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Response To That Final Question:
Ignorance is the Bane of Man.
At a distance removed,
Dimly remembered, and
Still not seen distinct,
But yet somehow felt;
What we do sense
Is not reality; is not the Real Thing.
This World is hologram.
Then; for lucid sleep;
For it's just a dream
Within another dream
And we are not awake.
Seven Stars' Song of Revelation
Is possible but through knowledge.
Don't fear nor spurn. Dare to learn:
Assent to and accept this world as it is
Before attempting ascent to any world
Aspired to or wished for. Life's glorious!
That That Is can be known but by few.
Not space, not time, not gravity exists;
But as Extension from Field of Thought.
Be subject to neither church nor crown.
Dread naught. Disdain none: Not One!
Absent That That Is, there's Nothing.
That That Is, IS. That That's Not, IS, too.
That That's Not makes That That Is: IS.
Be subject to neither church nor crown.
Dread naught. Disdain none: Not One!
Absent That That Is, there's Nothing.
That That Is, IS. That That's Not, IS, too.
That That's Not makes That That Is: IS.
That That Is makes That That's Not BE.
By rowing to That That Is, I become "I."
Wind + Water = Wave. As THOUGHT is
Wind + Water = Wave. As THOUGHT is
The Heart and The Nave of The Wheel.
Worlds are created from Thought alone.
That which we will do is because of that
What we are. We'll become who we are.
Charity, courtesy, civility, compassion,
Are cardinal spokes making civilization;
Chivalry forms center, hub's circle core.
IS is! Be not the slave of some other's I.
This, Creed of our Seven Stars Society;
This, The Teaching of the Seven Stars:
No man can be happy if he should choose
To be exile from his own nature and soul.
Precognitive Prescient Prophetic Poetry by WILLIAM O'CONNOR
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Apotheosis: Exercise, the Brain and Power
We live in a sick society, one that is suffering from a severe mass amnesia. We have become strangers to ourselves and need to find ourselves. How to acquire the will to do so requires using our inborn energy, our power. The question is: how best to find it to unleash it; to set it free, so that one can move from a state of apathy onto a transcendental state of apotheosis. Power is directed by the brain; specifically by the ventro-medial pre-frontal neo-cortex, where visualization and mimetic representation occurs, and by the hippo-campi, where neuro-genesis and memory retrieval occurs. The brain functions through moving the body. One of the problems encountered with exercise is avoiding the wrong kind of exercise. The wrong kind can damage you by restricting the expression of energy, and there are a great many wrong kinds. Many of the standard stretching routines actually damage the tendons. In addition, certain kinds of exercises are just plain bad for the body. Any treadmill type of exercise is bad. Any stationary exercise is bad. Any repetitive exercise is bad. Why are they so bad? Because they don't stimulate the brain. They are boring. Movement exercise, such as a martial arts form, is good; provided that the form is sufficiently aerobic. Martial exercises are good because doing martial forms requires one to utilize the memory in performance...in performing martial arts forms, one visualizes the applications of the various postures. Today, with so many unemployed, many cannot afford to take classes in martial arts under a qualified instructor; but because of YouTube, many martial forms are freely available for perusal. Find one that appeals to you and practice that. Just as in gaining access to the Internet you will choose the best browser, choose whichever form works best for you. Of course, you would always want to pursue some form that opens up all your joints, in particular your hip and shoulder joints. Why? Because energy washes through the body like ocean waves approaching a beach. If the joints are closed, the energy wave could crash against the tendons in those joints, harming them. Let's go yet a little deeper. Mysteries are so mysterious because of a lack of understanding, and that's why we study and we train: to master them. There are no ancient mysteries, because all the ancient ones were solved and the solutions are readily available if one knows where to look; but there are certainly many present existing mysteries that now need solutions. Speaking of solutions, there is an unfortunate tendency today to try to equate the human and the divine. This tendency is in error: it's wrong. Frankly, such a concept is insane. Divinity, the demonstrated ability for creativity, resides within sentience only; in those beings with the capacity for consciousness...beings like us. The divine is just one part of being human. It's one aspect only, the creative aspect that is God. God is a part of us because we are conscious: the divine is our compassionate, our creative part. Let's discuss that God-part then. Because we are conscious we are divine, since we have within ourselves an innate capacity for creativity; but we are far more than divine---we are human. We have the capability to direct our own evolution through our own