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By its endless ending that makes of death a suicide, new beginning is signified of an eternal recurrence of renewal; coming Spring the going...
A rustling high above is come, heard faint is this hurricane of days, storm-dancing trees swaying their slender canopies, in a syncopated vi...
Infinitely delayed, with no chance of a departure yet, just stuck here forever, without a reprieve, no leaving and no hoping of it; spiked s...
Sparks in the dark ignite; to go to make an offering of light between the possibility and the final performance of the action a hesitation r...
Close down eyelid of consciousness. Substitute; cruel remove the cobalt blue from out the crystal skies of hope; replace the Sun of Faith by...
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Response To That Final Question:
Ignorance is the Bane of Man.
At a distance removed,
Dimly remembered, and
Still not seen distinct,
But yet somehow felt;
What we do sense
Is not reality; is not the Real Thing.
This World is hologram.
Then; for lucid sleep;
For it's just a dream
Within another dream
And we are not awake.
Seven Stars' Song of Revelation
Is possible but through knowledge.
Don't fear nor spurn. Dare to learn:
Assent to and accept this world as it is
Before attempting ascent to any world
Aspired to or wished for. Life's glorious!
That That Is can be known but by few.
Not space, not time, not gravity exists;
But as Extension from Field of Thought.
Be subject to neither church nor crown.
Dread naught. Disdain none: Not One!
Absent That That Is, there's Nothing.
That That Is, IS. That That's Not, IS, too.
That That's Not makes That That Is: IS.
Be subject to neither church nor crown.
Dread naught. Disdain none: Not One!
Absent That That Is, there's Nothing.
That That Is, IS. That That's Not, IS, too.
That That's Not makes That That Is: IS.
That That Is makes That That's Not BE.
By rowing to That That Is, I become "I."
Wind + Water = Wave. As THOUGHT is
Wind + Water = Wave. As THOUGHT is
The Heart and The Nave of The Wheel.
Worlds are created from Thought alone.
That which we will do is because of that
What we are. We'll become who we are.
Charity, courtesy, civility, compassion,
Are cardinal spokes making civilization;
Chivalry forms center, hub's circle core.
IS is! Be not the slave of some other's I.
This, Creed of our Seven Stars Society;
This, The Teaching of the Seven Stars:
No man can be happy if he should choose
To be exile from his own nature and soul.
Precognitive Prescient Prophetic Poetry by WILLIAM O'CONNOR
Monday, December 31, 2012
A Tremble In Time: Autumnal Equinox Section 26
Stating byes, each by his, in setting for his own allotted time and tempo; each one has his solo turn, his own small set to play, an instrument unto himself, before his piece, before his last stop, before his final sign-off ending, comes.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
A Tremble In Time: Autumnal Equinox Section 25
A cacophony of spirit, a dissonance in soul; but should I care at all? At least, just this final evening, there is a movement in the dancing indigo sky, in this, the last moon of this month; in this, the last month of this blue year: December days.
A Tremble In Time: Autumnal Equinox Section 24
These priests and these philosophers know talk and they know how to do it well, but they know nothing of what caused talk to come to be; by the touching of the searching hand of tongue at a distance far, in the famished taste for truth.
Monday, December 24, 2012
A Tremble In Time: Autumnal Equinox Section 23
Weathered pines snug in the sable warmth of their white wool coats of winter snow. Difference buried by the muffled cotton of the falling flakes, a continuance of harmony is scented in silence there in that holy stillness of the woods.
A Tremble In Time: Autumnal Equinox Section 22
The coarse encrusted arc of mystic memory is rusted over to make more difficult an attempt escape to fly bold rebellion against the past; to break from off the failed efforts of the mind chains of exhaustion that come from regrets.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
A Tremble In Time: Autumnal Equinox Section 21
This is nation for the old and that's the problem with it; comes you, fountain of every understanding, wash and bathe our frailty. A murmur of the heart has sealed our fate and a new tyranny of fear has replaced the old.
