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Response To That Final Question:
Ignorance is the Bane of Man.
At a distance removed,
Dimly remembered, and
Still not seen distinct,
But yet somehow felt;
What we do sense
Is not reality; is not the Real Thing.
This World is hologram.
Then; for lucid sleep;
For it's just a dream
Within another dream
And we are not awake.
Seven Stars' Song of Revelation
Is possible but through knowledge.
Don't fear nor spurn. Dare to learn:
Assent to and accept this world as it is
Before attempting ascent to any world
Aspired to or wished for. Life's glorious!
That That Is can be known but by few.
Not space, not time, not gravity exists;
But as Extension from Field of Thought.
Be subject to neither church nor crown.
Dread naught. Disdain none: Not One!
Absent That That Is, there's Nothing.
That That Is, IS. That That's Not, IS, too.
That That's Not makes That That Is: IS.
Be subject to neither church nor crown.
Dread naught. Disdain none: Not One!
Absent That That Is, there's Nothing.
That That Is, IS. That That's Not, IS, too.
That That's Not makes That That Is: IS.
That That Is makes That That's Not BE.
By rowing to That That Is, I become "I."
Wind + Water = Wave. As THOUGHT is
Wind + Water = Wave. As THOUGHT is
The Heart and The Nave of The Wheel.
Worlds are created from Thought alone.
That which we will do is because of that
What we are. We'll become who we are.
Charity, courtesy, civility, compassion,
Are cardinal spokes making civilization;
Chivalry forms center, hub's circle core.
IS is! Be not the slave of some other's I.
This, Creed of our Seven Stars Society;
This, The Teaching of the Seven Stars:
No man can be happy if he should choose
To be exile from his own nature and soul.
Precognitive Prescient Prophetic Poetry by WILLIAM O'CONNOR
Friday, December 27, 2013
Blue Moon Rising: Verse 23
Paint music with chords of amethyst. Play on red in violet tune. Pluck the strings of destiny. Every measure keeps beat in time with fate. Every song be short. Drum theme resonate: Fire long desire.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Blue Moon Rising: Verse 22
The hard blue sky offers us no consolation, no respite from life, no cover from the winter sun, empty as it is of cloud, void as it is with cold; just vast spill of light and air, promise of the snow still yet to come.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Blue Moon Rising: Verse 21
Fill your canvass full of color; make it huge with hue. Seat your vision there in high bright tones. Give it possession of place, immediacy of space; nothing of the minor or mean, but big in sunlight and delight.
Bkue Moon Rising: Verse 20
These crowds that walk the garden paths see nothing of the flowers blooming there, as they leave behind them broken blossoms of shattered dreams strewn along the ways of sightless yesterdays.
Blue Moon Rising: Verse 19
Age, by a lessening of insight, by subtraction of mind, slow, subtle, subdued, surrounds each moment, makes contraction more tight, makes it more constricted still; a deafening of sight, a losing of the light.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Blue Moon Rising: Verse 18
Downtown sun shines rude light on tarred roofs of the city; smog-spilling slanted brick-red dirty shade of grey-black, laid on asphalt street, laid on escapes of tenements; taunting shadow of danger at noon.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Blue Moon Rising: Verse 17
Beneath wet white snow, bitumen black in sagging curve, branches of trees complain creaking weight. Impossible heaviness succumbs a bough. A confirmation shear break happens. A tearing away occurs.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Blue Moon Rising: Verse 16
The tars of the past, laid down in the streets of shattered dreams, contained in their cauldrons of asphalt steaming in the cold, ready to be poured upon broken promises, on the gravel of regrets.
Blue Moon Rising: Verse 15
Slanted moonlight, from that pale walker in night skies, falls upon a light sleeper. Inherent in his dream is its ending, flowing in a tight ribbon of yellow; as the sleeper, suddenly awake, is refreshed by dream.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Blue Moon Rising: Verse 14
Decayed, the rust of this City of the Dead sears and disturbs. It is a place of no future and no past; no hope, no memory. Nothing can live for long within this desiccation; for love, seek elsewhere than here.
