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By its endless ending that makes of death a suicide, new beginning is signified of an eternal recurrence of renewal; coming Spring the going...
A rustling high above is come, heard faint is this hurricane of days, storm-dancing trees swaying their slender canopies, in a syncopated vi...
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Sparks in the dark ignite; to go to make an offering of light between the possibility and the final performance of the action a hesitation r...
Close down eyelid of consciousness. Substitute; cruel remove the cobalt blue from out the crystal skies of hope; replace the Sun of Faith by...
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In late afternoon light is bent to yellow; To a lamp-vent liquid shallow shadow, That then first turns to an orange hue To splash the bla...
A shame and a sorrow and a bereavement of days; Desperate stutter for some consciousness to come: Birth-Daze.
Every one who reads this Blog has an interest in improving their physical and psychic abilities, or else why would they be reading this Blog...
O to give me just one single candle-light of hope. I'm just a visitor here, am but a temporary transient; soon I will be leaving this pl...
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Response To That Final Question:
Ignorance is the Bane of Man.
At a distance removed,
Dimly remembered, and
Still not seen distinct,
But yet somehow felt;
What we do sense
Is not reality; is not the Real Thing.
This World is hologram.
Then; for lucid sleep;
For it's just a dream
Within another dream
And we are not awake.
Seven Stars' Song of Revelation
Is possible but through knowledge.
Don't fear nor spurn. Dare to learn:
Assent to and accept this world as it is
Before attempting ascent to any world
Aspired to or wished for. Life's glorious!
That That Is can be known but by few.
Not space, not time, not gravity exists;
But as Extension from Field of Thought.
Be subject to neither church nor crown.
Dread naught. Disdain none: Not One!
Absent That That Is, there's Nothing.
That That Is, IS. That That's Not, IS, too.
That That's Not makes That That Is: IS.
Be subject to neither church nor crown.
Dread naught. Disdain none: Not One!
Absent That That Is, there's Nothing.
That That Is, IS. That That's Not, IS, too.
That That's Not makes That That Is: IS.
That That Is makes That That's Not BE.
By rowing to That That Is, I become "I."
Wind + Water = Wave. As THOUGHT is
Wind + Water = Wave. As THOUGHT is
The Heart and The Nave of The Wheel.
Worlds are created from Thought alone.
That which we will do is because of that
What we are. We'll become who we are.
Charity, courtesy, civility, compassion,
Are cardinal spokes making civilization;
Chivalry forms center, hub's circle core.
IS is! Be not the slave of some other's I.
This, Creed of our Seven Stars Society;
This, The Teaching of the Seven Stars:
No man can be happy if he should choose
To be exile from his own nature and soul.
Precognitive Prescient Prophetic Poetry by WILLIAM O'CONNOR
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 29
So close to midnight and so close to home, time jumps from off of the rails of memory to marry fortune, hops and detours into imagined sidetrack of nostalgia; soft place of safety away from streets of danger.
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 28
Gold glow opening up the dark, still rolls it by, to smear its shouting whistle whine over the darkened shadowed land; red piercing blooming headlamp shown behind looming nearness of the outside gray.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 27
In the kettledrum shakings of steel track rails, small anger precedes along apace in these wild rabid clatterings, in the screech, in stuttered shuttering; in the push and sudden pull of cars' train wheels.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 26
Sounding scraping loud, train wheels state their distinct aspiration to be rooted deep upon track rails, hard travelling in the dark. Distance dispenses within the screams of an engine pulling unwilling cars.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 25
Train cars tight-linked concatenated by chains of destiny, curves abound around them keeping needed distant rails away; each cab, in danger leaning over far, fast speeds through the black escape of night.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 24
Their brief glances from train windows are taken slyly; their blank faces peering out from behind those unwashed dirty panes upon blighted desolation of longing planes, level, flat, featureless, devoid of life.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 23
From far back, standing silent and still, behind the astonished congregations of the living, this smiling, the uninvited guest, at the wedding of hope and desire; at the switched crossing of life's rails is Death.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 22
Look up and live. Decry this darkness here below. Spare your speech. Hazard your life. Smoking black in a bleak night, the engine of your destruction, wheels turning without mercy, relentlessly travels on.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 21
Is it just this that serves to so soil the brain with the anomaly of detour, in a sidetrack of the mind? The hesitation of blues; that vacancy of sound repeated to a hidden music separated, distant from the soul?
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 20
Charmed by movement and by desire, want for a lavender moon in a purple sky, with thick clouds billowing in pink saffron; instead of the black pervading night devoid of even one disarming light.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 19
Force of promise, force of hope, set in a distant distance blinking, some small tight light lifts its hood covering, shows a spot-white flame, off and on; stability there upon the far smooth breaking horizon.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 18
Wandering winds, your breezes blowing strong, skipping in motion, straying outside of time, out about upon your mobile stepping, out on this dark night absent any moon; fly far away on your ambient ways.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 17
Train of life taking shaking swerve within ever bending arcs; in straight tangent of wheeled continuity that fluoresces in midnight time on determined track to final terminal, to its ending destination: death.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 16
There. Look. Streams of fire in the heavens make rivers of delight; braving those sparks of stars to force a shaking above us in the dark. Lay your head upon my shoulder and stare; just stare, in awe.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 15
Sure and slow the curve of track circles out the iron family of these strung-lined cars in a continuous disappointment within its sinuous arc; so stand you up you favored few and look upon your mortality.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 14
Thoughts dive down; are cleaved to stare into their deepest stasis keeps, dungeons of the soul. Leap back into the well of your worry and into an indifferent light; into the long red shift, shaft of the past.
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