the issue of the supremacy of two entangled desires.
Hour of the Wolf: Verse 1
In the time of morning before the time of dawn, before the Prussian blue sorrow of first light's coming, be soft spoken and to silence dwindle; go to the breath's slow exhalation for now's the hour of the wolf.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Folded Guitar: Verse 34
Wanderers in Time, wind, water, wave; we're visitors here, trespassers, not permanent tenants. Least of all can we claim to be the owners of our world; lessees just for a little while: brief short-timers only.
Folded Guitar: Verse 33
Angry to Be, for an ability to endure; there is the desire for existence. Just as worlds float upon their wide oceans of space, universes float on top of the seas of the large dimensions, trying to create the lives that shall sustain them in their many-colored worlds.
Folded Guitar: Verse 32
Go. Pad your days with your meaningless ways. A most methodical lover of the eternal Now needs no such distractions; needs no such diversions. He can walk in the untrammeled snows and not be cold.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Folded Guitar: Verse 31
Seemed causes are but effects: fact and logic wither fast and are dripped away by sordid icicle presence of prejudice in science; splattering away cool reasoning, keeping the holy fragility of civilization alive.
Folded Guitar: Verse 30
Through suffering comes learning: the score of the music showing the dance of numbers is subtle and hidden and may only be read after much practice; discovery is found and fostered in the agony of Art.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Folded Guitar: Verse 29
Though absurd belief and behavior is domain of creators of religions, in going to midnight after dark so obvious is the debt to be paid to psychotic evening light; blue illumination there seeming absent cause.
Folded Guitar: Verse 28
The burn of the candle in the lantern that fires the mind blinks, sputters and pauses from the battering of white winds brought to bear upon the brain by the blind concussions of the trembling strokes of age.
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