Blue Moon Rising: Verse 13
In the harsh knowing of the blue morning, waking from an unsettling dream, despairing again from the tragedy of living; for what we do and for what we do not, is not what we are and what we can never be.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Blue Moon Rising: Verse 12
Not there yet. What wants are there unfulfilled? Are still not gratified? Left to be overcome? Becoming, that shaking span that's life, is but bridge to Being; an arch between what is and what we want to Be.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Blue Moon Rising: Verse 11
Four of the clock in Manhattan, the Moon hasn't set as yet, this night still lingers on with you; why this, just this, would so moved my heart; would murder me with love I know not, that's just the way with it.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Blue Moon Rising: Verse 10
It is the detours that made us men. Learning is not a straight path, never a broad highway. The byways teach. There is much knowledge in the dead ends. The possible is brought real by the labyrinth of Time.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Blue Moon Rising: Verse 9
Critics are a lesser breed of men than they who create. The distance kept apart from they who make deafens them; blinds them indifferent to creation. Those who judge know nothing of what it is to do.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Blue Moon Rising: Verse 8
Silent and quiescent, mine enemy lurks within me, a cancer to my soul. It is that which sits dark inside the ark of memory, a resentment and an anger, a steady whispering of rage; stay fast against them all!
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Blue Moon Rising: Verse 7
Scummed as they are with the grease of work, with the heavy toil of the soil, from the back-bent turn and twist of lifting shovel; the sweat of labor is their only destiny and remains the sole legacy of hope.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Blue Moon Rising: Verse 6
Fell and leaning over to a fall, the toppling marbles and obelisks of time stand neglected; stain as an erasure to fame; weather as plinths to vanished pasts, as monument to the short seasons of fashion.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Blue Moon Rising: Verse 5
Glowing dark, staring at that sudden sound, in the twilight groan of life, at the sigh of the agony of art; spy change coming on the land to see the hidden dangers there in the shapes of barbarians advancing.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Blue Moon Rising: Verse 4
Action in repose, stability in movement, the Sun writes the dawn in lines of yellow gold; wakes us to the sounds of speech of birds in the blue mornings, to brief fervent hymns to life, to chirping melody.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Blue Moon Rising: Verse 3
Scavengers for both food and wit, the poor each day share same risk for starvation of sustenance, for a scrounging for the knowledge of surviving; the courage to live is found in cottages and not in chateaux.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Blue Moon Rising: Verse 2
Scripts of deceit, the black speech of hate spews forth from the caves of the mouths of politicians; the stinking vomit from diseased brains, seeking power through lies, through their contumacy of banality.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Blue Moon Rising: Verse 1
Hidden behind sage cloud, a blue moon rising high sighs soft radiance in the streaming shadow of an ambient light; bright effulgence contained in the very vanished thing still there, disguised from sight.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
The Shades of Space: Verse 30
Still the blood my tempestuous heart. Slow the drum beat of my soul. Our knowledge of our ignorance extends only so far as the outer limits of reason; beyond that outside the gate, lies mystery and magic.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
The Shades of Space: Verse 29
White on white, the vast exchange of love, that void of being, the lust for life; survives and thrives. Secret equations shimmer to simplicity, shining unity; devoid of doubt, empty of desire: All is One.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
The Shades of Space: Verse 28
Hanging there, by gravity suspended, in empty air, their black sails full-wide furled, cruising in space; drones of death circle, awaiting every opportunity to harm and cripple and we are always to be aware.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
The Shades of Space: Verse 27
The bone cage of the skull that contains, that sits and seals and secures the mind, held fast within its box of brain, is best breached by love, best entered by compassion; by charity, pierced and overcome.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
The Shades of Space: Verse 26
Confront your past. Stand fast by the shades of space, solstices, that curve inwards into saddle shape, where time lines of life are converging; that point of connection when ghosts of yourself speak to you.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
The Shades of Space: Verse 25
Hoard close experience and the knowledge of the hard learning that comes from out of a full lived life; the prattling comments of clerics and of professors and of politicians avoid: Live life in your own way.
Monday, October 21, 2013
The Shades of Space: Verse 24
By the tentative mid parting aside of the drapes of mortality, the proscenium curtain of the play of life, elicits from dropped veil of silence, action is to be lifted, to be filled, to be acted; with noises of voices.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
The Shades of Space: Verse 23
Conflation of dimension, what used-to-be ensnares what will-be, tangled together in time's confusion. Memory is music to mankind. There is a salvation in a song and a satisfaction in a lyric of a fond recall.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
The Shades of Space: Verse 22
A visible joy is a full gold moon set into the iris of a violet night. This thing that is me salutes it. Knows it and by that knowing, it recognizes me; sees me and it stays me steady here: Moon, amber in the sky.
Friday, October 18, 2013
The Shades of Space: Verse 21
Wondrous as knowledge is, without creativity, without real application, without usage, it's nothing; it becomes abomination, becomes sad, disturbing, it becomes dereliction, masturbation of the intellect.