A Tremble In Time: Autumnal Equinox Section 20
Wonderment is it this house of cards, America, which absent any foundation that makes for civilization, should continue; is this then to be its golden age? It's been deeded over to the narrow backs and to the soft hands. Horned callus of soles of feet and palms of hands are unknown to them, to these legatees.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
A Tremble In Time: Autumnal Equinox Section 19
They, who in their ignorance, claim a power over me know nothing of myself. They would force us, and they would subdue us; they would suborn us too, to use our own ability against us so as to pursue their selfish ends.
Friday, December 21, 2012
A Tremble In Time: Autumnal Equinox Section 18
Reason alters all allegiances; for this disturbing muse battles and destroys past faiths and bad beliefs; it bestows a logic and a clarity where none was before, and for this result we give to it our high praise.
A Tremble In Time: Autumnal Equinox Section 17
Destitution orders poverty of spirit to leach our souls. The gravity of income scales us down to make us small. Kindness melts in the heat of desperation. Sanity dissolves, to be replaced by smirking violence.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
A Tremble In Time: Autumnal Equinox Section 16
Sinking into a red bulb sitting upon the horizon at the dying sunset these desolation days hammer at demolishment of me, sapper blasting and exploding away my accepted ways, for all my former lives are submerged by that same sync; they are dimming down within this Blood Sun.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
A Tremble In Time: Autumnal Equinox Section 15
Dead flowers, their closed cups a bone, frosted by dew, stand at a slim-bending tremble on ice-brittled stems, in the wide white coated fields. Among wet standing stones, new carved, the white caskets are being laid in the ground today.
A Tremble In Time: Autumnal Equinox Section 14
A yellow into a twilight, whenever a sleep comes, these moments in dreams push for their success through the lucid method of the talking mirrors of memories; exciting dawn for their fulfillment, in order to wish to work all our daylight hours.
Monday, December 17, 2012
A Tremble In Time: Autumnal Equinox Section 13
Pace these city streets. There. Throw down your long shadow, granted by their silver lamps at night. Ground those moods inside of you, the blue and the red of you; that go to shade and that make the purple and the gray of you, together.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
A Tremble in Time: Autumnal Equinox Section 12
Abandon reason. For a brighter later, put away and slip away from out of the cloak of Time. Surge your heart in gallant fight against the dying of the light. Take your mind to flight. Outside of understanding, only in the sensing of the skin; only in the touch, does reality reside.
A Tremble In Time: Autumnal Equinox Section 11
Cringe and hide your face away; from a bleeding Sun, shooting crimson rays in steep steps descending, spitting red, raining rivers of blood, slicing hard down, in the far falling of fate; for doom is come upon, an uncomprehending Earth.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
A Tremble In Time: Autumnal Equinox Section 10
Wicked burn till return of the rising Sun. The setting of the white-haired Moon serves as a sermon enough for us. There's solace sufficient for the day in twilight hours. The strange bed of the grave waits for sleep tonight.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
A Tremble In Time: Autumnal Equinox Section 9
After such violence, after such long passion; who would wish to distance keep from life the flesh? Who would separate lust from desire? Carpenter and solder those past misty years' aspirations to the clear and present day's soft demonstration of love.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
A Tremble In Time: Autumnal Equinox Section 8
To do Art: Sacrifice the World. Waters and woods serve as holy altars of inspiration and of imagination, not the works of man; there's more of architecture in standing trees than in glass towers built by men.