creativity...genomic design. We could people the stars. For those who may be interested in mind-experience (say in the so-called paranormal Noe-tic Sciences); in order to achieve any power whatsoever over matter, real psychic training involves utilizing one's heart and lungs as well as one's brain. Sedentary meditative exercises, unless such exercises involve the focused intention of movement when contemplated, whether or not one actually physically moves, are all valueless---useless; and this is why so many millions who practice such exercises have absolutely no powers---they can't cure anyone with their minds, neither themselves or others---they can't actually" see" energy---so, they've wasted their time, and sometimes their entire lives, practicing the wrong methods. Let's be clear here: We are speaking about verifiable cures. That person was ill and now that person is well directly because of your psychic intervention. If you want to have power, you must meditate on movement and change! Now this adage applies to any religion, and to any philosophy. All. If your religion and/or your philosophy doesn't enhance your psychic abilities, go find a religion or a philosophy that does grant you such ability because your old religion and philosophy is frankly a fraud. Don't waste your life on nonsense. Movement and change are the keys to power and not static stillness. Energy is energy, whether the energy be psychic or sexual. The old saying: "In stillness there is strength" is often misinterpreted. What it means is: when confronted, do not fear. Do not be afraid. Do not show any anger or hostility towards them that are challenging you. Do not be intimidated by life and circumstance. Be brave. Be bold. In order not to show fear or anger, one must be calm and cool and be confident in oneself. Confidence requires both strength and skill. Strength and skill come from long training. There are no short cuts in exercise, but the exercise has to be of the right kind in order to achieve power. Otherwise, you're simply wasting your time! In considering any form of training, the predominant question is: Does this stuff work? Do you feel that your energy, your power, is increasing? If what you're trying to achieve is apotheosis, an actual transcendental transformation, you simply can't achieve it by thinking about it or by reading about it---yes, you do actually have to do something about it, and that something is physical; as it's only through the physical that the spiritual can ever be known---you do have to move. You must sweat! Some sort of system such as the "Golden Eagle Set" (as detailed in my two e-books for the Amazon Kindle: Heart-Healing The Chariot Way and The Chariot Way The Dream of Crom) should be practiced daily. Why? Well, research has shown that at least three positive innate hereditary traits are directly related: those of entrepreneurship, intelligence and creativity; but we also know all three rely upon increasing brain function and that comes through your own efforts. The mind needs its nourishment. Although the reading and the studying of esoteric texts can sometimes be helpful in supplying this nourishment, it's only through prolonged daily physical effort that the body and ultimately the mind can be sufficiently stimulated to be transformed. Sitting still won't do it; the correct kind of exercise will. Don't fall into the trap of despondency. Don't despair. Smile. Too many people are critics and not creators and they tend to demean everything, but anger never found anything new. It's important to at least try to find something new that no one else has ever discovered as it makes of life an adventure instead of a trial. Relax. Calm down. So many have allowed their anger to strangle themselves with the hidden rage that's buried inside their own entrails. Not that you ever need to; but if you do, be your own redeemer. Despite all our travail, all we may expect from all our strife is to cause a small ripple upon the still surface of the deep lake of life, but who knows to how far a shore that ripple shall travel? Even the whisper of a small breeze upon the still water might stir a wave. Truth is cloaked in similes and symbols; so that's it for the prose portion of this Blog, the rest is poetry! All that was written and will be written is a plagiarism from Nature. Nothing is ever inevitable; not even death...doubt is good. Any questions, queries, comments and criticisms on/or about anything whatsoever; please, leave them at http://Heart-Healing.ning.com and/or simply e-mail me directly at: oconnor.rothcroi.william@gmail.com
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Science and Religion