The Shades of Space: Verse 20
Extinction of desire: a celebration of life is soft contained in every slowed breath, in every inhalation, in every exhalation; in and out, out and in, succession succeeding succession in the sure ending of cares.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
The Shades of Space: Verse 19
Delusions and deceptions; we've deceived ourselves daily by our dependence on the strictures of our society as to necessity for its continued existence, when all we needed all along was ourselves alone.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
The Shades of Space: Verse 18
Frozen heaven above heavy laden in dark cloud, below though resides invincible summer to remind: were life meaningful, suicide remains a valid option; since life is meaningless, suicide stays absurd.
The Shades of Space: Verse 17
Much like a great actor shall pronounce a brief profundity within a simple glance, leisure me in the shelter of dream, sustain, succor me in the sustenance of imagination; bring me to brand new day.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
The Shades of Space: Verse 16
Debacle of wit. Crowded with doubt. Can't go back. Can't go forward either. Stuck here. So now what? Fierce resistance to the hammer blow of circumstance frees the will to fight; to seek to conquer death.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
The Shades of Space: Verse 15
In the sleep of reason, ever striving towards the higher sentience of nothingness, on a slow day, the white noise of living becomes mute and calm, becomes silent and low, and the world sneaks itself in.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
The Shades of Space: Verse 14
Tenants in time abide short lease soon to be expired, our brief volcano lives live in the lava of emotion; the telling fire speaks its heat in the flame of the torch of mortality, stating existence: Here. Still here!
Saturday, September 28, 2013
The Shades of Apace: Verse 13
If the heart has its own reasons that the head could never understand, division of heart from head; dream the dreams of sorrow, for this calamity, for this disturbance, caused by this cruel difference.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
The Shades of Space: Verse 12
A ghostly grimace hovers over the mean cruel people who reside in this mean coastal town where the steamy dark waters drown future reprieve in sounds of waves splashing and groaning in melancholy.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
The Shades of Space: Verse 11
Reluctant rough rolling river, driving, spits spuming, coughs downwards, spasms, runs out to the sea. Government of gravity dictates flow, imposes an ideology of rapids, of falls, to an ocean of dissolution.
Friday, September 20, 2013
The Shades of Space: Verse 10
A lingering gleam, despite the declining and despite the losing of the light, yet shines but nothing else remains; the closing sight dims, becomes still fainter, finally fading away it leaves, it has disappeared.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
The Shades of Space: Verse 9
With a shrug of shoulders, silence a rented love; good for a short marriage only, a test drive of lust till divorce, its tank of empathy empty, just vapors left, the mileage for affection used, paid for and done.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
The Shades of Space: Verse 8
Descend into those dark crannies down inside the deep cave of your unconscious: Revolve right around and reverse your back, and so in courage; Turn to Face the Bear that has always been your hidden Self.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
The Shades of Space: Verse 7
When driving down the gloomy highway that's life and looking on the way for an all-night diner, and good black coffee in a gaudy place of light, safe, clean, neat and bright; the best desert is friendship.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
The Shades of Space: Verse 6
Pigeons on fire and people falling from towers, into perfect sky of blue, no clouds scuttling anywhere; smooth, azure, a clear untroubled heaven above, indifferent to the bleating suffering occurring below.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
The Shades of Space: Verse 5
It has no quests; has no queries; the River simply cuts and runs; leans into them stone banks and walls to canyon its way out, absent of design to the Sea of Enlightenment; absent of desire, of all attachment.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
The Shades of Space: Verse 4
Descended beneath these blue hills, the gold Moon is full, complete, and is in a form that is of a perfect circle orb so that it's made to be one circumference pregnant with an eternity born to a separate peace.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
The Shades of Space: Verse 3
America is insane but I'm here now and I am alive; blasting green shot through with the emerald deep, holding blazing splendor, resides, rests and sleeps within every shaped blade of grass and yes, we too.
The Shades of Space: Verse 2
Down spattering, the wind is wet and warm, fused within a pale heat; a silver rain melted onto an ivory flame, soft-speckled white, dropping from cloudless sky on late Summer's day: Splash. Splash. Splash.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
The Shades of Space: Verse 1
In deformed dimension, silenced by their grayed bones the shades of space, these long dead are being feasted upon in the ever remorseless, in the forever, unforgiving; in the haunted memory, of the living.