A Tremble In Time: Autumnal Equinox Section 7
Relentless in its surging animosity, an endless repetition of ocean wave splashes on shores, seizing beaches and boardwalks in hypnotic grasp; delaying hearing in a smooth silent mesmeric crashing.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
A Tremble In Time: Autumnal Equinox Section 6
Query not, for there is no response; the high questions seek for their solutions by the greater generation of other questions, in an unending series, in surveying of nature's subtle designs.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
A Tremble In Time: Autumnal Equinox Section 5
Rain splatters against the winds-shields in the cop-car; travelling with its wipers wiping, a neon dream is moving in the evening, probing on the wet, glistening streets, its siren sounding warning in the dark.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
A Tremble In Time: Autumnal Equinox Section 4
Never argue with ignorance; instead voice opinion hard by the fiery stomp and by the rapid walk away; by a rapping loud rejection on wooden floor, at the crudity, at the stupidity of what's termed wit today.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
A Tremble In Time: Autumnal Equinox Section 3
Wrong-folded wings are in constant danger of wind-dance falling failure. Suture and tie your past and your present together. Jester strange desire, the want for tenure of immortality; for timid needful life.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
A Tremble In Time: Autumnal Equinox Section 2
Champion the day in a premonition of forever morning encased and snug set in a band of eternal dawn, singing to the soul of the green and gold of glory, in sweetened honey rays outpouring down from Sun.
A Tremble In Time: Autumnal Equinox Section 1
Sparks in the dark ignite; to go to make an offering of light between the possibility and the final performance of the action a hesitation resides, in a pregnant pause, in birth beginning by the falling of the hammer, in sinews taught stretched, and then contracted to combine in final downward strike.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 30
Who would grade you, degrades you. Timidity taxes; hides, harasses the in-born natural action of an outbound approach to living life. To comply is to die; so defy! Why walk the long wharf out to...what?
Monday, November 26, 2012
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 29
Suppressed by the smell, the stink of blind religion; that makes dark gravity that holds down the light of reason; that grapples, censors and compresses thought, men can never aspire to reach for heaven.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 28
Rain all day, and just too-tired, the blood-fired boiler of the heart gives out; surrenders in final shutdown to the cold, and to the coma, to the withdrawal, and to the long sleep of hibernation.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 27
Short-sleeved Summer soundly sleeps in schools of surrounding rainbow flowers. Sketch and render a slumbering loveliness vision of surrendered smiles of raised hands in living flames' close-studied hues.
Friday, November 23, 2012
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 26
By its endless ending that makes of death a suicide, new beginning is signified of an eternal recurrence of renewal; coming Spring the going on with no surrender in a refusal to stop and cease the pain of life.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 25
Heavy in argument but weighed light in reason, furious factions spit anger; though nothing is certain. Possibilities and probabilities float and surround us, remain unseen, ignored, not taken; forever gone.
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 24
Forest floor of religion brambled over, its commandment vines twisted thick by encumbering curves; entangle the feet of genius in obsolete laws and regulations that smother creativity, and so stifle art.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 23
Savage still holding science's sacred ground, in an everlasting standing duel, sharpened edge of the sword of mind sustained throughout, as the world of faith is engaged; to be fought to first blood win.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 22
Black dungeon heart, shut against follies from philosophy's new breeds of men's frivolous fashions of thought; open up. Part the long black veil, and laugh at the foolish faiths men strive so hard to die for.
Monday, November 19, 2012
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 21
The forge of fire tempers a heart of steel. Train through pain to gain. That faint forsaken path just off of the dark canyon road of life may only lead on into a wild wilderness of thorns of regret: Take it anyway.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 20
Chimes of discord, making of this evening into frown, in a distant plain complaint, night sounds play sharpened chord in high distinct; sigh and sow and swear and edge the angry wind with discontent.
Friday, November 16, 2012
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 19
Rise. Howl down the night to spell the dawn in spilling light. Pierce the clouds of doubt. Rays of consciousness spin-toss through warmth of coming Sun, climbed out from bed of black despair.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 18
Banish color from the world and make it sing a simple sepia tune. Leach from it all its hue. Contrast it; high heighten the bleakness of its past from the brightness of its future and chiaroscuro chant of that.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 17
Thinking of trees is in seasons, budding Spring to bare Winter. The tinder of time catches fire late. So bad is its delay, so slow is its ignite; it's good. Lately. Lately. Come you light. Come. Come. Illuminate.