In the silence of the Self comes a revelation: The purpose of religion is to cause real change in the time-space of an adherent; in other words, change in reality, in the here and now, in the present, and never in that after-life that some faiths preach. The change that's desired in the adherent is very different for different religions, and it is very specific. Note that the change produced is not necessarily one that is in any way beneficial to the adherent (although it might well be so); but the desired destined change is definitely beneficial to the survival of the religion, and therefore also to the survival of whichever specific ethnic-linguistic sub-group had originally invented the religion. Religion is a methodology for myth-making to produce change. Religion serves the same purpose as does art: To create change through psychic transcendental transformation. However, there is a subtle distinction as to the difference between religion and art. In art, the artist is active in his or her creation. Religion is art-full in the sense that religion, like art, is always designed; but the design in religion is not created by the adherent, but instead by the culture of the adherent. All human cultures are religious, though their religions differ radically as do their cultures. Art is individualistic while religion demands collectivity, a group, a gang. And exactly like in art, it's an invention. Humanity invented religion, just as it had invented the wheel, and probably at around the very same time by the convergence of mental evolution, since the universal wheel symbol or a derivative of it (signifying cyclic time-space) is contained within almost all religions. Religions strive to give meaning to the patterns inherent in cyclic events, particularly to the birth-death cycle. The reason religions have adherents is because they do actually work to produce changes in real time; for if religions didn't work, they would be lacking any actual survival value for the sub-groups that invented them and would be quickly abandoned. Of course, for another sub-group, no benefit is derived. No religion could be universal, though some claim to be so. Religion is a selfish invention. Evolution is pragmatic even though it is indifferent and lacks a specific design or any specific designer (men make the gods; gods don't make men). The problem with religion is that every adherent to every religion wishes far different changes to occur; so there exists a conflict of wants between adherents of different faiths, sometimes leading to wars. This is intentional. Religion causes war, not because adherents of various faiths misunderstand the precepts of their respective faiths, but precisely because they do understand those precepts well. Religion is a biological mechanism designed (since all religions are created by men, all religions are designed) to assist and to ensure the relative evolutionary survival of particular ethnic-linguistic sub-groups by the demise and suppression of all others. One of the best proofs for the validity of the theory of evolution is the existence of competing religions and of the competing sects that tend to exist within every religion. These sects are evolutionary mechanisms, similar to a breed evolving into a sub-species. All religions evolve so that they'll come to represent more that one ethnic-linguistic group (that's why every major religion has so many schisms between its sects---those sects represent different groups). The way religions compete is by taking on contrasting views of the universe, and in particular views of the time-space of the universe, the time-space being the dimensional reality in which humans reside. All religions will advocate that their view of reality is true and real, and that any rational objections to their view can't be answered because reality is fundamentally ineffable and unable to be understood by the paucity of human reason and logic. By the action of demeaning human knowledge, religions deliberately cause and promote a unique elite cadre to be formed of clerics, priests and monks, the pundits, who then serve as official interpreters of the religion for the uneducated and unsophisticated: that's us. Of course, politics and science can themselves become religions, as they too shall have their special cadres of elites who claim that their views of reality are also accordingly both the true and real. They know...so we don't. Religion simply hides itself under other names. How one views reality will determine one's behavior. People who fear the divine, for instance as in those religions that make the divine to be the ultimate reality, shall also fear life and therefore can be easily manipulated. Any faith fearing the divine, or any faith fearing those authorities representing the divine, whether that faith be one that is secular (the divine could be a state too or could be a state's constitution---plenty of people, many millions, have died for and have killed for the spurious gods of patriotism) or the faith be one that is sacred (as those in where the will of the divine is considered to be inscribed onto some holy scroll---millions have died and are still dying for such dried deeds), is: pure evil. Pure evil! A strong statement, though an accurate one, as any belief system, any faith in creed or flag, sacred or secular, that demands subservience, servitude and servility, demeans and diminishes humanity. Though we live in an age where there are more people of genius alive today than ever before, we also live in an age where there are more people alive who could be accurately classified as mentally retarded and intellectually deficient. It's precisely these people, the intellectually