Friday, August 23, 2013
A Treason of Images: Verse 30
Infinitely delayed, with no chance of a departure yet, just stuck here forever, without a reprieve, no leaving and no hoping of it; spiked shadows of jet air-liners spear into sky absent of any passengers.
Friday, August 16, 2013
A Treason of Images: Verse 29
A special madness, whole, entire, consuming, is my love. It is making for a present splendor, for a spectacular Now; secure indifferent and safe immune to the ravages and the passages of Time.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
A Treason of Images: Verse 28
Sure wasn't we didn't know, we knew it all the time; that chandelier of light; that gold coin high rung in hung lantern of the night: The Moon; contacted us in symbol and in chant, gave clear warning: Beware!
Sunday, August 4, 2013
A Teason of Images: Verse 27
A zest for life denied: An inscription of death incised in decaying stone are scriptures, statute imposed by a despicable god; a treason of images losing forgotten freedoms from traditions of insipid religions.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
A Treason of Images: Verse 26
Granted this famine pension in the time of want, legacy of a life too long foolish led, existence absent remorse; burning tapestry of desire seizes upon the soul, engulfs senses, to grace our final liberation.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
A Treason of Images: Verse 25
For you and me, for him and her, for himself and for herself, for all of us to be fully human; what would it mean and how would it be said, how would it be declared to be stated so this high and heady dream?
Thursday, July 18, 2013
A Treason of Images: Verse 24
Sleazy, selfish, silly, shallow and stupid, torpid ambition at last accepts, sounding a lazy lassitude, after a deep depression, and comes to an uneasy satisfaction; an acknowledgment of its limitation.
Monday, July 8, 2013
A Treason of Images: Verse 23
Smooth black mirror, fog-wrapped in white silk; hum of breaking hue, a blind of a yellow glare of an early morning dawn upon the river, somber sinking wet mist glowing gold hanging low, submerged.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
A Treason of Images: Verse 22
Though imprisoned, surrounded, confined, within a zombie nation, we have a high greatness growing inside us that needs a satisfaction and release, a public testimony; lest we waste and forfeit our lives.
A Treason of Images: Verse 21
Ghosts we are! All that is, is but a whistle upon the wind for if Being is all that is not Nothing; then it is Nothing making Being: We are because we are not and even when we are not, we have potential to Be.
Friday, June 28, 2013
A Treason of Images: Verse 20
Advance and fire. Advance and fire again. Pause. Shuffle step. Weight on the ball of the front foot. Lock step forward. Aim for his balls. Relax the shoulders. Relax the elbows. Drop your hips down. Now. Fire!
Thursday, June 27, 2013
A Treason of Images: Verse 19
What was always felt but could not be said as forceful nor as well: War makes men worse and they weren't all that good to begin with; for: Love doesn't change just things. Love changes everything!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
A Treason of Images: Verse 18
They know who you are but they do not know themselves. Signature assassinations and authorized surveillances, with warrantless searches; that's become our modern America.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
A Treason of Images: Verse 17
Vacant, empty of desire, eyes survey the stark night. Still. Despite. Surfeit of delight. Solstice moon of Summer blooms full; a large pink-gold coin, to make for a surety against tomorrow for our yesterdays.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
A Treason of Images: Verse 16
Drown sorrow in the drink of oblivion. Freshen and deliver me from this tribulation through kind kiss of forgetfulness. Bound me down with the bands of amnesia. Free me from the debtor's prison of the soul.
Monday, June 10, 2013
A Treason of Images: Verse 15
Religion is revelation, not submission: Rope and reins of religion stifle, strangle the garden of dreams that's imagination; all Life leans towards the Light, closes itself away safe and securely from the Dark.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
A Treason of Images: Verse 14
In movement of moon-ark flowing fast, a ribbon of silver spills on ground laid out in bright white stripe across black lands; a night descending cat-current of blooming luminescence slowly stalks and crawls.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
A Treason of Images: Verse 13
There is a gallantry in every stated refusal, in every said negation, in every published public statement of denial; in the very act of protest of submission, as it's the "no" that makes us men and not the "yes."
Saturday, May 18, 2013
A Treason of Images: Verse 12
Vagaries of soft syllables hiss hot asphalt streets in summer rain. Splashing diamond drops of worries melt in pavement heat. Stormy past escapes in steam. Regrets evaporate warm forget in drowsy noon.