Monday, November 12, 2012
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 16
Weathered stones covered in moss, at annual scheduled ceremony, at grave-sites of veterans of wars; the voices whisper with the tolling of bells their loud regret for lost chance and for wasted opportunity.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 15
Store bought emotion has replaced natural feeling. Even stranger now is delayed response that's made after so long a wait for energy for power and for the buried source and vital fountainhead of sympathy.
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 14
Substitute and insert an idle dream on an indolent day deep inside the closing veil of sleep, a curious thing to contemplate in the smoky blue light of a trance, encased and safe within the bubble of song.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 13
Fling away and abandon that past so filled up with the lies of exceptional-ism of nation and of belief; of favored few that have been given truth and a special destiny, distinct, divided far from the rest of men.
Friday, November 9, 2012
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 12
Close down eyelid of consciousness. Substitute; cruel remove the cobalt blue from out the crystal skies of hope; replace the Sun of Faith by doubt of cancer black; shut-cut handle from off the door of change.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 11
So much for the prayer set in stone of its sacred constitution, grim becomes the politics of this nation. Bless this short sight stone blind love into future for the long view looks towards disconnect from life.
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 10
A promise of heaven is the deliverance of hell; utopias come and go, the world remains just as it is, speaking again and again with white-harsh and pale-blatant shouting voices of down-falling snow.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 9
The latter days of this great depression, of this grand desolation, of an indulgence in despair, are done. Circle round the Sun in colored light. Sketch the dawn in blue and gold. Paint the world in pastel green.
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 8
A storm raging within its ground, laid out weary and worried hard times are come again upon the land; in the wearing of its majesty of fear, the trail of the long black veil of sorrow scrapes to cloud the soul.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 7
Love is the lasting art. It contains a smile secreted in a dissonance in every dream and in every desire. Life sentence that's inscribed, that's tattooed upon the heart; there is no relief from it and no amnesty.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 6
Nature, cured of the presence of Man, is set free and is reprieved. Man's absence lets it loose from humanity's tired discourse, which accords to it some hidden innate purpose or deep subtle design.
Monday, October 22, 2012
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 5
In making of morning a damp clay wearing thunder, black scudded clouds pool. They decreed a prescient woe, a coming Age of Lead descending. Dull color of such dawn spurns ascent of Sun.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 4
Saxophone bright, heavy laden burden of midnight blues spin out in wide spirit waves to crash upon the ear relentlessly, relentlessly; sounds of placenta dreams pouring out from its golden oval orifice.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 3
Sometimes the night winds blow giving off a cool sharp kiss with the salt-stung beer taste of the sea. A rasping noise is heard hard coming out the sea; it's the hiss and groan of waves breaking on the shore.
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 2
A wonderment, so sustained, so kept, within a purity, smelling of newness, hard pavement spanked clean, scrubbed, after soft summer rain; can't get away, always there behind me still attitude of joy.
Monday, October 15, 2012
The Long Wharf Out: Summer Solstice Section 1
The rape of thought is achieved in denial of an audience; censured, done deaf by the closing of the ear. Streets in paralysis, held-back, restrained, can only sing knife-fighting songs; for they know no others.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 35
Stuck into despondent detour slows to slothful dependency, to crawling alignment of mind and heart; brakes and dissolves to black, to a shutting down of everything; stalls, deletes and removes from life.
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 34
There is no warranty on life no guarantee. An angle of a smile may oblique to frown easily enough. Our life makes migration in some flying wild dream of frenzied transport between joy and groan of despair.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 33
Sweet junction of the soul, between what one is and what one does; when we will have that certain knowledge we have finally become what we really are, rather than what the world wishes us to be.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 32
Give to us a garment of shadows, a cloak of smoke to hide our shame. Our down bending ways made for us shameful descendings, a quick drop into oblivion, into hole of sorrows; the fell into well of hell.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 31
Stream of steam clouding evening air, speaking to itself of itself solely, a conversation carried in smoke silence, escaped slow moan in struct stilled night; talks in a sulfurous vapor, to an audience all its own.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 30
Agony, of starts and stops, of the many stations between, skipped and abandoned, deserted, desolate; covered in detritus of time by the lost loves and lusts concealed, flails at its failed momentum forward.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 29
So close to midnight and so close to home, time jumps from off of the rails of memory to marry fortune, hops and detours into imagined sidetrack of nostalgia; soft place of safety away from streets of danger.