deficient, who are constantly and continuously attempting to sell and advertise their erroneous visions of reality to others. Those of genius need never sell to each other, but they do and should argue with each other. It is their arguments that must be studied to ascertain whether some have validity. Why take the trouble to study them? How one views reality does have a direct affect on how one acts, so one's reality view ought to be as complete and as correct as possible. Study genius and disregard the viewpoints of the retarded. Their views don't matter. Very few people actually understand the matter on which they pontificate, so why waste one's time on frivolous speech? If you strive to study of and with the best, eventually you should become the best. One shall always be dealing with differing interpretations of reality, and in having to adapt one's own behavior to those realities that society sees, none of which will be true; so the greater effort that could be expended in the studying and scrutinizing of what is actually known, and in acquiring whatever knowledge is available out there, gives one real advantages in arriving at the truth. Once the truth is finally known, whether the truth be about the nature of the universe or about anything else, only then can one even begin to act upon it. Because of this vast reserve of accumulated knowledge, humanity has crossed an evolutionary line into another human species, as advances in genome science now allow humanity to design itself through genetic engineering. Though there are many legal restrictions on the usage of genetic manipulation in the modification of humans, such modification is already taking place. Because of such modification, new religions, to service the needs of these new humans, will be born. New religions for new men. New religions are being created all the time, but as religion implies collectivist community, there has to be a minimum level of adherents for the religion to survive (just as in biology, there needs to be a minimum level of fertile members for a species to thrive). The prevalence of so many apocalyptic religions at the present time means most people are obsessed with the fact of their own personal death and not ready to accept their fated mortality; an attitude that is sad and rather silly. Stupid too. Stay away from all such childish religions. Of the thousands of religions that already exist, seek those aimed at adults. Religion ought to meet one's personal need for meaning, purpose and point to a destiny...much the same as does art. The Time-Space we live in is an echo and a reflection of reality. It's a sham, a simulacrum, a hapless forgery---but a faded shadow of a shadow; not The Real Thing. The conflicts that one sees in the world stem from antique obsolete ideologies based upon false conceptions of reality. Seeking a correct conception of what is real can resolve the conflicts; as even though a full realization of what is real might never occur, the act of seeking is in itself sufficient to achieve a resolution as it exposes the underlying lie of the ideologies that give rise to conflict. What is false is found to be without a foundation by careful contemplation. Seek, find, compare; then decide what's real...what's the truth.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Physics of Confrontations
One of the common problems that one runs into today is the meanness of men. For instance, in the United States alone, there are over seven hundred thousand individuals who are registered as being sex offenders. These are mainly individuals who have been convicted of a felony sex crime, usually rape. The problem with sex offenders is that they are recidivists and so tend to commit the same sort of offenses over and over again. Sex offenders run in families. If the father was an offender, the father's offspring tend to be offenders also, and there is strong evidence of a genetic predisposition in offenders. They commit sex crimes because of who they are. Almost all sex criminals carry a blade or a knife of some sort in order to attempt to intimidate their intended victims with the real threat of potential disfigurement. This is not an idle threat; as all rapists are misogynistic, they hate the women that they rape. The training necessary to survive such encounters, when they occur (and they do occur), involves the use of the forearms, elbows, knees and shins as striking weapons. All of the techniques involve protecting the inside of the legs, the abdomen, the ribs, the inside of the arms and the torso itself from being slashed. Higher level techniques involve guiding the path of the bladed weapon into the attacker's own body, but such techniques require frequent practice to properly utilize them in confrontation; how one practices is how one will act in confrontations. The reason practice is so necessary is that one has to position one's own body to the outside of the arm holding the bladed weapon to avoid being slashed, and this positioning requires very quick, very precise stepping. It's only with daily practice that the correct stepping can be achieved.
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