Friday, May 17, 2013
A Treason of Images: Verse 11
Declaration of Independence: I am the face of my own word which makes of my own beginning. No god or nation comes before me. I serve no state and owe duty to none but myself and to my own aspiration.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
A Treason of Images: Verse 10
If you seek, you shall never find; for the effort of the will prevents the act of revelation: sleep to know. In any place but this in any hour but now, time to wipe the satisfied smirk that withers away; so relax.
Friday, May 10, 2013
A Treason of Images: Verse 9
An alliance of light, a galleon moon in crescent shape of boat, sails its gold ship over a purple sea with rippling waves of spuming revolution white in magic silent night to safe dock at the blue port of dawn.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
A Treason of Images: Verse 8
The lettered clowns of Congress and of churches, which preach their coward faiths within their hollow Capital and in their cathedral caves of ignorance, fraud constituents and congregations alike with lies.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
A Treason of Images: Verse 7
Secreted in a state damaged by an absurd cult of capitalism, suicide; that moist obscurity; that sits hiding within an avarice cloud of fog; that lies in staining mist of blood, makes for melancholy mood.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
A Treason of Images: Verse 6
To remain standing upon the sight-lines of immortality, to do is to be. The eye that does not see; the ear that does not hear; the tongue that does not speak, shall never taste of the joys and fruits of life.
Monday, April 15, 2013
A Treason of Images: Verse 5
Stars are bleeding fast, pouring forth ruby jewels of spit-spiralling blood; their bodies' sleek bungalows of plasma gas mirrors ours of bone and of cartilage in breaking their limbs away from trunks of energy.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
A Treason of Images: Verse 4
Purple-black is the famine of the dark dance lightning strike beneath the storm-blue sea of the hungry cloud, and it comes ever closer; an expense of spirit in a waste of shame is this rumbling rumor of war.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
A Treason of Images: Verse 3
Mellow moods promenade in nights of Spring as the dancing twilight of dusk perform lingering refrain. Sun kisses the horizon in its final setting of purple and of red, bloomed out in crimson melodies of gold.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
A Treason of Images: Verse 2
Poorer and poorer stunt beggars of morality and of memory; dementia governed nation America devolve; the fall of the dark is come again upon the World; the night-sweats come from vision of threatening war.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
A Treason Of Images: Verse 1
The World is lucky to have us in it: Bilious smoke of compromise, treason of images in a succession of smiles, they would keep us from our purpose, deny our destiny; advertisers, promoters, of mediocrity.
Friday, March 29, 2013
The Hour of the Wolf: Verse 34
Won't do, won't satisfy, whispers in the dark, smoke of conversation, parody and pastiche of wit, serve to disguise illusion, camouflage disgust; because the delirium of reality becomes much to bleak to bear.
The Hour of the Wolf: Verse 33
Media is an anesthesia. It's a dropping off to sleep. Analgesic of dreams, it drips deliberate forgetting, an eager amnesia; slavery accomplished not by iron manacles but by addiction to softness of Internet.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
The Hour of the Wolf: Verse 32
Stalked by our pasts, veneration is real reason for writing; it's expression that makes us men through exorcism of memory, history made renew, each re-telling changes it to make it more adaptable to life.
The Hour of the wolf: Verse 31
Elegance was lost in the arrogance of fashion. Censorship denied, in being forbidden to poke, to speak fun at familiar street apparel a bitter sarcasm prevails; anger shown clearly in ugly dress of the young.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
The Hour of the Wolf: Verse 30
Surprised by death and not content with this strife filled life, a nothingness follows; all contemplation ends and there's no more need for consciousness now for the hour of the wolf has come round at last.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
The Hour of the Wolf: Verse 29
As drink is the great enemy of wit, dependence destroys independence. He who would sit at another's table expects to be poorly fed. Congress seeks to bargain its citizens to sell them to the highest bidder.
The Hour of the Wolf: Verse 28
Durable and true, in a magic spherical of return, in renewal after wash of rain, in dimpled beams; a sun's light comes on again, to sweat through heavy cloud, in thick-swept rays of yellow and of pink.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
The Hour of the Wolf: Verse 27
In respect of seeking shores of distant stars; need no ship to sail on the space to them, but slim imagination, being so enabled to let slip the bands of time to travel far upon the seas of heaven.
Friday, March 22, 2013
The Hour of the Wolf: Verse 26
Cold breaking day in blue, caste in bronze clouds; bend grass in breeze; freeze dew upon thin stems to jewels, glitter-bright prisms of delight; committed soon to melt in sun in ancient conspire of dawn.