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 28
Gold glow opening up the dark, still rolls it by, to smear its shouting whistle whine over the darkened shadowed land; red piercing blooming headlamp shown behind looming nearness of the outside gray.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 27
In the kettledrum shakings of steel track rails, small anger precedes along apace in these wild rabid clatterings, in the screech, in stuttered shuttering; in the push and sudden pull of cars' train wheels.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 26
Sounding scraping loud, train wheels state their distinct aspiration to be rooted deep upon track rails, hard travelling in the dark. Distance dispenses within the screams of an engine pulling unwilling cars.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 25
Train cars tight-linked concatenated by chains of destiny, curves abound around them keeping needed distant rails away; each cab, in danger leaning over far, fast speeds through the black escape of night.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 24
Their brief glances from train windows are taken slyly; their blank faces peering out from behind those unwashed dirty panes upon blighted desolation of longing planes, level, flat, featureless, devoid of life.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 23
From far back, standing silent and still, behind the astonished congregations of the living, this smiling, the uninvited guest, at the wedding of hope and desire; at the switched crossing of life's rails is Death.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 22
Look up and live. Decry this darkness here below. Spare your speech. Hazard your life. Smoking black in a bleak night, the engine of your destruction, wheels turning without mercy, relentlessly travels on.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 21
Is it just this that serves to so soil the brain with the anomaly of detour, in a sidetrack of the mind? The hesitation of blues; that vacancy of sound repeated to a hidden music separated, distant from the soul?
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 20
Charmed by movement and by desire, want for a lavender moon in a purple sky, with thick clouds billowing in pink saffron; instead of the black pervading night devoid of even one disarming light.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 19
Force of promise, force of hope, set in a distant distance blinking, some small tight light lifts its hood covering, shows a spot-white flame, off and on; stability there upon the far smooth breaking horizon.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 18
Wandering winds, your breezes blowing strong, skipping in motion, straying outside of time, out about upon your mobile stepping, out on this dark night absent any moon; fly far away on your ambient ways.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 17
Train of life taking shaking swerve within ever bending arcs; in straight tangent of wheeled continuity that fluoresces in midnight time on determined track to final terminal, to its ending destination: death.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 16
There. Look. Streams of fire in the heavens make rivers of delight; braving those sparks of stars to force a shaking above us in the dark. Lay your head upon my shoulder and stare; just stare, in awe.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 15
Sure and slow the curve of track circles out the iron family of these strung-lined cars in a continuous disappointment within its sinuous arc; so stand you up you favored few and look upon your mortality.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 14
Thoughts dive down; are cleaved to stare into their deepest stasis keeps, dungeons of the soul. Leap back into the well of your worry and into an indifferent light; into the long red shift, shaft of the past.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 13
Dead weather coming tonight, moon hides behind clouds, giving impression of careless cruising, detailing designed declensions; cycles of many generations of decline, futures telling long sleep.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 12
Seeking fast sapphire speeds, train tracks make a never ending blue lightning ladder seemingly up to heaven; shoving forward rungs of fat sparking embers from those friction wars of wheels on the rails.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 11
Delayed dalliance to pick up passengers who had remained all unwilling in scurry to survive a stop to survey their life; for this train is ravenous to fill up its cars, and it is desirous to devour the still living.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 10
Strange is the bright path its transit follows in the night from dusk until the dawn; waltzing down the tracks, growing large, hoary, hastening along, cars strung far apart in frenzied coruscation of sparks.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 9
The weight of it, the pressing down of it, belies its speed. Force holds together its engine and its train upon the rails. Force and force alone speeds it on, on to the City; into its destination, its final terminal.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 8
Bitter is the breath of the coming morning, the coming yellow halitus of dawn spirally out of the tunnel mouth of devastation. Stay night in quiet thought. In movement we will keep our hope and consolation.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 7
Hard working wheels, with gaudy flash of spark, spin faster now on level track, flaring fire in the dark. Change is motion and motion is change. This gives a subtle substance to shadows moving in the night.