The Hour of the Wolf: Verse 25
A blaring interweaving of many muted trumpets calling, the dark burnished frame from the bass drone of the dream within the dream signals a profound danger; a keeping coming back to probability of war.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
The Hour of the Wolf: Verse 24
Lucky casualties of geometry spread in symmetries, celebration of purple amid green; cloud of violent color in violet dominant but here and there splashed in lavender indolence: haze of irises in the grass.
Monday, March 18, 2013
The Hour of the Wolf: Verse 23
Lavender chain of proofs for Spring, the lilacs in late March are in blushing violet idle, blooming; then a snow came unexpected and sudden and their tallness is buried under in a blue annihilation of promise.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
The Hour of the Wolf: Verse 22
Long gone away, yet still feels so near; allied to everything we say, stated in everything we do, they were a quiet people till were raised to indignation, to rebellion against who would keep them silent.
Friday, March 15, 2013
The Hour of the Wolf: Verse 21
Heartaches and tears, the long suffering from love that's lost, the lingering stuttering of time's remote desire, the ailing that comes from cruel rejection; serve to conspire in the reveries of deepest memory.
The Hour of the Wolf: Verse 20
Ordinary in means of expansion, meager in income of inspiration, the mind is kept only clean by use, by constant scrub of industry; yet solitary expression of Art is compromised, is made confined by poverty.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
The Hour of the Wolf: Verse 19
In the islands of destiny, one day's ride is tomorrow's suicide for it's the sound that's primary and it's meaning that's secondary, as shadow of the body precedes the body; it doesn't come after to follow it.
The Hour of the Wolf: Verse 18
Torpid in movement and lethargic in mind, talking turtle of mundane morality yet another pope of most vapid and banal philosophy was elected and was confirmed by others to speak for us and preach to us.
The Hour of the Wolf: Verse 17
Losing hour for love in the twists and twirls of the braided wire of crisscrossed time lines, dreams have dreams, visions have visions, and nothing seems real anymore as the world tilts as it swift slides away.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
The Hour of the Wolf: Verse 16
In black daggers plunging, in an endless falling, in pliant bouncing, falling endlessly in the dark; rain, rain, rain, spitting down, in a singing, stinging, pinging, banging, plague of downpour, a staging rain.
Monday, March 11, 2013
The Hour of the Wolf: Verse 15
Lashing at air, a pale fire is stirring light into flakes of snow, falling slow, falling slow, in glinting drifts of nothingness; quiet is the night and the moon shines silent in the sky and snow is slow falling: Down.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Hour of the Wolf: Verse 14
In jack-hammer strokes of white fire on uncovered heads, hail flicks down its knives of stone in storm; as ice-picks of ice, flames in covered malt of carapace, layer in layer, rounded, rolled, tight and spiked.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Hour of the Wolf: Verse 13
Travel is an education. The greater boundary of the mind expands outwards by every new experience. A window of noise whispers through the blinds of the passing train; look around you, look around you.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Hour of the Wolf: Verse 12
Sail on brave mariners: The sky is our country, an empire of stars steadily expanding and unfinished, a sea not mapped and infinite in shores. We'll be the fishermen there. We'll sweep its oceans of thought.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Hour of the Wolf: Verse 11
Under the covers in the midnight hour, going off sides in the small vacation of sliding into a sleep, such dreams come that cast shadows on our lives; still staying savage, long in my memory, you remain alive.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Hour of the Wolf: Verse 10
This generation has studied well the grammar of violence, in a martial school that exists in them that graduates a schism that makes for greater separation and divide, in a war that is internal and inside.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Hour of the Wolf: Verse 9
In those days of black drapery of mind, when the world may market exuberant despair, smooth, sand away the scuffed hours of care; strike away the minutes of anxiety with long walks in deserted woods.
Hour of the Wolf: Verse 8
In its sentimental sanctioning of dusk, sunset sinks down in clarinet peal of rose bright red to dream a painted sky of melted blue in evening sleep; sudden twill of stars breaks out, woven in velvet tapestry.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Hour of the Wolf: Verse 7
Hostage to wind, the color of rain is null, nothing containing a whole of heaven's blank opinion of wet; splashing drop by steady drop a deaf tune from a dead tuning of a tenor guitar upon a deserted street.
Hour of the Wolf: Verse 6
The ash and the alder who know the silver-grey of moon-light, disguise themselves in far darker cloaks to brood when the heart of the deepest night descends in fainter somber reflection of brown and blood.
Hour of the Wolf: Verse 5
Stars sail swiftly within their settled courses, indifferent to the opinions of radio-astronomers; whom, while in their habit-staring at their many books refuse to look at the beauty which moves above them.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Hour of the Wolf: Verse 4
Cities, smothered in snow, trapped in gangrene winter, smooth white encasing woe, become hungry in the stillness of solitude, feral in loneliness; yet still shall thrive our life despite blizzard and cruel storm.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Hour of the Wolf: Verse 3
The geometry of shadows rests in change. We are such shadows ourselves; lengthening, diminishing in life, in hued coloring from blue to gray, in losing firm identities beneath overhead light of noonday Sun.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Hour of the Wolf: Verse 2
The harp of love is plucked by the finger of lust and these twinned tyrannies of each addiction are the same; the blood and iron of temperament decide the issue of the supremacy of two entangled desires.
Hour of the Wolf: Verse 1
In the time of morning before the time of dawn, before the Prussian blue sorrow of first light's coming, be soft spoken and to silence dwindle; go to the breath's slow exhalation for now's the hour of the wolf.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Folded Guitar: Verse 34
Wanderers in Time, wind, water, wave; we're visitors here, trespassers, not permanent tenants. Least of all can we claim to be the owners of our world; lessees just for a little while: brief short-timers only.
Folded Guitar: Verse 33
Angry to Be, for an ability to endure; there is the desire for existence. Just as worlds float upon their wide oceans of space, universes float on top of the seas of the large dimensions, trying to create the lives that shall sustain them in their many-colored worlds.
Folded Guitar: Verse 32
Go. Pad your days with your meaningless ways. A most methodical lover of the eternal Now needs no such distractions; needs no such diversions. He can walk in the untrammeled snows and not be cold.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Folded Guitar: Verse 31
Seemed causes are but effects: fact and logic wither fast and are dripped away by sordid icicle presence of prejudice in science; splattering away cool reasoning, keeping the holy fragility of civilization alive.
Folded Guitar: Verse 30
Through suffering comes learning: the score of the music showing the dance of numbers is subtle and hidden and may only be read after much practice; discovery is found and fostered in the agony of Art.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Folded Guitar: Verse 29
Though absurd belief and behavior is domain of creators of religions, in going to midnight after dark so obvious is the debt to be paid to psychotic evening light; blue illumination there seeming absent cause.
Folded Guitar: Verse 28
The burn of the candle in the lantern that fires the mind blinks, sputters and pauses from the battering of white winds brought to bear upon the brain by the blind concussions of the trembling strokes of age.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Folded Guitar: Verse 27
What change to come; what wonders? Flinch at moaning darkness to come: future's terrorizing. Fight with poetry; with verse, against the nations and religions that sacrifice and eat their children in wars.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Folded Guitar: Verse 26
Mayhem the maelstrom of anguished memories, borne by and carried away over the waterfall strings of folded guitars, poured down to be stirred around; swilled and swirled in the deep whirlpool of love.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Folded Guitar: Verse 25
Song of the morning chanter of the wrens sing of the remain of a clarity of a tide full-in upon the shore. Let the baleful winds blow high or blow low, the small bird is safe-secure within its tiny house of straw.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Folded Guitar: Verse 24
Chamber astonishment and carry it at the hip canted forward to be drawn and fired on those harping critics of your life and work. Banish the misfortunes of their intrusive mediocrities with a sniping wit.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Folded Guitar: Verse 23
Bow lingered lightly upon the cello's A-string, brazen head of mountain covered by the mist, bright beagle baying of the hounds; chance is with the fox to escape the heavy tramp of feet upon the fog-bound moor and bog.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Folded Guitar: Verse 22
The world shocks itself new through poetry's high tension lines, in the found sound of the electricity of discovery spangling down its wire; pinning taught, upon the crossbeam of desire, the limbs of thought.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Folded Guitar: Verse 21
Hard lands made drowsy by time, lay down in steely sleep of concrete dreams among the stony waters: Time to read the slender volumes of glass skyscrapers of the song of life is short in these lean canyons.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Folded Guitar: Verse 20
Frost frames the chill of night in a blue lens to give the Moon's light on snow an indigo hue. Everything changes; long white wand of shore turns cobalt in the dark, waves spanking iridescent turquoise upon the sand.