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 6
Fiercely revolving in one lone night, in midnight flight, hard-trying wheels are pushing the black train's stammering engine. Ever tightened cycles, far ahead, speed hums away care in swaying, clanging cars.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 5
Suffer night's sulfurous ride on rumbling run-away-train hazarding rails far apart in savage ways; the long black train of many cars, tied together, travels behind the same moaning engine, shrieking blues.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 4
Aurora light sharks this night in waves of crescendos of color in vying hues; its swimming, sparking, back-ground shim is the set of a history of America, steaming forward in the avatar shape of a train.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 3
Cyclone train snorting forwards, furious fast into a spangled night of stars spilled clean of clouds; its angry engine of an empire still as yet drives it ahead, its lamp shining straight in a bright, wide gaze.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 2
Night-crawling steam-engine, with your sleek head-lamp single spot-beam light sweeping forwards, piercing straight to jump-break from the prison of the surrounding and the enclosing dark; travel on.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Grand Central Terminal: Vernal Equinox Section 1
At hiss of steel wheel against a rail and splenetic whistle sounding in the still of the night, when the moon in full has high raised high her lamp of gold above; soul companions ride upon the train of life.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 48
Pause into a question of suspension: What is this ghastliness, this ghostliness, that so enthralls us still? Life!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 47
Winter's bleeding cold is defiance against the dark. Rain comes in to bring with it reflective desolation, questioning lightning's anger's spoken, spiking, spearing, words; hatred spouting harsh resentments.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 46
You gave freedom away to pension your future. You sped your mind into a recession, so twisted trails of decrepitude shadow upon your struggled stumble back home to your beginnings; to scarred reality.
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 45
Flotsam of air, dead trees wave levels of void within their vacant limbs; in their floating high collapsing branches, breaking canopies of fluid desiccation.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 44
Was born when I was born, but had died long before I died; my soul languishes in the empty cavity of heart. It's absent still, robbed of all desire.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 43
Iris closing in the sudden sun, a successive shining begins each breaking day. Even though it be brought in by a winter's sun, it's still excessive. Sunrise serves too much of dawning light too soon.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 42
Always the life that has been fore-tuned in tonic key to chance shall end in dissonance and in a despair.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 41
Look at these graves. That mere scribble set upon this slattern sleeve of earth, so hastily scratched into dust, was the sole will we had. We wanted to remain remembered, every last one of us; not just as a laid out, skeletal, fossil. Once firm writ, now has become indistinct, was inscribed upon tombstone as short legacy for our life. It's erased and is left by a nothing, not to be. We had hoped, at the very least, for some future generation's small memory of care.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 40
Chrome for eyes and steel for a heart, lungs of brass and having copper liver, robot men make a stagger of life; for small in stature, diseased in mind, they struggle even to walk short distance.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 39
Blindfolded man you have no inner star to guide you. Nothing shines within you, just this sad dimming blankness that forever stays inside.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 38
Did it mean anything to you at all; anything, all of them rejected long-lost days? You step each day with a careful liquid foot, while avoiding all the depressed holes from your past. But listen! It's an old music they'll perform. Something that's from that lengthy time before, for memory is the large land that none can survey; just ghosts inhabit it.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 37
Shade and shade alone, a warm shade, is given by the full moon on mid-winter's coldest night; a shield against the memory of the distant sun. Void of deepest indigo serves as a canopy above for a bridge of time.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 36
Woodsman, walk alone. Beware the barks in the night, the howls of beasts that hunt at each other over religion, over politics, over culture; biting at nothings. Silence, as in response to ignorance, is courage.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 35
Take a walk through time. Indignant man, did you expect to change your past? You shall not be forgiven anything. Every word that ever you spoke is a hammer upon you, every word. Every action, a sword strike cutting into you. Did you think you could escape from the recordings of your life? Everything you've done was put down; was notated. Your whole life is a ledger of mediocrity.
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 34
Covered in ashes, colored in daub white hues, its dreaming landscape dressed in beige, where silence is the sole echo of our wintry despair; the mountain of madness rises up before us.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 33
In winter dawn the icicles lit by sun prism into pointed stalactites of glass, into bleed-red and bile-green; for the harsh geometry of life's sorrow is best portrayed within those brood-hard acid colors.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 32
Interrupt to think the new. Hate your teachers. Inflation's vast imagining is beyond their zombie lives. When last have they danced? They survive but are not alive. They seek safety who should seek truth. Their lives are but a long passage into somnolence.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 31
The world begins in a flame. It begins in an invention of time; begins in a benignity of hope of thought: flame, time and thought, together; for they make, create and are each all the same One.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 30
In this twisted light of an early morning dawn, a vanishing of truth occurs. The dead have their lies too. Toll and toll and toll again, tales of my head upon a stake, of my torso in a graveyard, of those stories of all my trials undeserved, that serve for common complaint, as they've stated attested causes for their desperation; dissolve.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 29
And then it falls away, falls away, chained to far hidden corners, the sugar frost of the remaining snow hides within the docket-court of a violet madness in winter's morning's shadows; and soon, soon, shall it be policed into a wet-discharge by the ever-reaching, the ever-devouring, violent clenching sun-light.
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 28
Play only the black keys of life, the sharps, the flats of feeling. Leave those boring whole notes for those who walk by day. We are the night-walkers, the shadow-men who step in twilight.
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 27
Drum beat down, slow dregs and drags, detritus of existence in their covered shrouds and veils, dissipate like dew in sunlight; ghosts have short life from dusk until the dawn. Midnight minds, gamblers musing on chance and luck belonging to the night-walkers of this evening planet, are entertained by moon-musics and by star-fugues, these quiet satisfactions only delivered to them on their long lonely hikes.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 26
Moved into simulation of contemplation, the sun spins out its webs of iridescence through the spider webs connecting the limbs and twigs of trees, in colored spindling triangle spines of light; stating the common reckoning of any night's small-cached prey in woods in any winter's coming dawn, as metered chords in sympathy issue cover by the sad songs of birds, faithful in their despondency that the hounds of jealousy were being again let loose.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 25
Early dawn brings with morning light a tolling of the bells, in giving birth to new, when life of old is done; those bells there loud bleating bare their says of rhyme, telling, telling, telling the tall tale: Time was still left enough to dream; yes, even for you, you the despondent and the abandoned one, who will yet be abiding in this nation of savages. Carry the sun in your heart.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 24
Ribbons cut from pain, saw these patriot teethed ties, the badges sown into minds, their medals of cartridges sliced through body-armor; that pierced the State's ancient assurances, those expressions of dreams of hope, of the deceits of presidents, the soft platitudes of politicians, and of all those flag-bitten forgotten loyalties that, rough-flung, like our sore maimed corpses, were tossed blind into foreign trenches on fields of unmarked graves; none accompanied with the savage blessings from a grateful nation, upon this false Memorial Day.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 23
A keeping light shines through, lantern of times-past, expelling nostalgia upon this demon eve. Night winds are wan-white colored fast in hue, exhausted, tired with our tied desires, their airy currents tethered by muttered aspirations into pale-hued chords, designed to mute and soften chants of regret; to sputter in songs of remorse.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 22
Stunted-stilled dead stars, burned out remnants of once fiery suns, fierce in their past glory, shed no more for us any shining. Remembered words, that were as searing liquid torches on live tongues, are dried-out scattered whispers now; are embers weighted down by our soft, fat, decadent age. We're watchers in the dark, sensing in dumb darkness, scuttling, that in heavy silence, moves.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 21
Holster your anger and carry it at cant on your hip. That which for them shall serve for a futile contradiction is for us simple confirmation, wallowing the sickly light twining this dank darkness of our lives; neither a moon nor a sun, but a doubled-system of crimson stars.