Folded Guitar: Verse 19
Intimations abound: The growing, gathering storm of war cyclones ever nearer, and the people, who have become more vicious and more savage; ever more desirous of coming conflict, still live beneath its volcano.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Folded Guitar: Verse 18
Sliding down from a night sky flamed-full of red stars swirled overhead, meteors swift-descend, slicing unnoticed and unremarked into a dead sea, lifeless of swarmed movements; a blank desert in the dark.
Folded Guitar: Verse 17
Semaphore of their coming dance of leaves, buds are spiking on twigs to announce an early Spring. In their green whispers of such birth, the black dream of war seems far away; dread not the night in this dawn of life.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Folded Guitar: Verse 16
Singing the songs of sedition and playing the tunes of treason, these sighing contagions of confessions that herd-corrals this aberration, contain the celebrations of the citizens for their servitude to the state; to the state's religion of patriotism: None be Free.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Folded Guitar: Verse 15
Losing identity, becoming a stranger to myself, almost impostor of what I once was, faceless in the mirror of recognition, invisible and unheard in the silent streets of this city; still I shall continue on.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Folded Guitar: Verse 14
Tiny are those small levers of monotony, those tightening bands of conformity which squeeze dissent from public discourse the puppet masters of chloroform media choose to closely finger and to control.
Folded Guitar: Verse 13
Bandage worry by sentiment of beauty: clear and cold and blue, winter sky skids over us; its flannel azure gauze of light sheds as it heals to make of our common cares of every day, but small frivolities.
Folded Guitar: Verse 12
Transformation of a real and a permanent good into one still higher still, half-moon birthing one of full; burn that wonder of a Constitution to create a new and better convention to make a confederacy of wit and rights.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Folded Guitar: Verse 11
No comfort could be found; nor no stay from care, can be discovered in this lengthy probation of a life. The country devolves. An insurance agency designed for its own degeneration has become this nation.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Folded Guitar: Verse 10
Hesitate your heart and restore it to its normal beat. Return it back to its slow, sure, steady strum. Fire your charging thrust of lust for life through listening to its changing drum beat of ever-pumping blood.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Folded Guitar: Verse 9
When walking these long days long in this false Spring; the fragrant fields of color, the fugue filled fields of sound, are fating our miraculous afternoons with their splendors of generous lucky-nows.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Folded Guitar: Verse 8
A carefree moon in a cloudless sky bellows its nonchalance to us; exclaiming by its dazzling presence in the night through streaming shaking light a dispersal of the heavy fog of worry from off our heads.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Folded Guitar: Verse 7
Slam-sledge of callused palm upon hard table is the speech of drink and not of wit; the loud foul talk of angry fevered minds. Each time around it's the same hell from small heads spawned in bloated bellies.
Folded Guitar: Verse 6
A fortune squandered which was vaulted and was safe-contained inside those great minds devoured by the frivolities and the seductive fashions of shallow society, can't be recouped and could never be returned.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Folded Guitar: Verse 5
Maladies abound. Weary and worn, and denatured by many dissolute nights, a sick and obese nation suffers consequence of sloth: physical health of a people is evidence enough indicative of the psychic and spiritual state of a people.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Folded Guitar: Verse 4
By day we work as mercenaries for others' desires; but at night we become ourselves. So embrace the night tenderly. Sleep brings with it a kindness. Sleep brings with it a coma. Brings an erasure of cares.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Folded Guitar: Verse 3
Cold religion cheated compassion this full moon again. They that were squeaked into existence as the clerisy of learning, attached as they are to their tenured lives, these teachers of old morality, have no knowledge of the true beauty of things. Broken windows on beaten shuttered stores; old newspapers scuttling down windy streets, are sole heritage of their ethics.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Folded Guitar: Verse 2
My winter heart is warmed by you. Convicted and confused in collaboration, verse cannot describe nor music imitate the frantic fibrillation that has been forged there in its ventricles by the mere mention of your name.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Folded Guitar: Verse 1
A visitation touch, deft and light; a whisper of fingers slant-sliding along a cheek, is prelude to a kiss. Lips parting smile, a smile too glad to be true, captures your heart. And yes, it just happens that way.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
A Tremble In Time: Autumnal Equinox Section 28
God is the empty set; the set that exists but has No-One, just an absent deity. Sparks ignite even better in the dark; better to trust the god in the head, who creates this poetry, poor as it may be, than the one outside, who stays so silent and is deaf.
A Tremble In Time: Autumnal Equinox Section 27
Recommended company on the royal highway of philosophy, are street-light eyes, accustomed to the dark; amber torches for seeing into the dark shadows, illuminating the hidden figures standing there, waiting for their turns to speak.
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