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 20
Comes the thunder. Comes the groaning in the clouds. For our reality is a worm-wave, wriggling towards a thin yellow existence; desiring for recognition, for a final red redemption: a string aspiring between the nothing that is and the stated identity that it's become; ghost that's disclosing false stasis within Nature, hologram of That-Which-Is.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 19
Speak o memory. The voice of death has a cutting cleanness to it, a sharp edged shaping of dialog in its commentary on life. Slicing deep and dark spoken, knifed from a tongue of an old nostalgia's palest fire; it brings with it a remembrance of the days of thunder, of those nights flamed with the lightnings of desire.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 18
Night is so cold it shivers with sodden bitterness. Night becomes brittle broken dark; for hard rains are a-coming down, bringing stinging wet sighs upon the heads of evening dreamers, giving to their faces a ghostly kiss upon their turned-up beckoning lips.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 17
Tired eyes see cemetery dreams; from the tenor of hope onto the baritone of dread, the thin cello thread of life is severed in two; each part curled into itself, separated, sliced, made distinct, to be drawn up, to be covered up, in a canvass of parched and dried up crackling fear.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 16
Black canyon walls, blank barrenness of space, give pretense of sound, a cunning deception of direction, that enters into the orifice of the ear, invades the brain, sets the mind afire with its sad story; a tale that echoes its ancient histories of evangelism, a discourse absent of sense, of all maps and legends. The mistakes and many regrets of long dead ancestors yet still walk silent in our company, as whispering strangers to we the living.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 15
Bared bars, the prisms of the transit to eternity, black glow of tongues in their white mouths, the pale spirits of the dead are talking. They are speaking in fire. They say: A deafness pervades this world, a lacking of that comprehension so necessary for survival. It makes for a turning of those of us, those who are now still alive, of our heads, of our heads being twisted away from the truth. "It's a sad religion that would ever seek to censor love." Yes for it's that they are saying; for it's just this flame of truth they're all conveying.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 14
All fall down in measured genuflections to the present age. Conversations among the dead slip smothered syllables inside shrouds of swaying grayness, giving gasping guttered chains of light from toothless mouths; their gum-less throttled throats are filled with a sliding honeyed stifled tenderness in these hard times.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter solstice Section 13
A trembling awe follows upon the tumbling down, the falling of snow, shed tears from drunken ghosts; torrents of white in moonlight shine a glistening, ribbons of flannel falling.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 12
A rustling high above is come, heard faint is this hurricane of days, storm-dancing trees swaying their slender canopies, in a syncopated violence that slants their tops; to soft catch and to tender counter, those harden throws from angry winds.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 11
This is us; this is us on our dark journey into the black caldera of the soul, smoldering in anger. Abandon it. Obdurate the light. Stifle it in sighs. Blot it out. Let it die in you while you're shuffling through this wicked world. Let it burn away; yes burn, burn it all away, torched by your despair.
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 10
Stank, sweating, swooning words swear at the rent of life; to howl again in the rank chants coming up from the dank earth, songs which echo complaint against the black fires that are come again to be rained down, released upon us, without surcease.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 9
A slip, a slide, and then a succumbing stumble in the scree; regaining feet upon the path upwards, on upwards, towards the peak of Blue Mountain.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 8
O to give me just one single candle-light of hope. I'm just a visitor here, am but a temporary transient; soon I will be leaving this place of dreams. Sloth had unmade me, has stole my zeal; and so, I sought for a harder place in which to stay. I looked for a bed of stone on which to lay. I had such hope once; but it's here I'll now abide.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Blue Mountain Blues: Winter Solstice Section 7
No man can be happy if he should chose to be an exile from his own nature to become an enemy of his own soul. All that is, is: Thought Illuminating Being. Clasp in your mind a sword. Cut and sever the reins, the straps, of your society. They which would use you and lose you have no ties on you.
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